In the current version of AE2012, I don't really feel that Dan needs buffs to compete. The KRK FADC crossing under Cammy is an annoyance, but not devastating to his gameplay. His normals are much better than people think with several allowing him to frame trap. Knee pressure is also amazing.
If everyone else is getting buffs in USF4 and Dan needs some to compete with the rest of the cast, the best I can really think of are as follows:
- Super taunt is useless. If you can do HP xx gadoken xx super taunt xx U1, you can instead just do HP xx ex Gadoken FADC U1 for more damage and less meter. I'd say it should give a passive buff to his ultras, like having U1 do 10% less scaling if coming off a super taunt (They could accomplish this by scaling U1 as a super instead of an ultra). U2 could juggle for all 6 hits off a super taunt (The last hit does 68 instead of 60, and this is the hit that does not juggle if you do KRK FADC forward U2).
(If you want a comparison, Cl.HP xx Gadoken xx super taunt xx U1 does 490 damage. Cl.HP xx ex Gadoken FADC U1 does about 530)
- Gadoken having slightly less startup. Instead of decreasing startup across the board, I suggest that LP Gadoken have its startup reduced the most, MP gadoken have its startup reduced a bit less and HP Gadoken can keep the same startup. I'd say it's fair because the range of LP Gadoken is very small, so even if cr.MK xx LP Gadoken becomes a blockstring, it's still range specific.
- Koryuken launches SLIGHTLY further on hit. This ensures that Dan never crosses under his opponent after a Koryuken FADC forward at point blank range. Sometimes when I do Koryuken FADC forward U2, I end up ex Dan kicking because I crossed under while inputting.
FUN FACT!! Did you know that despite all of Dan's Gadokens doing 70 damage, LP Gadoken does 2 more chip damage than the MP and HP versions? Very interesting.