can someone tell me her max 1 meter mid screen and corner combos?
They've been posted multiple times but here are the ones that I use (some not max but pretty close to and much easier execution)
Midscreen reset
(overhead) b2u3, b2u3, d2~bf1, ji2, 111 (28%)
(low) b12, b2u3, d2~bf1, ji2, 111 (26%)
(overhead) b2u3, b2u3, ji2, df2 (MB), d2~bf1, ji2, 111 (35% 1 bar)
(low) b12, f23~df2 (MB), d2~bf1, ji2, 111 (34% 1 bar)
Midscreen Damage
(Overhead) b2u3, ji2, f23~df2 (MB), 212~db2u (42% 1 bar)
(Low) b12, f23~df2 (MB), 212~db2u (38% 1 bar)
(Overhead) b2u3, b2u3, ji2, f212~db2u (36% meterless)
(Low) b12, b2u3, d2~bf1, b3, ji3, f2~db2u (32% meterless)
Corner damage
(Overhead) b2u3, f23, f23, f23~df2 (MB) f23~db2u (54% 1 bar)
(low) b1~db2u, f21, f21, f23~df2 (MB), f23~db2u (53% 1 bar)
If you want absolute max damage in corner;
ji2, 111~db2u, f23, f23~db2u, df2 (MB), f23~db2u (62%) but good luck with that as it's hella hard to link.
The midscreen ones are max damage.