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MKX: The 3 to 6 Month Rule


So MKX is just a little over a month from being released, and I know we have had these kind of threads in the past but I want to bring this issue back to the forefront, when is a good time for NRS to release a patch for the game? I for one am not a fan of constantly patching a game, I feel that all the bullshit that is found in the initial release should either A. (Be banned from competitive play when found.) & B (Be addressed & fixed when the patch is released). Now I know NRS are capable to release quiet hot fixes to the game when they please so I'm sure they will be able to fix the small problems in the game, but as for the big issues they should all be found, compiled and fixed in one big patch, instead of here n there. I just don't want to have a repeat of what was MK9 as far as characters getting the nerf bat and never getting their competitive edge back, like jade, kano, ect. I mean do you guys agree that patches shouldn't happen off the back? Or do some of u plan to scream ur head off for patches, if there is something or someone who you think is OP & unfair in the game?


Man of Tomorrow
The way they've been doing it, patch all the overtly strong/weak/broken stuff and then have the big balance patch months later.


The way they've been doing it, patch all the overtly strong/weak/broken stuff and then have the big balance patch months later.
We saw how well that worked out for Injustice. To this day, it could still use ANOTHER balance patch, but that obviously didn't happen due to how NRS handle the patching process.

They throw out a balance patch and then there's still lots of shit that needs to get fixed but it wasn't because they released their final patch too early on.


Man of Tomorrow
We saw how well that worked out for Injustice. To this day, it could still use ANOTHER balance patch, but that obviously didn't happen due to how NRS handle the patching process.

They throw out a balance patch and then there's still lots of shit that needs to get fixed but it wasn't because they released their final patch too early on.

Balance is never gonna be perfect though so there's no right time for a patch, final or otherwise., SF has been getting balanced for 5 years and there's still really strong characters/tactics and really weak ones. Regardless of when you do you final big patch there's always something around the corner like MorriDoom which took years until people realized how strong the team was.


Plus on block.
I feel like aside from a few serious fixes here and there, they should do it SF4 style.

I actually like that, compile all the little stuff and rereleased he game with some added content here and there, but not at full price and available as a digital download for even cheaper.


bye felicia
We saw how well that worked out for Injustice. To this day, it could still use ANOTHER balance patch, but that obviously didn't happen due to how NRS handle the patching process.

They throw out a balance patch and then there's still lots of shit that needs to get fixed but it wasn't because they released their final patch too early on.
There will always be a need for one more patch. SF4 is seven years old, they still haven't gotten it right.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
I say have one patch 1 month in to fix any obvious issues (Bane has no dash, for example) and then let it ride past that until EVO.
Just to ensure the game has some vauge form of balance so we can maybe see more than 3 characters in top 8.
Don't need another year of getting boo-ed :(


Man of Tomorrow
I feel like aside from a few serious fixes here and there, they should do it SF4 style.

I actually like that, compile all the little stuff and rereleased he game with some added content here and there, but not at full price and available as a digital download for even cheaper.

Paying for patches is an awful concept to me in this day, patches can be downloaded at any time unlike these companies having to ship new carts. Paying 15-40 dollars just so I have the latest version of the 60 dollar game I bought a few months/a year ago seems off to me.


I think Balance wise there is always going to be something too strong or too weak. They have to let us make the adjustments to it instead or else we will end up with a balance patch every month in a half. Nothing should really be touched unless its just to broken for anyone to deal with. I know the community is big on variety as much as possible to keep things fresh which is cool, but at least 10 months or so.
Street Fighter has taught me the longer you stick it out the more impact and hype is caused when that balance patch does get delivered.


cr. HP Master
If there is something completely broken, like a infinite or fixable glitch, it should be patched out immediately. Everything else should be given time to develop, but that's not how its going to happen and we all know it lol. NRS will cater to the very casual players who will stop playing in a few months. Kano, DS, on top of others were unnecessarily nerfed. It's going to happen again.

It would be nice if they balanced the game accordingly and released UMKX or some shit 2-3 years from now to include a balance change, new characters, and stages.


There's never a right answer for this. Contrary to most, I think the patching for Injustice, despite the inconsistency, was fine for the most part, Scorpion scare aside (and we have ourselves to blame for that one).


Kytinn King
Paying for patches is an awful concept to me in this day, patches can be downloaded at any time unlike these companies having to ship new carts. Paying 15-40 dollars just so I have the latest version of the 60 dollar game I bought a few months/a year ago seems off to me.
I guess it's preference because I wouldn't mind that, I mean bought every iteration of DoA and they barely balanced out the top tiers to make enough of a difference.


Meow Hoes
Day 1 patch, hotfix, 1 month patch, hotfix, (DLC season) October patch, hotfix, one year patch. I would like.
But its their game and they can do what ever the hell they want,(as long as its good) if people quit they quit we have survived with a "small" community twice and we could do it again.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
This is all pointless discussion, because in the end NRS will patch what the general population bitches about most as quickly as they want until WB tells them to move on to something else.


Administrator and Community Engineer
So MKX is just a little over a month from being released, and I know we have had these kind of threads in the past but I want to bring this issue back to the forefront, when is a good time for NRS to release a patch for the game?
When it's needed.

This is the only correct answer for when to patch a game. No one can say *before* a game is released when it should be patched. It depends on many things:

-Are there major issues with the game at release?
-Is the game relatively balanced or are there obviously broken tactics dominating the playfield?
-Are there glitches, bugs, or obvious meta issues that need changing (like the tracking of interactibles or ineffective anti-airs in early IGAU)
-Are there things that are ruining the game or online experience for the broader community, or will generally make a mockery of the game when it's showcased?
-How much location testing was done? Was the game pre-released in arcades? How many people have spent significant amounts of time with it an worked out the kinks?

This decision should not be made beforehand and no one can tell a company what to do. It's pointless to even speculate and people need to trust NRS to do what's needed when it's needed.
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