I'd love for these GL mains complaining about GL sucking to try playing an actual shitter like Ares, Nightwing, Cyborg, etc.
i dabble with NW
and for the record i dont think GL is horrible he just isnt top 10 and that isnt debatable
1. MMH
2. Aquaman
3. Batgirl
4. Zod
5. Superman
6. Batman
7. Flash
8. Wonder Woman
9. Black Adam
10.take your pick between Bane, Raven (who apparently only has 3 bad MU's), and Doomsday, maybe Sinestro too but him and GL are close
i guess you can try to make an argument for #10 but i dont think he's better than Bane lol
im not saying GL is terrible or bottom tier but how could he be top 10? who in there is he decisively better than? the upplayers say he has at LEAST 6 bad matchups (i say its more but thats another topic lol)
sometimes im downplaying but you guys upplay ALOT too. no im not terrible with the character im just aware that he's very average, he is capable but he's at disadvantage alot of the time. are there worse characters? obivously but dont be delusional and think GL is some god then play a decent Raven or Sinestro and realize how big of a deal mobility is lol