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"I'm a Real Pain in the @%# huh?" - Batgirl General Discussion Thread


AUS FGC represent!
What is the general consensus of BG? I haven't seen her at a tourney at all. How does she fair against the top two of the cast BA and SUpes?
I'd say both are 5-5.

Batgirl gets a free out of f23 pressure with bat evade. She doesn't have to deal with laser zoning because yolo teleport and her vortex means she can pretty much match damage with supes.

Black Adam is actually probably slightly in his favour (5.5-4.5). His ridiculous mobility allows him to avoid teleports and his whiff punish range is ridiculous thanks to his stupid dash.

Trip Se7ens

Nom Nom
I'd say both are 5-5.

Batgirl gets a free out of f23 pressure with bat evade. She doesn't have to deal with laser zoning because yolo teleport and her vortex means she can pretty much match damage with supes.

Black Adam is actually probably slightly in his favour (5.5-4.5). His ridiculous mobility allows him to avoid teleports and his whiff punish range is ridiculous thanks to his stupid dash.
Is she able to deal with the likes of Grundy, DD, and bane? How does she break through armour?

AK Gookus

Slant-eyed Nightwing
I agree with Panic, the damage is still of course, slightly in Supes favor cause he just has to find the one mistake while you have to hope he guesses wrong. But shutting down his air laser attempts brings me joy.
As for Black Adam, trying to constantly pressure him and he gets that backdash into a 40% meterless...just makes you start playing worse. LOTS of patience required for this match up.


AUS FGC represent!
Is she able to deal with the likes of Grundy, DD, and bane? How does she break through armour?
Grundy she has little problems with (imo) although some people disagree. She has no reason to approach Grundy at all (she can chuck bolas and batarangs all day) Grundy has no way of touching her without approaching (bab's dash puts her in the air and avoids swamp hands) and her damage (although not Grundy level) is still really good. She can d1 through a lot of the holes in Grundy's block strings and many of her normal strings have grab immune frames.

Against DD she does have some problems. Traited, DD can rush in sure he has to respect the cartwheel and d1~bf3, but as batgirl's d1 is shitty she kinda looses here. If timed correctly, babs can teleport on reaction to supernova and punish with a vortex combo. DD can reverse her wakeups in the corner but if they're not careful, teleport will still connect (say if they go for the preemptive attack). Super nova can also be punished by MB b3 into vortex. Batgirl has to really rush down DD during his trait cooldown and hope she gets the vortex at some point. The stage Ferris Aircraft is a godsend in this MU.

I haven't really got that much Bane experience so I can't really comment there. I've played a few (mediocre) Banes and haven't had any troubles but I don't think they're representative of what Bane can actually do in the MU. Given batgirl's great wake up options, I imagine she shuts down most of Bane's oki game while still being able to punish shiz, however this is just theory-crafting on my part.

As for armour, her cartwheel is multihit (3 or 4 hits iirc) and she can MB her batarangs (throws 5 from memory) as well to stuff up some armours. Armour heavy characters however are some of her not so great match ups

If you're looking for what matchups she really struggles in, they are the following:

Aquaman (her worst MU)
Nightwing (her second worse)
Grundy (debatable)
Bane (debateable)

The rest of the cast she goes even with or beats.


+ on block 50/50s
It seems her j1 and j2 are instant overheads (tested on crouching Batgirl and Killer Frost). j1 isn't worth going for except as a match ender. j2 combos into TP but is tougher. Her mixup is already strong and this is just another albeit riskier option she has.


AUS FGC represent!
It seems her j1 and j2 are instant overheads (tested on crouching Batgirl and Killer Frost). j1 isn't worth going for except as a match ender. j2 combos into TP but is tougher. Her mixup is already strong and this is just another albeit riskier option she has.
j2, 212, df2(MB), d2~bf1, ji2, 111 is a vortex combo off ji2.

You can also go;

j2, 21~bf3(MB) , b3, ji3, d2~bf1, ji2, 111 for another vortex combo that is safe if blocked (j2, 21~bf3 jails and is +1 on block and the MB won't come out unless it connects)

j1 is also +10 on block so it jails nicely and allows you to (sorta) go for a vortex attempt with b1 or b2.

J3 is +15 on block (free vortex attempt!) and if you do it right you can link j3, b12, b2u3, etc. as well on hit.

Air to air jump 2 teleport is definitely a viable option but otherwise j2~teleport is hella risky (you can't confirm it, you have to commit to it before the overhead hits and she is -1000000 on block).


*Supreme Member*
is Batgirl OP? ppl are saying shes OP cuz of meterless vortex, but still. I think you have to play very sneaky with her to get the wins.


is Batgirl OP? ppl are saying shes OP cuz of meterless vortex, but still. I think you have to play very sneaky with her to get the wins.

I agree! Played with her off and on for a couple of weeks and even though I feel that she is very good. You have to play with her very careful. Almost with the intent of countering your opponent movements. Good yes, OP no! Because you have to train your opponents into a certain style you want. Unlike other characters where you can throw things out braindead like. But she is still very good though. I am still puzzled why more people don't play her.

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is Batgirl OP? ppl are saying shes OP cuz of meterless vortex, but still. I think you have to play very sneaky with her to get the wins.

a good player with a good amount of charecters can outspace her at the midrange and punish her mistakes hard. She's pretty damn good though but there is work on making her get in there and get that b1 or b2 starter.


*Supreme Member*
Hey Batgirl mains, pls take a look and tell me what I can do to improve my Batgirl.

I know I could have optimized some bits here and there but i dropped some combos along with some bola resets.

However this is just some online casual play. Nothing serious. Please gimme some feedback, I'd appreciated it.



Hey Batgirl mains, pls take a look and tell me what I can do to improve my Batgirl.

I know I could have optimized some bits here and there but i dropped some combos along with some bola resets.

However this is just some online casual play. Nothing serious. Please gimme some feedback, I'd appreciated it.

I see no reason to ever go for damage over vortex unless it kills especially against death stroke. The extra damage is negligible when you consider the chip and potential full combo you are giving up.

Also it's easy to get teleport happy but it is generally a bad idea to use it so randomly at full screen. Granted it did work a lot but he did start catching on. This is something I do to much to.

Also b2d3 bf3 mb... doesn't b3v after that net more damage? That's what I use but I've never toured with using b2u3 afterwards.
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If Batgirl was OP then a brainless scrub like me who is in the flailing stage of the learning process should be able to beat noob Deathstrokes. In the few matches I played last night, I can confirm she's not that OP. Apart from Smoke Bomb. I love that move... its the scrub buster.

Still trying to figure out a reason why I should learn other strings apart from B1,2 and B2,U3 since I'm new to the MK style games. I know it sounds like a bad question from an idiot such as myself. I'm used to c. short, c.short, s. strong, c. roundhouse if you catch my drift.

In other words what I'm asking is, help me expand my string vocabulary apart from those two easy strings into combo. My only guess is 21 which is +2 where I can probably start a string with 1 or something.


AUS FGC represent!
If Batgirl was OP then a brainless scrub like me who is in the flailing stage of the learning process should be able to beat noob Deathstrokes. In the few matches I played last night, I can confirm she's not that OP. Apart from Smoke Bomb. I love that move... its the scrub buster.

Still trying to figure out a reason why I should learn other strings apart from B1,2 and B2,U3 since I'm new to the MK style games. I know it sounds like a bad question from an idiot such as myself. I'm used to c. short, c.short, s. strong, c. roundhouse if you catch my drift.

In other words what I'm asking is, help me expand my string vocabulary apart from those two easy strings into combo. My only guess is 21 which is +2 where I can probably start a string with 1 or something.
ji2, 21~bf3 (MB) is great. It's all safe an uninterruptable on block and the MB doesn't come out unless bf3 connects. If it does connect, b3, ji3, d3~bf1, ji2, 111 is a great follow up into vortex.

d1~bf3 is also great. 8 frames, and +1 on block. If it hits you can use the same follow up.

Similarly, b2d3 is an overhead to low and b2d3~bf3 is +1 on block (although there is a 9 frame gap between the d3 and the bf3 on block).

ji2, 111~bf3 also works although there is an 11 frame gap.

As a quick punisher, 111~bf3 can be useful as it's 6 frames however the first hit is high so if ducked you can be punished for it.


hello everyone. guys i want to start playing batgirl, could you give me some tips on her basics. like getting in, preferable range to play in, good strings and buttons up close.
i will check the guide thread, and search on youtube for tutorials and matchups, but maybe you can also give me some tips, which are good to know for a new batgirl players. thanks a lot.


AUS FGC represent!
hello everyone. guys i want to start playing batgirl, could you give me some tips on her basics. like getting in, preferable range to play in, good strings and buttons up close.
i will check the guide thread, and search on youtube for tutorials and matchups, but maybe you can also give me some tips, which are good to know for a new batgirl players. thanks a lot.
Batgirl plays best just in the range of her b12. She has trouble with fast pokes because she doesn't have one of her own. Her best strings are the following.

b12 (launching low with great range)
b2u3 (launching overhead)
b2d3 (overhead to low)
21 (+4 on block, can be cancelled into bf3 for extra chip and combo potential)
111 (+22 on hit, provides a free vortex attempt any time it hits)

As for her good normals, her d1 is 8 frames, but it's still her fastest mid. d1~bf3 is +1 and jails and leads to a full combo if bf3 hits and you MB. Her j2 has really great range and can be jailed into 21~bf3 on block which again eats to combos. If you land a block j3, it's a free vortex attempt as their block stun is hella bad. The reason batgirl gets to jump in is because her teleport allows you to punish anti-airs. Bait out the anti-airs and punish them with teleport into vortex. j1 is also really plus on block but on hit it doesn't jail so there's that.

If the opponent starts fast d1-ing you, it's time to push block. Babs can't deal with that. Also learn when you can backdash certain strings to avoid their pressure.

As a batgirl player you MUST learn her vortex. It's not that hard and when mastered turns a simple punish into a potential lifebar. Vortex combos can be found in the combo thread but here are the three main ones (easier versions exist);
b12, b2u3, d2~bf1, ji2, 111
b2u3, b2u3, d2~bf1, ji2, 111
b2d3~bf3 (MB), b3, ji3, d2~bf1, ji2, 111

When you can, go for the vortex but If you think you can kill them, you can go for damage;
b12, f23~df2 (MB), 212~db2u
b2u3, ji2, f23~df2 (MB), 212~db2u

Batgirl has a great forward dash so getting in isn't all that hard. The trick is to dash up close just outside of b12 and cartwheel range, bait their poke and then punish. Approaching from the air is also an option thanks to tele punishing anti-airs. Also learn to teleport on reaction to your opponent using an interactable. You should never allow them that chance.

She has quite a few nasty interactable traps with her smoke bomb. She can also combo off a large number of the interactables (all the bomb ones) with her smoke bomb into vortex.

In the corner, batgirl is a beast. She has crazy corner damage off both an overhead and a low. She also has a way to reverse wake ups after db33 if you wanna go that route. Her two most basic damaging corner combos are;

b1~db2u, f21, f21, f23~df2 (MB), f23~db2u (53% off a low)
b2d3~db2u, f21, f21, f23~df2 (MB), f23~db2u (53% off an overhead)

Her cartwheel, although punishable, is also a decent footsies tool and allows you to threaten your opponent from just outside b1 range.

Against certain chars, babs can also play the full screen zoning game with her bolas and batarangs. Dash cancelling bolas builds meter and taints your opponent into approaching. Do this when you have the chance.


great post, thanks a lot. one last questions, are there any ways to set up her trait? or you just get a knockdown and then switch to knuckles?


AUS FGC represent!
great post, thanks a lot. one last questions, are there any ways to set up her trait? or you just get a knockdown and then switch to knuckles?
After a smoke bomb you have time to trait, dash up and d2~bf1 (not sure about the b3 but I think it still works).

After a bola you have time to trait, dash up and 111.

After any hard knockdown you can change to electric knuckles.

Really, just change when you get the chance and stay in electric. It is the superior stance.
Hey guys just wanted to say thanks for all of the hard work and dedication that you put in wit Batgirl:) but I need to kno something are you sure 21 is +2? When I try 21 d+1 I get interrupted a lot which shouldn't happen since d1 is 8frames -2 is 6 or am I missing something ? Sorry I come from a long history of tekken and frames are a lot in that game. Also bf1 if you put BG vs BG CPU Babs d1 beats my d1 :( am I just mistiming it or something?


AUS FGC represent!
Hey guys just wanted to say thanks for all of the hard work and dedication that you put in wit Batgirl:) but I need to kno something are you sure 21 is +2? When I try 21 d+1 I get interrupted a lot which shouldn't happen since d1 is 8frames -2 is 6 or am I missing something ? Sorry I come from a long history of tekken and frames are a lot in that game. Also bf1 if you put BG vs BG CPU Babs d1 beats my d1 :( am I just mistiming it or something?
Lots of chars have 6 frame d1s.

And if you're talking about bf3, it is definitely +1. You mustn't be timing your d1 properly.