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Xbox 360 UMK3 Tournament Sign here


Frankiebonez said:
I can setup my digi cam and spectate and record my TV I think... let me know on xbl annihilator and we'll set it up.
Yeah I wanted to wait until you could do that, but alas our match took place already.

Good games Sniper.
hey chicago iff u aint going to respon on xbl then at least right something on the fourm saying why u aint playing me fuck im tired off waiting now every 1 is playing but us
its 2-1 me right now 1 mo to win and he mad e me leave but he started to complain about lag so he knows hes gunna lose

(chicago)Kitana (me)scorpion 1-2

(chigago)Smoke (me)Scorpion 0-2

(Chigago)Kitana (me) Sheeva 2-1


he hasnt invited me bak


Thrower and I fought to see if we were lagging while fighting each other, and there was no lag/delay present in doing so.

Later on, I invited you to play with me while I was randoming to see if the lag was still present and it was. Thrower would have no problem playing against you if you didn't lag so much as well as the delay involved in it. Hell, if you came to the semi finals against me, I would throw the match as well seeing as I can't play 100% either.


DoNkEy x KoNg said:
its 2-1 me right now 1 mo to win and he mad e me leave but he started to complain about lag so he knows hes gunna lose
LOL hold on, are you implying that there is no huge lag/delay when you played him and me? C'mon dude...

Here's a post you made on another thread:

DoNkEy x KoNg said:
yo dont trip about my connection when i play i will direct connect.U might haved played me when im lagging and it aint my actual connection i always have both my computrs on so when we play it wont lagg as mutch but iff we do its because im western iff ur eastern............
Well then direct connect so there won't be any issues.
Dude we played, It was damn near unplayable. You and Thrower need to not count those matches, they were practice rounds anyways, and play again. Either stop downloading dwarf porn or get a better connection.
dude u were laging because i was on my computer right now but once i get a msg from shock ill go back 2 direct connect and he will see a difference.U just get mad because im 2 quick 4 u
DoNkEy x KoNg said:
dude u were laging because i was on my computer right now but once i get a msg from shock ill go back 2 direct connect and he will see a difference.U just get mad because im 2 quick 4 u
Your to Quick for me? Yea its called a FUCKING DELAY. If When I press Block nothing happens, It means theres LAG.
wow do i care ur the 1 crying shit its a game i dont shit my pants because i lost 2 a lagger or any1 better than me so stop ur crying and play like a real man grow some real balls


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Flaming is not getting anywhere and it's just making everything more complicated. Not to mention you are breaking the rules.