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Question Who has the best corner game in MKX?


Your hole is mine!
After the discussion about Lao's corner game in the patch thread made by @REO I've been thinking about this and I have a few contenders who come to mind.

Imo it's either:
-Bo Rai Cho: Could be any variation really but probably DB
Quan Chi: Either Sorcerer or Summoner
Sub Zero: GM obviously

But this isn't about me, what do you fine genitalmen of TYM think?
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Time Warrior
I wouldn't be so sure about that, what makes it better than Summoner or more importantly Sorcerer?
I'm biased of course.

Real answer though, I could go through a list of options you have for mixing your opponent if you really want me to and then you can try and figure out how to get out of it.


Your hole is mine!
I'm biased of course.

Real answer though, I could go through a list of options you have for mixing your opponent if you really want me to and then you can try and figure out how to get out of it.
If you have the time then sure go for it.
Summoner is a micro read character in the corner, where you have to guess so many times in a block string, not only on the 50/50s themselves but also if he's going to stagger, make it look like he's gonna stagger and send the bat to blow up your conterpoke, whether he's going to mbrune or normal rune, whether he's gonna throw (he can combo from MbThrow with the bat out but only for just under 30%) and he can force you to make reads between these things multiple times in different orders every time even after you've already made a right read. Oh and he has untechable 13% throws.

The difference between him and a character like Lao though is that if you guess wrong he gets high damage off all of his options (50% 1 bar if he wants to commit to a skull starter, which is safe with bat) and he has raw 50/50s on top of that. And you can't even armor OS him properly cause, unless you input it godlikingly fast, he can send the bat early and launch you while you're in putting the armor move.

Sorcerer is just dumb though and can force you to guess like 10 50/50s(the number is actually close to 10) everytime he has an armor portal up by just doing B3 or F4 cancelled into rune unless you have a very fast 2 hitting move to interrupt him.


Your hole is mine!
I'm not actually sure whether Summoners corner game is worse than Sorcerers, he has the same 50/50s but with the added unpredictability of the bat which works on the whole cast.

Just a brief summary of some of Summoners corner tools:
-Comboable Mbthrow
-Untechable 13% throw
-50% damage 1 bar 50/50s which can be made either safe or plus with the bat meaning there's another mixup on top of that
-Rune/MbRune which adds another mixup on top of a 50/50 for a bar
-Staggers which wouldn't normally work but do because of the unpredictability of the bat
-High chip damage blockstrings where 50/50s can be added in at any point
-These same blockstrings build a ton of meter
-Can cover any string gaps by sending the bat out in between the two hits
-Hard to blockables which can be made plus for a bar
-Can still safely break many armor moves by sending the bat while executing the 12 or F212 strings
-Decent corner carry to actually get you there in the first place
-All of this is loopable


Stay focused or get Caged
Sorcerer, no contest.

It's one of those variations that, imo, should clearly be nerfed if there was another patch, since his tools are way too strong in this meta.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
Sorcerer, no contest.

It's one of those variations that, imo, should clearly be nerfed if there was another patch, since his tools are way too strong in this meta.
Just out of curiosity, do you know of any variations with tools too weak in this meta, that may be in need of a buff if such a patch was to happen? Very interested as to your thoughts on the matter


Stay focused or get Caged
Just out of curiosity, do you know of any variations with tools too weak in this meta, that may be in need of a buff if such a patch was to happen? Very interested as to your thoughts on the matter
In general, I only like to talk about the variations I know deeply.

Sorcerer is an exception, because it's a clear case in which they didn't take into account the new meta when deciding not to change his specific tools. In a world where armor launchers are dead, he keeps something better lol, it's totally absurd. When even Quan mains agree that he is busted, you know he is REALLY busted.

But to answer your question, every character that relied heavily on armor launcher would need help, best examples are Lackey, Balanced and Warlock. Jax definitely needs a hand since he is basically free to zoning now. I'm sure there might be other variations outside of the ones hurted by armor launchers removal, that could need help too. Their mains will know.


Fabled Villain
I always find this question to be fun, but ultimately, rather insignificant to landscape of any fighting game. Most good characters in most fighting games can be nasty as hell in the corner. There's a reason you try to stay out of there.

Kooron Nation

More Ass and Tits for MK11
110% Dragon's Breath Bo Rai Cho.
-Has incredible staggers which are all safe if he ends in DB1 (which also launches on hit).
-Safe 50/50's
-An unblockable launcher which is pretty hard to react too
-Can meet your wake-up with OTG Ex-Stomp which guarantees him enough hit advantage for an un-reactable 50/50 into same bullshit unmentioned above, he can just loop it until you die basically.
-Ex-Fart shenanigans which in short makes you block a tick throw 50/50 that can not be armoured out of even if you know it's coming and guess correctly cause you'll be hit by the fart and put back in the same situation.

This character is literally bullshit unfair in the corner, I have played @myri hundreds of times and seriously I think I have ulcers from the amount of stress I get put through getting my ass absolutely raped in the corner.

Everyone go and play one of the Bo loyalists here in the forums and then come back and answer this question again, it's easily DB Bo, then Sorcerer.