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Stock Market NEC Edition: Well an alien DID win


Best Doomsday in the world
For the record I didn't try to make up for anything by playing Noobe that first to five. I've never played the mirror before and knew I was going to get bodied. DMS asked us to play it every time he saw me since the second I got there. I told him I'd throw down $10 for fun and we'd grind it out later. There's no rivalry between me and Noobe. You'd know that if you went. That's all I'm going to say about this though. The rest of the blowups I deserve.


What's a Smarrgasm?
Grundy dont stop -________-

Nice write up Bit. Pools are my master, especially making it to winners finals and then getting hit with the 0-2 bug =/ I will no longer make a stink if anyone wants to say ill get 17th forever. Its 3 in a row now. At least this time it wasnt cause i choked. Im happy with how i played in all and im not mad about how or who i lost to. I had a great time all weekend regardless. Cant wait until next time!

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
16 bit: Stock down -- Authoritatively stated that "no one from the Break or Next Level is doing well at this tournament" just as Next Level was putting a Bane into Top 8 Winners and DarthArma was tearing his way into Top 8 ;) Has to talk smack vicariously through PimPimJim because he would probably get bodied by Zyphox if he showed up to a major even after giving himself the extra hit of armor in the patch. Most memorable IGAU tournament accomplishment is showing up to a local dressed as a female burglar.

Ok not really. But someone had to get him back.


Yeah but that costume was worth at least the prestige of top 3 finish at a regional.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
Paulo Garcia: Stock up. The first major after the biggest patch may have been the greatest Injustice tournament to date. Full of fast pace action, never before seen shenanigans, oddball characters achieving success, comebacks, blowups, everything you could ask for in a tournament. The days of Black Adam and Superman boring us to tears are over. Those who brag about not playing got bodied and can step aside for a new era of hype. The biggest props of all go to all of NRS for this great patch and the players who put on a hell of a show.
this the best part by far :cool:


My stock is fair. But to be honest the only person I was really worried about in top 8 was Theo, and that was who I had to face first lol. I feel like if I would have won that match than top 8 would have gone much differently. Because next I would have had to fight Blind Ducky, than next I would have had to fight Noobe (both of whom I beat in money matches this weekend.) Than I would have been in top 3 with Tyrant and Pimpimjim. I know the Grundy matchup with Batman like the back of my hand. But I have no idea what would have happend with me vs Pimpimjim in grand finals.

Either way it was an awesome tournament, definitely the funnest I have been to in a long time. Between Friday Saturday and Sunday combined I got less than 5 hours of sleep lol. But I'm happy with my performance in both games :D Probably done going to tournaments until Evolution 2014


The Free Meter Police
Zyphox Yo, don't take it so personally man. This is a stock market thread. Nobody is safe. Don't be pissed you were blown up. The only way to get props in a stock market thread is to beat the shit out of almost everybody.

If you recall correctly, 16 bit blew himself up in previous stock market threads where he did poorly. Everything is going to be ok.


Where's the 16bit stock? Did he not play in the tourny? Just garnished his GGA pom poms and played the role of cheerleader (amazing mental image you all know it)?


All I saw Zyphox really try to say was that he didn't go 0-2, so he asked why it was advertised as such.
Hyperbole creates more hype. This thread is a joke the OP admits that so it's no big deal to stretch the truth. He depicts people as being blown up, washed up, etc. where everyone who watched knows the matches in question were sometimes really close and not blow ups.