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Why is counterpicking looked down upon?


so that will be the excuse they use once they lose..." oh you counter picked me or you are playing top tier characters" No Your ass just got outplayed. that's essentially what it boils down to.
Pends, (tournamenet setting) If player A is bopping player B 3-0, and player B switches char's , and in return bopps player A 3-0, Because the char switch was in better favor, If player A was to say anything about counter picking, He can or will because he can. Player B shouldnt care, if that char he switched too was infact his main/2ndary. But if player B was to argue saying 'Oh no you just got outplayed,' Player A can simply argue that it was just the switch.

But if the Matchup between the chars Player A is using vs the char Player B is using , AFTER the switch, is like a 6-4 mu or 5-5... then yes.. He can argue that it was simply just an Outplay.
But it all varies..


Sportsmanship, sportsmanshit.

Do what you can to win...that is your only concern.
Yes, but what you do WITHIN the set of rules is what people should know about. If you plan something outside the set of rules, no one better know because you're gonna get mopped.


TestYourMight SUCKS
If Scorpion was updated to have projectile shurikens that had as fast of a recovery as Kitana's fans and could be shot from a low, standing and air position, and his forward 4 linkable from his back 3 you would see an army of Scorpions at the next major tournament. lol

Awkward Sloth

Lamest Harley, still better sloth than Jer
If you pick Aquaman against Kitana Prime you're just a bad person. Only mean spirited people with no soul would fight a Harley player with Aquaman. :DOGE

@Kitana Prime


Pends, (tournamenet setting) If player A is bopping player B 3-0, and player B switches char's , and in return bopps player A 3-0, Because the char switch was in better favor, If player A was to say anything about counter picking, He can or will because he can. Player B shouldnt care, if that char he switched too was infact his main/2ndary. But if player B was to argue saying 'Oh no you just got outplayed,' Player A can simply argue that it was just the switch.

But if the Matchup between the chars Player A is using vs the char Player B is using , AFTER the switch, is like a 6-4 mu or 5-5... then yes.. He can argue that it was simply just an Outplay.
But it all varies..
in that case player A is smart to switch characters. they can argue all they want that player A only won because of the switch. but it doesn't matter once the match is over. if you loss you loss.

Deleted member 9158

As a quan chi, Jason and Johnny main, I get all kinds of salt and counter picks thrown my way



Green Lantern Corps.
Which brings me back round to the loyalist point, I'm the bane of the sub zero community, bar madzin, because of how much we've played.
Any other sub zero would expect game plan 1, but get gameplan 2 for example.
I see what your saying, all depends on how much the counterpick changes the MU. A counterpick with enough practice could be enough to lock your opponent down to only having one gameplan available to him.

It could be that your beating a Sub-Zero with your Lao and the player decades to switch to a matchup where Lao loses 6/4 limiting your options somewhere to the opponent can play a different type of game maybe more suited to his strengths or removing tools from you where you shine to focus on a different aspect.

Both ideas work and have their own merits which is nice.


I'm pretty sure the masses of people and viewers are going to remember more of the person that actually won the tournament instead of that guy who played *insert basic low tier character* who came in 7th or whatever at a tournament major.

I don't think MLG Adam has a plaque outside his office of anyone who did NOT make first place.


In Zoning We Trust
Some people are missing the point. We all know the competitive reasons why counterpicking happens, but it doesn't make it any less annoying when you are a character loyalist. The OP's question is why do some people not like it. Here is my answer.

If you're playing an exciting fair 5-5 MU, like a Kotal vs Cyber Kano (speaking from exp one of the most fun and fair MUs in the game), both matches are close games and its 1-1, then when it's tied up your opponent switches to HQT Pred's 7-3 or worse MU against you and knocks you to Losers bracket it can be very irritating. It's hard for me to say "wow, he was just the better player, much respect" when he had to switch from a 5-5 that was back and forth to a 7-3 or worse to win the set. Or when you're playing a 1st to 10 and you're up 5-2, only for them to switch mid set to BS Shinnok and make a comeback and win. What should my reaction be? "Omg I was so outplayed. Great stuff"? Nah. As much as I understand the competitive nature of it, that doesn't mean I have to like it when it happens. I don't. I'm not gonna give someone props for losing at first, but then beating me in a heavily favored MU.

This is why I encourage every character loyalist to play Top Tier or High Tier characters with no shame whatsoever. That way counterpicking for advantage will happen minimally against them and will be more of out of "comfort" than anything else. If you're character is any less than Top or High Tier counterpicking is very real and very, very annoying at times. No other way to say it.


TestYourMight SUCKS
Some people are missing the point. We all know the competitive reasons why counterpicking happens, but it doesn't make it any less annoying when you are a character loyalist. The OP's question is why do some people not like it. Here is my answer.

If you're playing an exciting fair 5-5 MU, like a Kotal vs Cyber Kano (speaking from exp one of the most fun and fair MUs in the game), both matches are close games and its 1-1, then when it's tied up your opponent switches to HQT Pred's 7-3 or worse MU against you and knocks you to Losers bracket it can be very irritating. It's hard for me to say "wow, he was just the better player, much respect" when he had to switch from a 5-5 that was back and forth to a 7-3 or worse to win the set. Or when you're playing a 1st to 10 and you're up 5-2, only for them to switch mid set to BS Shinnok and make a comeback and win. What should my reaction be? "Omg I was so outplayed. Great stuff"? Nah. As much as I understand the competitive nature of it, that doesn't mean I have to like it when it happens. I don't. I'm not gonna give someone props for losing at first, but then beating me in a heavily favored MU.

This is why I encourage every character loyalist to play Top Tier or High Tier characters with no shame whatsoever. That way counterpicking for advantage will happen minimally against them and will be more of out of "comfort" than anything else. If you're character is any less than Top or High Tier counterpicking is very real and very, very annoying at times. No other way to say it.
Amen, preach it brother.

KHTC Rated

A Hidden Boss
Just let people counterpick. It's the other players fault for not labbing the MU hard enough imo that they see counterpicking as an auto-loss. Grind it out, and you know the other guy feels like shit if he losses a 7-3 MU so that's always fun.

At the end of the day 7-3 is a better MU than a 13-0, both players have room to outplay each other for the win, one may have to work harder but it's not impossible or illegal lol.

Just my opinion, pls dont hurt me.


NRS, Guilty Gear, and KI, the holy trinity
Tournament is a whole different animal. In a tournament, you must use the cheapest-most broken-overpowered-projectile-heavy-most-plus-on block character the game offers. Tournaments are nothing more than a room full of tier-whore hyenas.
Well with the majors yeah, because the best players need to use the best characters, money is on the line, hell I treat online the same way because this game competitively to me is fun, hell if you go against me in a regular match I sure as fuck don't want you to hold back because you think you are "spamming" that isn't fun to me. Win at any cost, go all out, use all the dirt you have, use the cheapest shit you have even though I find that term retarded since if it is in the game at your disposal use it unless it is something stupid like an infinite or gives you infinite meter. Why complain that someone is counter picking you? Instead of complaining buck up and either learn the match up/go on the lab and find counter strategies or if there is truly no other strategies around it and you have exausted all possibilities, then go and pick up another character specifically to cover that match up, is it illegal to have secondaries to cover your mains weaknesses? Why is this such a foreign concept, hell even a loyalist should do this if they have to, does it make them any less loyal? Hell no at least I don't think so, it is a match up that is unfeasable for the character to win often, they need to switch it up if they want to win. It is how the game goes, this game is very counter pick heavy due to how the mechanics are laid out.


TestYourMight SUCKS
The fact of the matter is counterpicking will always be looked down upon. That's why its an issue that can never be corrected. As long as you have a game with characters that are stronger than others because of DELIBERATE design, and not just "it happens to be that way" players of those character will always have to stand up and voice their defense because if not, no one will want to play with them the moment they choose one of those characters and have a ridiculous win/loss ratio like 986 / 275 because the opponent knows what he/she is probably going to encounter. That's why so many people decline online, too many Erron Blacks, Shinnoks, Jacquis and Kitanas with such outrageous win/loss ratios. The title of this thread was reason enough to have been created and so many responding. Because its a real issue and the top tier whore players must respond in defense or suffer acknowledged guilt of being fragile-ego cheap asses.

STB Shujinkydink

Burning down in flames for kicks
I play characters I like to play and as a competitive player I could never be mad at someone for giving themselves the best chance at winning. Bad mus exist but I don't believe in MKX there are anyunwinnable mus. Counter picking can be risky if your opponent counters you after

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
The fact of the matter is counterpicking will always be looked down upon. That's why its an issue that can never be corrected. As long as you have a game with characters that are stronger than others because of DELIBERATE design, and not just "it happens to be that way" players of those character will always have to stand up and voice their defense because if not, no one will want to play with them the moment they choose one of those characters and have a ridiculous win/loss ratio like 986 / 275 because the opponent knows what he/she is probably going to encounter. That's why so many people decline online, too many Erron Blacks, Shinnoks, Jacquis and Kitanas with such outrageous win/loss ratios. The title of this thread was reason enough to have been created and so many responding. Because its a real issue and the top tier whore players must respond in defense or suffer acknowledged guilt of being fragile-ego cheap asses.
Death to the top tier infidel!

Those Kitana and Erron black players robbing us honest mid-low tier players of EVO victory!


STB Shujinkydink

Burning down in flames for kicks
The fact of the matter is counterpicking will always be looked down upon. That's why its an issue that can never be corrected. As long as you have a game with characters that are stronger than others because of DELIBERATE design, and not just "it happens to be that way" players of those character will always have to stand up and voice their defense because if not, no one will want to play with them the moment they choose one of those characters and have a ridiculous win/loss ratio like 986 / 275 because the opponent knows what he/she is probably going to encounter. That's why so many people decline online, too many Erron Blacks, Shinnoks, Jacquis and Kitanas with such outrageous win/loss ratios. The title of this thread was reason enough to have been created and so many responding. Because its a real issue and the top tier whore players must respond in defense or suffer acknowledged guilt of being fragile-ego cheap asses.
This is such a scrubby post lol I'm sorry but that's really bad


Counterpicking can be seen as a cowards way out if say you play someone who is using a mid-tier character like Scorpion or Mileena and they constantly beat you, then they decide to run to someone like Jacqui, Erron Black, Shinnok, Kitana, Tanaya, Quan Chi or Kung Lao out of frustration. I use 6-7 characters interchangeably because of fun reasons. My characters are Scorpion, Mileena, Jason, Predator, Sub-Zero, Reptile. When I'm about to play someone and they wait for me to pick at the character select screen, that usually tells me they are counterpicking scrubs. The moment I hide my cursor and they choose either Erron Black, Jacqui, Kung Lao or Kitana I instantly know they are going to play a projectile-spamming defensive game. I usually give them two matches to prove themselves of not being cheap before I decline and look for a more confident and worthy player who is not so fragile ego-wise over losing a match online looking to always have a 7-3 matchup.
This is the dumbest effing thing I've read today. It's coming from you, which is no surprise, really. But holy crap.

Also, bitching about Jacqui is STILL a thing? I thought that ship sailed long ago. :confused:


Salty Mashers Krew
The fact of the matter is counterpicking will always be looked down upon. That's why its an issue that can never be corrected. As long as you have a game with characters that are stronger than others because of DELIBERATE design, and not just "it happens to be that way" players of those character will always have to stand up and voice their defense because if not, no one will want to play with them the moment they choose one of those characters and have a ridiculous win/loss ratio like 986 / 275 because the opponent knows what he/she is probably going to encounter. That's why so many people decline online, too many Erron Blacks, Shinnoks, Jacquis and Kitanas with such outrageous win/loss ratios. The title of this thread was reason enough to have been created and so many responding. Because its a real issue and the top tier whore players must respond in defense or suffer acknowledged guilt of being fragile-ego cheap asses.
If you put time into this game, don't you want to have an answer for every character in the game and be able to have a gameplan for any character an opponent chooses? I main a mid tier character, and every time someone counterpicks with a predator, Lao, QC, Tanya, etc., I view it as an opportunity rather than a burden.


To me counterpicking destroyes all of aesthetics of a fighting game on tournaments.

What I mean is that just like you, your main character should be the one to go through the entire tournament. I play as Liu Kang and in the story he wasn't "counter picked" to become a Champion of Mortal Kombat, both in games and in the movie. He started his way through MK and reached the top on his own. This is how I like and want to see "our" tournaments as well. The one player as the one character goes through entire tournament.

I play Liu Kang, so to me it's like mandatory, but I play with same ideology in all fighting games. It costs me games, matches and tournaments of course eventually, but I would rather keep my philosophy in tact, rather than go against it.

P.S. People are free to counter pick though, cause some of them just want to win and only win and that's fine. As people say, everything is fair in love and war.


It don’t always be like it is... but it do.
Just make sure every time you counterpick just say that character is your main now. Evarehbodeh happeh :)


Another thing to consider: What if someone counterpicks you and you beat them anyway? That's quite a slap to their ego and a boost to yours. Not to mention, this can cause an insane amount of hype in a tournament setting. I mean, c'mon...what would be more hype than to see someone lose, counterpick and lose again? Especially if they lost rather badly.

People are always trying to find nothing but negative shit instead of finding a fine line between them both.