First off guys.
Stop being dumb.
No one wants to join Kah Banned in banville so just stop being dicks to eachother immediately. The insults, the trolling, the back talking, etc has gotten out of control in this thread mostly because people are irritated that it's not finished. I thought the people who made it through so far would be a bit more diligent in getting it done but they obviously are not.
As for this tournament thus far, I lost my second match, and Donkey has one a bunch of his most likely due to the very same lag several people recently complained about, but we fixed that and his true ability will be displayed on his next tournament match.
I'm going to call it like I see it right now and I'm not trying to be an ass because I know a lot of you take my word for things and this is to basically settle what is going on here directly referring to Donkey's ability. I played him in lag, delay, frame skipping and game stuttering, it was annoying and unplayable, then I played him without all of that, he is an average competitive player. He plays as Scorpion mostly which says a lot to begin with, but I have known players who can use him well. Now going along with the logic "Look at the outcome of the tournament" you can say Shock sucks, and Donkey is pretty good so far, but in reality lag has played a major factor in those outcomes which is the only truly downside to an online tournament. The worst part about it is, both instances were correctable.
So from here on, stick to not getting on eachother's cases. If you have real beef with anyone, PM email or IM them about it. I have told people to ignore eachother's posts and that is NOT happening.