I back this post, especially the last paragraph. We shouldn't expect other scenes to do for us what we can't do for ourselves. If the community can manage its own "NRS" Cup of some sort that would represent a HUGE leap for the NRS scene (call it Midway Classics so we can get competitive NBA Jam in there, lol!)
I feel like this scene needs it's version of a Gootecks, a Haunts, a Spooky, a Mr. Wizard, a central authority, for example, who see the big picture and have the drive and determination to make the scene bigger and eventually a sport, like what happened to Street Fighter. I feel like
@Mr Aquaman is the only one on this road and everyone else needs to be on this page.
Most just keep talking, "This game is dead" or "This game isn't coming back for a third year for Evo" , harmful threads like "Do we like this game?" and other self-defeating nonsense that's gotten so out of control that SRK ran an article describing how MKXL this year at Evo is the games "swan song" (i.e. It ain't coming back next time) after only a second year at Evo. Here's the link:
This story showed prominently on the top banner for all to see during Evo that MK isn't coming back since it's "a bittersweet show on the world's biggest stage" and "signs point to this being a last hurrah for Mortal Kombat X at Evo" (the author's words, not mine) so don't bother to learn the game, the game is dead, nothing to see here, you won't be awake anyway for the finals since it's at 8am anyway, play Street Fighter, and maybe KOF.
Where did this idea come from? Any outsider, who happens to write for other sites ( like SRK and Eventhubs) can just read the front page of this site or watch some popular MK top player's streams to find community hatred towards its own game and write articles that basically say, "Yeah, this game isn't gonna be around for long, they hate their own game!" (The signs that point to the demise of MK at Evo for an article at SRK).
The question should be, "How do we get the scene bigger?", "How do we get more weeklies going?" "What needs to happen to get entry numbers higher".
The Smash scene can do it, so can we.
@CrimsonShadow Would you like to chime in on this? I'd like to hear your opinion, if you don't mind.