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Tournament Viable Characters for 2013


xbl-OBS trustinme
Two Words!...RUNE TRAP If played correctly can be very hard to deal with.
im not taking anything away from soup or dink,their great players,i love quan chi and the rune trap is godlike but c'mon man the character is pretty bad,you can poke in between all of strings and he's kinds fucked if he doesnt win the first round,he also has some horrendous matchups.


xbl-OBS trustinme
Why you blowing up Eddy Wang? Isnt he the best player in africa with her? How many people can say they're the best player in a freaking continent? i dont think that would be possible without a tournament viable character. When's the last time our continent's best player (REO? PL? You?) won a tournament with a not tournament viable character?
no disrespect to the players in angola but didnt neo russell go over there and body everyone with jade? well except eddie wang.im not saying eddie wang isnt good im just wondering how good the rest are.


Get staffed bro
Isn't this wrong thread kind of negated by the fact that most people agree that a team is needed to do well in current tournament play? (Unless you main Kabal of course) J.Cage on his own arguably isn't a viable character but that doesn't mean he can't form part of a strong team.

Providing you have a plan to cover all of your bases there are many combinations of viable teams.


Really likes to throw things at you.
Isn't this wrong thread kind of negated by the fact that most people agree that a team is needed to do well in current tournament play? J.Cage on his own arguably isn't a viable character but that doesn't mean he can't form part of a strong team.

Providing you have a plan to cover all of your bases there are many combinations of viable teams.
This is what I was saying earlier.... there is only four characters IMO that are viable solo: Lao, Kenshi, Sonya, Kabal.... basiclly anybody with more than one 3-7 MU or one 2-8 MU cannot be considered viable (at a major) alone.


xbl-OBS trustinme
Ya know I was considering Cyrax... not to well versed on his MU's however.... Haven't really seen a Rax dominate so I left him out...
im not either but he is a top 4 character and i cant think of anyone that really rapes him,plus 80% for one bar has to make him viable alone.
Im like one of the few smoke players who has always said he has good and can win any matchup, no matter how bad he is- just based on the reset/breaker/meter management factor alone.

Rain doesnt have any 3-7's im sure, hes just downplayed too hard and not appreciated.

Sub maybe has hard matchups but someone who knows their bad matchups and how to go about controlling them, instead of getting controlled, he will win.
kitana beats rain pretty bad


Really likes to throw things at you.
lol id forgotten about smoke,yeah he definetly loses that one. who do you have above cyrax then? i disagree with him being 6,one mistake and its over.
Kabal, Sonya, Kung Lao, Kenshi, and Freddy... I would also make the argument that Smoke > Cyrax depending on how consistantly the smoke is landing resets.... Also you have to consider that without meter Cyrax is not scary at all.... I'm pretty sure he has the lowest BnB in the game without meter...


The Ignore Button Is Free
Kabal, Sonya, Kung Lao, Kenshi, and Freddy... I would also make the argument that Smoke > Cyrax depending on how consistantly the smoke is landing resets.... Also you have to consider that without meter Cyrax is not scary at all.... I'm pretty sure he has the lowest BnB in the game without meter...

wrong. he can still do like +40% and shit.

noob and jax on the other hand...


Really likes to throw things at you.
Aside from winter brawl Maxter has placed second and third at every event after evo. 2 mlgs and nec and operation wolf. Reo's kabal was the only thing stopping him. Cyrax is ridiculous. Of course he's viable wtf
Not saying he isn't viable... just curious if he could win a major solo.... like I said, not to well versed with Cyrax MU chart

G4S Claude VonStroke

@MK_ClaudeVS on twitter
Kabal, Sonya, Kung Lao, Kenshi, and Freddy... I would also make the argument that Smoke > Cyrax depending on how consistantly the smoke is landing resets.... Also you have to consider that without meter Cyrax is not scary at all.... I'm pretty sure he has the lowest BnB in the game without meter...
According to recent tournament results cyrax is better than smoke and Freddy. Cyrax has meterless resets. Breaker combos. Unbreakable combos. A command grab. 2 corner infinites on Shang and sektor. He's beyond tournament viable


xbl-OBS trustinme
Kabal, Sonya, Kung Lao, Kenshi, and Freddy... I would also make the argument that Smoke > Cyrax depending on how consistantly the smoke is landing resets.... Also you have to consider that without meter Cyrax is not scary at all.... I'm pretty sure he has the lowest BnB in the game without meter...
dude wtf? cyrax scares the shit out of me,those bombs are annoying as fuck and dont even get me started on the stupid grab,he always seems to have meter though,thats the problem.no way man cyrax is better than smoke,although smoke is very good.
Aside from winter brawl Maxter has placed second and third at every event after evo. 2 mlgs and nec and operation wolf. Reo's kabal was the only thing stopping him. Cyrax is ridiculous. Of course he's viable wtf
meter drain ex net, 80%+ resets and unbreakables, must make a lot of bad matchups not that bad. one of the reasons mk has so much bad matchups is because of the breaker. the breaker makes a good guess less significant compared to other fighting games.