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TYM's Injustice 2 Discussion Thread (Harley Quinn & Deadshot Official Announced)

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Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Injustice was really fun overall imo, I just didn't have a lot of time to get into it so I missed out big time. Aside from it being a great game, just take a moment to appreciate the fact that we have a fighting game with DCU characters.


The biggest thing that Injustice 2 needs is the removal of unseeable, unblockable 50/50's. Every block string shouldn't lead to a guess, and if you guess right, each guess shouldn't lead to another blockstring into another guess.

Make the game fair, make defense matter so that when you block properly and guess correctly, you have the chance to return fire and mount offense of your own.


Want to see:

  • Shoryuken-strength AA for most/all characters
  • Some sort of decent footsie tool. A longer range kick with high priority which does not combo and is not cancellable perhaps. Something.
  • Traits
  • Back to Block
  • Stage transitions just like IGAU
  • Tag Team
  • Nobody
  • Grundy
  • Bleez!

Don't want to see:

  • Run mechanic
  • Insane mobility like MKX
  • Stamina meter
  • Stupid ass characters like Shazam
  • Safe mixups into full combos
  • Easily fuzzyable overhead/low mixups. If you're going to do mixups this way, make them come out at very near the same speed
  • A ton of gaps in strings
  • Option selects
  • Phantom hitboxes
Shazam is cool though >_>. But also dead, so not returning I guess.
Would be nice if Injustice 2 had characters with 3 different traits, like the variation system.


I want to see Doomsday make a return and still have MB Venom and Earth Shake. They should also remain just as good as they are in IGAU.


Likes nerds with big ...
I hated this game so much. First time I got a season pass ever and I regretted it (it's the only reason I didn't sell it ASAP).

In saying that, give me Spawn and I'll be on it like white on rice.


Bruce Campbell 4 MK!!!
Everybody hated her but I want her back. She was fun (though Harley was always my #1 and I still want her in more).
It doesn't even have to be Barbra. Cassandra Cain was a hype Batgirl in the comics. Or make her default outfit Barbra and her alts all the other Batgirls.
I've been a fanboy since the Batman Animated Series. No mater who makes it in the cast, if Harley is there she will be my #1 main.
I don't know why but he always had this appeal to me. I always liked Robin. Teen Titans may have helped with that. But if we get Robin, ANY Robin I would be one happy camper. Nightwing was eh.
Gameplay potential.
Red Hood-
He looks cool
Poison Ivy-
DoT boyzzzz
Capitan Boomerang-


Bruce Campbell 4 MK!!!
Keep the clash system, maybe add intros like this game as well. I wouldn't mind run to be put in because that is the best thing in MKX. Also interactables like MKX good and helpful, but not stupid and unblockable.
Lol I would love intros
Batman- "Why are you in this game?"
Batman- "Oh yeah lol"


FGC Cannon Fodder
I'm actually very concerned about what Injustice 2 might turn out like. I feel like the first game was a really good game for a new FG, but I'm mostly concerned because of how much more I ended up liking MKX. MKX has just has a lot of things that would work really well in Injustice but may be viewed as MK mechanics and not universal ones. The variation system being the biggest thing I would like to see folded in.

Variations brought a lot of things to the table in terms of people being able to find a strain of a character they like that suits them, or having characters have good odds at having viable variation. That and just giving people a more realistic way to be a character loyalist with less likelihood of boxing them into bad match ups. They also make sense with the Injustice lore having smooshed together actual character variations at the story level. I don't think 3 variations are necessary, but two makes a lot of sense. Not just for I2, but for fighting games in general.

I think the continued integration of level intractables makes sense for the game, but I think they need to operate a bit more like MKX. There was a bit too much of it in Injustice for my tastes. With that said I do think the level transitions are cool, and fit the superhero identity of the game. Those can stay in.

I really think the clash system thing needs to go. Just do a basic combo breaker and let that be the end of it. None of this momentum killing, dramatic sequence business. I never even bothered to learn how to initiate a clash because I hated seeing them so much I wouldn't have done one anyway.

I do like the idea of the unique character traits, but think the idea should be revisited if at all possible. Having only two formal attack buttons, one hybrid launcher / combo button, and one trait button that always does different things where four formal attack buttons are usually found, made the entry into Injustice more complicated than most fighters. The system works fine, it's just unique, and unique in a way I never got fully comfortable with.

I do want to see Batgirl again, but that's because I always want Batgirl around. I was never into the game enough to know she was supposed to be good/broken. I just like Batgirl. Overall I liked the character selection. I found it really hard to pick a character and wanted to play everyone. It would be nice if they were a bit bigger next time around.

I really hope Injustice 2 is in the middle of happening, and I hope it's as good for me as MKX has been. I like fighting in the DC world better than the MK world, but right now, MK just does the fighting part better. Fingers crossed.
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