Our local Gamestop is a destroyed hole in the wall that people work at that have no idea what they're talking about. I recently went in there to buy a new arcade stick and I had to talk to four people until they eventually figured out what I was talking about.
"Oh no we don't have those. We have fight pads though."
I'm gonna share a little secret with you, I used to work at Gameslop. Most of the people working there are idiots who know nothing about video games, the reason for this is, the company does not care.
What Gameslop wants is sales, if you're some enthuastic mongoloid who can yammer their ear off in an excited tone about Call of Dootie they'll hire you on the spot, or if you have a pair of boobs. Why is this, you ask? Because that series is popular and poor lonely socially akward virgins will put reserves down if they see a girl back there.
Avoid the place, man. I do. I buy all my shit online. I tried to support my local game store but they just charge the shit out of you for everything, I don't care that much all considering.