For the Shokan since Mk3
1. What are my go to combos for the most common situationsWork on your spacing and footsie game alongside precise patience, it's absolutely essential for this match up. Learn the timings on wing evade to make orbs, meterors and such get negated, that'll reduce chip damage you take while getting in.
You can wing evade out of down 1 push and down 1 martian grab.
Use wing evade 2 on 2,2, MB orb pressure and Back 2,3,3,3 MB orb to reverse pressure and get to being at plus four, while making Martian waste a bar of meter.
You can wing evade out of 1,1,2 string and full combo punish.
2,2, back 3 can be interrupted with forward 1,1, down 1 or MB back 3/forward 3.
If you get the timing down you can punish Martian grab with forward 1,1, trait, 2, MB mace charge for 32%.
I may add onto this, if you have more specific questions please feel free to ask me.
2. Whats the best damaging but not to difficult corner combo not using b1 we3.
3. Ummmm Hell what's your favorite costume of hers( can't think of a decent third question lol)
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