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The "Boo-Hoo! The DLC is Too Expensive" Complaining Thread


King of the Jobbers 2015
If you don't have the money, then you don't get the goods. They don't owe you anything.

If you "want to play competitively" and you're complaining about paying $5 for a character that you're gonna play for the next 3 years, then you're gonna start crying blood when you have to pay $100 bucks to stay in a hotel for a weekend in a tournament. Meaning, no, you're not gonna play the game competitively.

Advice is: save money and stop bitching about it, a character literally costs less than a meal at Chipotle.


Shinnok Aggressor
Fuck my face. So no point to even pay the 80 when I can buy them piece mail one at a time separately as they are released.

But didn't the kombat pack state EARLY access? Like befooore everyone else can use them?


Dedicated Broly main
Hahahahaha sure thing bro. I'll let you continue to bitch about 30$ dollars when u can "own more than me" apparantly
See? I can just copy my post as you once again can't make a proper of your own, just full of stupidness like allways :D What makes it even funnier is how you try to hide ur stupidity by these "hahaha's & bro's" that don't really help you :)
However, this comment of yours once again proved how ignorant and dumb you are at the same time. There's a big difference between "I can't" and I "dont' want to". But I guess it's 2 hard to understand it for some clowns :D
Anyway... Thanks for rising my mood. You are hella good jocker.


Kytinn King
Fuck my face. So no point to even pay the 80 when I can buy them piece mail one at a time separately as they are released.

But didn't the kombat pack state EARLY access? Like befooore everyone else can use them?
Yea like a week of ahead of release like Scorpion was in Injustice.


Fuck my face. So no point to even pay the 80 when I can buy them piece mail one at a time separately as they are released.

But didn't the kombat pack state EARLY access? Like befooore everyone else can use them?
Pretty much.

You either pay it when you do have it and get it over with. Or pay it as it comes out.. Not sure if you have access to the new characters the same they we do. Not sure how that would work.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
I don't understand people like you.
Did you join this site only 2 weeks ago to talk shit to people and call them names?
And also call NRS and Ed Boon crooks?

WTF is wrong with you?
Hey. Hey. Hey.

Don't talk shit about talking shit to people and calling them names.

That's like...80% of my posts. :)


Dojo Trainee
If you don't have the money, then you don't get the goods. They don't owe you anything.

If you "want to play competitively" and you're complaining about paying $5 for a character that you're gonna play for the next 3 years, then you're gonna start crying blood when you have to pay $100 bucks to stay in a hotel for a weekend in a tournament. Meaning, no, you're not gonna play the game competitively.

Advice is: save money and stop bitching about it, a character literally costs less than a meal at Chipotle.
Nah what they do is pack 10+ ppl in 1 hotel room, sleeping on the floor and sharing bags of cheetoes for food for the weekend

Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.
Just going to throw this out there. I got it for $81. Game and Kombat Pack. Even if 4 more characters come out and I spend $100 total...I will play this game for like 5000 hours. That's 2 cents an hour, 2-4 years of a game I love. I dont advocate it for every game, but that seems worth it if you love Mortal Kombat.


See? I can just copy my post as you once again can't make a proper of your own, just full of stupidness like allways :D What makes it even funnier is how you try to hide ur stupidity by these "hahaha's & bro's" that don't really help you :)

Anyway... Thanks for rising my mood. You are hella good jocker.


If you don't have the money, then you don't get the goods. They don't owe you anything.

If you "want to play competitively" and you're complaining about paying $5 for a character that you're gonna play for the next 3 years, then you're gonna start crying blood when you have to pay $100 bucks to stay in a hotel for a weekend in a tournament. Meaning, no, you're not gonna play the game competitively.

Advice is: save money and stop bitching about it, a character literally costs less than a meal at Chipotle.
Dude chipotle doe.......chipotle is life


Chipotle is awful.
Chipolte is mexican food for people that have never gone to a Taqria once in their life & gotten better & cheaper burritos.

Barbacoa Bowl with Pinto Beans, Mild Salsa, Hot Salsa, Extra Corn, Cheese, Sour Cream and FREE tortilla on the side is GOD LEVEL. Drench it in Green Pepper sauce and lemon and mix it it's delicious!
Please love yourself


Philanthropist & Asshole
There are very fiew companies like CDPR (Polish company who makes Witcher games), who for those who bought Witcher 3 (preordered or not) will give 16 freakin DLCs for free in post release, with no money taken at all.

Now that's a way to show love for fans and casuals who support the company. Something like that done by NRS (lets say free skins) would make people really happy, and I would be more than interested to support NRS in the future.

Now 30 bucks for few more pixels on current characters and "new" 2-4 characters that probably could have already be in the game? Thanks, but no.
1. MK9 had free DLC.
2. MK9 had free balance patches
3. MKX has free DLC.
4. You have no idea if MKX is going to have MORE free DLC or not.


A fat woman came into the shoe store today...
A dolar in 1992 was worth $1.70 in todays money. Meaning MK's price was actually $117.49.

$117.49 for 7 characters and people are bitching about $5 for each NEW character on top of another 24.
Welp, this is fucking bananas to me. Makes sense but I never thought about it. I remember mowing lawns as a kid during the summer and spending $70 on NBA Jam T.E. Now I could download 100 of those games on this laptop in about 10 mins... Crazy.