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Xbox 360 UMK3 Tournament Sign here


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I'm going to talk to Poop now and go over the remainder of the matches that haven't been done and see what we'll do. It looks like I'll have to sub.

Anyone who hasn't posted, shown up or said they can play, etc is out. It's not that many either really. Not bad guys. About 50+ players made it through.

I've never run an online tournament with this many players, the most was probably 32 and we had more and dedicated help.
ok throwerrs match was done now hopefully i sugar i gets better sone i will be on every day except this thursday so iff u guys get done with u match add me or msg me i will be on MK3 and iff i aint on its because im western witch i get on from 3:30 to 6:30 then work so we can between those hours. Good Luck Every One 8)



I would have loved to participate, too bad i checked my mail untill today so i guess im a little bit late now for entering right??
Could you please count me in for the next one?
My gamertag is JM80
Yeah man, those were some sweet matches, too bad Jax didn't get lucky twice =).

Anyway, it's been good playing some of you, and I hope to participate in the comming ones as well.
hey I sugar I when r u gunna be able 2 play ur match because i wnat 2 play soon and iff u guys could give me and exact day when 2 be on MK3 it will be usefull.


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OK guys we still have 5 opening round matches to finish, ILP what is up with them and are the replacements going to be used, do you need me to play?
Shock said:
OK guys we still have 5 opening round matches to finish, ILP what is up with them and are the replacements going to be used, do you need me to play?
brackets have been updated and i don't think i will need you to play
ilovepoop said:
Shock said:
OK guys we still have 5 opening round matches to finish, ILP what is up with them and are the replacements going to be used, do you need me to play?
brackets have been updated and i don't think i will need you to play

you might want to change throwerrr to throwerchicago on the brackets so whoever he plays gets his GT right.


DoNkEy x KoNg said:
hey I sugar I when r u gunna be able 2 play ur match because i wnat 2 play soon and iff u guys could give me and exact day when 2 be on MK3 it will be usefull.
I haven't sent Thrower a F/R yet as I currently have a horrible ear infection. Hopefully if I feel better by the weekend I can play him. Oh, and they're L's.


well i'm still stuck here waiting and lord hades x new oppenant is a pain to play against also here so its getting both of us fustrated over here i thought things were gonna start to move after u gave the warning for last night who ever didnt play that u were gonna start changing matches around and adding subs


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Players, for matches 57 through 63, I'd really like to get them recorded, so anyone who's playing in those when it comes down to it, let me know and I'll try and set up a time to be on. Of course if anyone can record, do so and that'll make things easier.


My new opponent hasn't been on yet, but atleast this time the gamertag is a valid one. I guess I'll wait for awhile before reporting back and complaining about this opponent not showing up. :p