Where expectations met? Mostly. I expected it to still be an offensive onslaught, braindead game like MKX and I was pleasantly surprised when it was not.
- Slowed down gameplay. Focuses on space control, whiff punishing, and general footsies. Less unga bunga hard to blockable bullshit like Quan Chi in MKX.
- Meter System. I love have different sets of meter for offensive and defensive purposes. And only having 2 stops stupid shit like cancels that are plus or neutral on block from being abused.
- Graphics. No more weird sweaty clay people with shitty faces. Using actual face models was a huge step up from previous titles.
- Fatal Blow system. While having xray/super type moves is totally fine... they should absolutely NOT be given freely and should require some type of resource (aka meter) to use. And if you whiff or have them blocked they should be GONE. Also they should all be more punishable than they are.
- KB system. I actually love the KBs but can we make it so the requirements are universal? Every should have D2 Kb, punish KB, number of hits in a combo KB, and 1 fun, goofy ass troll KB. Throw KBs don't actually bother me, but no one should have 2 throw KBs imo.
- Roster. Don't get me wrong, it's decent but it's missing too many classics like Reptile, Human Smoke, Cyrax/Sektor, and yes even Mileena (who I despise). Instead we have shitters like Dvorah, Frost, and Cetrion. And it's only gonna get worse as we're gonna start piling on the guest characters, MK11 being a purely MK game was fun while it lasted.
- Locking all cosmetics and character customization things to bad single player modes (towers of time). Ain't nobody wanna play that shit for hours on end to unlock a skin. And not everyone has a turbo controller to spam the AI for them and I'm sure af not gonna sit there watching AI to be ready to mash X 4 times. This should have been like injustice 2 where you can unlock things just by playing whatever mode you want to. Play online and get a new set of boots after a match.
- Costumes/Skins. They went way too conservative here for the females while the dudes can run around shirtless in speedo diapers with loin cloths (baraka) and skin tight pants showing off their bulges (jax) and have the nerve to say they aren't sexy. Meanwhile, here have a full body robe and face covering Skarlet! Or oh hey Cassie we had all these badass concept arts for you, but there was too much skin in them so here have this knockoff mass effect space suit and for your default, you can have the same basic bitch skin as the NPCs in story mode cause it needs to be realistic!!! Ok, so... the guys don't have to armor up for a fight but the girls do? Who's being sexist again?
Then there's the 1421581 color palette swaps of the same costume. I'd rather have it be like MK9 (no costume customization, you get a main, an alt, and maybe some dlc ones) if that's how the customization is gonna be.
It may look like the negatives outweigh the positives here but 3,4, and 5 are more nitpicky things and personal taste. I think if fatal blows and KBs were tweaked the game would be damn near perfect cause I really enjoy the gameplay.