I have been working on some stuff against Deathstroke in training mode in regards to his Sword Flip.
Case in point - the Sword Flip owns Hawkgirl for free. He can abuse it on wake-up as she has no way to counter it. It is a great reversal, has great priority, damage, can take her out of the air, controls a good amount of space and damaging. There are few ways to deal with it though. First off is wake-up....
Wake-UpWith the exception of her 2, 2, U + 3 and her 3, 2, B + 1 combo strings, Deathstroke will always be in range to hit you with a Wake-Up Sword Flip but there are ways to evade as many of the hits as possible and punish it accordingly.
-After a close knockdown, back dash once and block. The Sword Flip will connect but only hit of chip damage. If you try to back dash twice the Sword Flip WILL HIT YOU! Upon blocking you have a few options...
* B + 2, 3, B +2, Mace Charge/MB Mace Charge
*F + 1, 1, Mace Charge/ MB Mace Charge
*F + 1, 2, Mace Charge/MB Mace Charge
*D + 3 (probably her longest reaching punisher)
*Dash-up, Throw (risky, since it has to be very quick, if too late he can easily throw escape)
-After a throw you can back dash twice completely to safety, taking no hits.
-After a Mace Charge knockdown you can either back dash or Wing Evade completely to safety, taking no hits. It is possible to Wing Evade, 3 and hit Deathstroke out of Sword Flip. However, this requires very precise timing. It cannot be too early or two late. The Wing Evade itself has to be done late-ish and 3 must be pressed instantly.
Within particular strings, you can interrupt and actually STUFF a Reversal Sword Flip believe it or not. In all of these cases you can see Deathstroke is very vulnerable in the first frame or two right as he begins to leave the ground and his sword isn't out yet.
-1,2,3 (safe on block by itself but can be extended to stuff a Reversal Sword Flip)
*1,2,3, trait, REVERSAL, D+3 (careful on this as you may accidentally get trait 3, which instead will trade hits.)
*1,2,3, trait, REVERSAL, 2, 3 (on the plus if he attempts a Sword Flip on wake-up from this you will be completely safe, plus now you are in the air to begin Mace Toss pressure)
*1,2,3, trait, REVERSAL, 2, Mace Charge/MB Mace Charge (her most damaging option)
-B + 1, 3 is not safe at all on block. He will Sword Flip right through the second input, and B + 1 isn't even safe on its own. You must cancel it to remain safe.
*B + 1, trait, REVERSAL, D + 3
*B + 1, Wing Evade, REVERSAL, WE 3 (Upon execution Deathstroke will wake-up next to you. Assuming he does a Wake-Up Sword Flip, you can instantly trait, D + 3 and you will come down right as he Sword Flips over you. Thus, you will switch sides and not get hit. Requires quick timing.)
*Reversal, Mace Charge/MB Mace Charge
-Her sweep is not safe to Reversal Sword Flip at all! Therefore, don't use it by itself or as part of the B + 2, 2, B + 3 combo. Instead, stop at 2 and cancel the second hit...
*B + 2, 2, trait, REVERSAL, D+ 3
*B + 2, 2, Wing Evade, REVERSAL, WE 2, 3, 2, Mace Charge/MB Mace Charge (her most damaging option)
*B + 2, 2, Wing Evade , REVERSAL, WE 3 (Upon execution, assuming he goes for a Wake-Up Sword Flip - automatically do a Mace Charge as soon as you land & recover. You will miss but he will too as he Sword Flips over you, switching side and you have a few frames advantage to hit him as he recovers with either a Mace Charge/MB Mace Charge or Super. )
- F + 1, 1/2 (Both are essentially the same combo but anyways the second hit to each combo will stuff a Reversal Sword Flip and you can cancel to Mace Charge/MB Mace Charge)
-3, 2, B + 1 (you can go through with this whole combo blocked and attempt a Mace Charge which will hit him clean or go right through him with both of you missing. Otherwise see options below.)
*3, 2, trait, REVERSAL, D + 3
*3, 2, trait, REVERSAL, 2, 3 (on the plus if he attempts a Sword Flip on wake-up from this you will be completely safe, plus now you are in the air to begin Mace Toss pressure)
*3, 2, trait, REVERSAL, 2, Mace Charge/MB Mace Charge (her most damaging option)
(all of these involving her trait require a slower timing than her other ones, since the 3, 2 string recovers faster than the others)
*3, 2, REVERSAL, F + 3 MB/ B + 3 MB, 3, 2, Mace Charge/MB Mace Charge (Better off with the F + 3 MB as it comes out faster. B + 3 MB risks taking one hit of miniscule damage or completely missing Deathstroke as he flips over you.)
I do hope these help. Comment on them lemme know, admittingly I still feel very new to this game though I've been playing since a month after launch and she is one of my mains.