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The Zoning Academy (Mortal Kombat X Edition)


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Zoning is about 95% of my game lol so I have nothing against it. It's no secret Zoning is nearly irrelevant in MK X due to the run of course. Anyone who's played me since Deception to now knows I'm a zoning guy, I don't like rushing down.

I use KJ(ancestral) literally I have not seen ONE player use him online since release, everyone rides on bo. I want to start using Shaolin more too.

I used all the ninjas in MK 9 but honestly Smoke, Noob and Rain the least and rarely. Those who know me know I zoned with Sektor and Ermac 99% of the time lol and even Scorpion from time to time.

Pretty much in MK X all I use are Ermac, KJ and Tremor now for zoning. It's a pain in the ass in this game but when I do win I feel more rewarded in a sense.

I know QC is great for zoning, I just don't like him lol. I'm more of a ninja dude I guess, I know KJ is a monk but i use his badass thief look.:D

I used Scorpion at first, then dropped him but am thinking of actually learning his inferno since it does seem good for zoning.

And used Kenshi at first then dropped him, but he did get buffed so been toying with the idea of picking him up again. IDK.


A fan of fans
Before I say new main, I have to ask. Why was he respecting the ground shots so much? Why not just run past them or jump over why you were shooting so many?
I force you to respect them. I use up shots to keep him out the air. If he jumped he would eat at least 35%. It is seen at points. I learnt the spacing to do the up shot and only use it then.


In Zoning We Trust
I force you to respect them. I use up shots to keep him out the air. If he jumped he would eat at least 35%. It is seen at points. I learnt the spacing to do the up shot and only use it then.
I understand to a certain extent, but say you do a couple of low shots that are blocked, if you're shooting a 3rd can't he just run cancel after the blocked 2nd shot and full combo you since you have to aim the ranges. Or is it more like Raven's pillars?


A fan of fans
I understand to a certain extent, but say you do a couple of low shots that are blocked, if you're shooting a 3rd can't he just run cancel after the blocked 2nd shot and full combo you since you have to aim the ranges. Or is it more like Raven's pillars?
They are too quick and will catch the run. Raven pillars abit I guess. They have good recovery. I was in control


A fan of fans
Zoning is about 95% of my game lol so I have nothing against it. It's no secret Zoning is nearly irrelevant in MK X due to the run of course. Anyone who's played me since Deception to now knows I'm a zoning guy, I don't like rushing down.

I use KJ(ancestral) literally I have not seen ONE player use him online since release, everyone rides on bo. I want to start using Shaolin more too.

I used all the ninjas in MK 9 but honestly Smoke, Noob and Rain the least and rarely. Those who know me know I zoned with Sektor and Ermac 99% of the time lol and even Scorpion from time to time.

Pretty much in MK X all I use are Ermac, KJ and Tremor now for zoning. It's a pain in the ass in this game but when I do win I feel more rewarded in a sense.

I know QC is great for zoning, I just don't like him lol. I'm more of a ninja dude I guess, I know KJ is a monk but i use his badass thief look.:D

I used Scorpion at first, then dropped him but am thinking of actually learning his inferno since it does seem good for zoning.

And used Kenshi at first then dropped him, but he did get buffed so been toying with the idea of picking him up again. IDK.
If your having character trouble think of
1)best zoner who compliments your style
2)aesthetics of character ( I hate the bone arms of necromancer)
3)who is fun

HQT predator is fun I did a video. Ancestral is really good but I wouldn't call it a zoning variation.Tremor is NOT a zoner, I would not recommend using him. Kenshi has very good zoning aswell

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
@General M2Dave
What do you think about Necromancer?
Is he even worth ''mastering'' and if not what does he need for buffs / fixes?
From my ~2 Month Experience as ''alt'' he is basicaly Imposter without Teleport and Mimic .. just (df4) for combo extender ... and bad tools like bf2 and this ''unblockable hand that noone with over 50iq uses''.
Compared to Bone Shaper, no. Necro functions more of an anti zoning variation if anything...and there are still some whiffing issues with his Bone Hand (Jacqui, Tanya, Sonya and D'Vorah can still run through it and 3,1,2/Bone Hand whiffs on male characters) that you have to know beforehand.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
If your having character trouble think of
1)best zoner who compliments your style
2)aesthetics of character ( I hate the bone arms of necromancer)
3)who is fun

HQT predator is fun I did a video. Ancestral is really good but I wouldn't call it a zoning variation.Tremor is NOT a zoner, I would not recommend using him. Kenshi has very good zoning aswell
I'd have to disagree about Ancestral and Tremor not being zoning viable, I think you can zone with them I have zoned a lot with KJ Ancestral. Definitely with KJ Ancestral, I have won by just zoning and keeping people out mixing up his arrows can be very effective. Also mixing up the arrows are key, with stun for combo and knock away set ups for more zoning and fire arrows for more damage. Tremor can be used for set ups and zoning coinciding, while most of the start ups on his moves are slow his bf4 is decent speed from mid to far range, his dd1 in aftershock is great after hard knockdowns and set up pressure.

Besides, even NRS testers said that Tremor and KJ ancestral can be used for zoning depending on your style I agree depending on the variation at least...

I have 3 guys which listed I use, Predator I was using that variation but noticed like half the world using him so decided to choose between him and tremor, preds fun though.

Kenshi I know is good for zoning, I just dropped him prior to the buff early on. Appreciate the post though ;)


A fan of fans
I'd have to disagree about Ancestral and Tremor not being zoning viable, I think you can zone with them I have zoned a lot with KJ Ancestral. Definitely with KJ Ancestral, I have won by just zoning and keeping people out mixing up his arrows can be very effective. Also mixing up the arrows are key, with stun for combo and knock away set ups for more zoning and fire arrows for more damage. Tremor can be used for set ups and zoning coinciding, while most of the start ups on his moves are slow his bf4 is decent speed from mid to far range, his dd1 in aftershock is great after hard knockdowns and set up pressure.

Besides, even NRS testers said that Tremor and KJ ancestral can be used for zoning depending on your style I agree depending on the variation at least...

I have 3 guys which listed I use, Predator I was using that variation but noticed like half the world using him so decided to choose between him and tremor, preds fun though.

Kenshi I know is good for zoning, I just dropped him prior to the buff early on. Appreciate the post though ;)
They can be used for zoning but they don't excel at that area where they do elsewhere, that is all. Kenshi is good and not a lot okay HQT more hunters


The lift is strong in this one

My Predator video :D i will make other zoning videos if want. Hope you learn stuff and ask any questions. Zoning for life

@General M2Dave Love you thoughts :D
@SaltShaker You wanted it :D
This is the kind of gameplay that will get this character nerfed to shit. There was no spacing or setups. No combos either. Just low shots. I do more legit zoning with cassie than this attrocity.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
They can be used for zoning but they don't excel at that area where they do elsewhere, that is all. Kenshi is good and not a lot okay HQT more hunters
Well this game in general doesn't really excel much at zoning due to the run lol. It's work to zone with anyone because of that, but yeah I'll probably try out Kenshi again. Cheers.


Zoning Master

My Predator video :D i will make other zoning videos if want. Hope you learn stuff and ask any questions. Zoning for life

@General M2Dave Love you thoughts :D
@SaltShaker You wanted it :D
The zoning is effective, but you are clearly the superior player. @SaltShaker is right, though. Your opponent should attempt to run past the ground plasma shots.

@General M2Dave
What do you think about Necromancer?
Is he even worth ''mastering'' and if not what does he need for buffs / fixes?
From my ~2 Month Experience as ''alt'' he is basicaly Imposter without Teleport and Mimic .. just (df4) for combo extender ... and bad tools like bf2 and this ''unblockable hand that noone with over 50iq uses''.
Bone Shaper > Imposter > Necromancer

Necromancer is unworthy of your time. Bone Shaper has superior zoning and a standing reset, albeit not as good as Imposter's standing reset. Overall, Bone Shaper covers all bases. Necromancer would need a faster and better tracking flick and a standing reset, which Shinnok will never have in this variation, so asking for such buffs is a waste of time.

@General M2Dave

I think it would be in the interests of the zoning community for you to give a weekly State of the Zoning Address.
A certain podcast with me will be posted very soon.


In Zoning We Trust
How the hell is this a masterpiece? That's like saying a piece of music with one note is a masterpiece. Nothing but low shots
Perspective. Zoning an opponent out with shots will always be more enjoyable to play/watch than your Cassie 50/50'ing people into wall carry combos that lead to more 50/50's in the corner ending in death.

Much more enjoyable actually.


The lift is strong in this one
Perspective. Zoning an opponent out with shots will always be more enjoyable to play/watch than your Cassie 50/50'ing people into wall carry combos that lead to more 50/50's in the corner ending in death.

Much more enjoyable actually.
You clearly haven't seen me play cassie


In Zoning We Trust
You clearly haven't seen me play cassie
No, but I've seen/faced Cassie too many times to count. You're saying you don't like a zoning video in a thread called The Zoning Academy lol. What type of reaction did you expect?

It's not Gibs fault the player didn't know what to do to escape being zoned out. That's a skill gap. But there's no skill in guessing high/low in a corner. It's luck. There's no doubt that you have to "guess in which direction to block". In this video the opponent didn't utilize available options, and was zoned to oblivion. If they aren't nerfing that then I don't see anything on Predator that should be nerfed in that video because his opponent was too inexperienced to get inside.


The lift is strong in this one
No, but I've seen/faced Cassie too many times to count. You're saying you don't like a zoning video in a thread called The Zoning Academy lol. What type of reaction did you expect?

It's not Gibs fault the player didn't know what to do to escape being zoned out. That's a skill gap. But there's no skill in guessing high/low in a corner. It's luck. There's no doubt that you have to "guess in which direction to block". In this video the opponent didn't utilize available options, and was zoned to oblivion. If they aren't nerfing that then I don't see anything on Predator that should be nerfed in that video because his opponent was too inexperienced to get inside.
Guessing how to block is part of fighting games. If the video showed proper spacing, utilization of all his tools, and still able to keep him out, then bravo. Great zoning. But it's one move, over and over. And when they jumped it, he could block no problem. Or even armor. Like that's not zoning. That's auto pilot spam. No thought process whatsoever


A fan of fans
This is the kind of gameplay that will get this character nerfed to shit. There was no spacing or setups. No combos either. Just low shots. I do more legit zoning with cassie than this attrocity.
Zoning with cassie ? She is rushdown lol. I did combos and also armour break setups if you watch the whole way through instead of pick out negatives because you don't like the style of zoning that the character has obviously been made for.


A fan of fans
Guessing how to block is part of fighting games. If the video showed proper spacing, utilization of all his tools, and still able to keep him out, then bravo. Great zoning. But it's one move, over and over. And when they jumped it, he could block no problem. Or even armor. Like that's not zoning. That's auto pilot spam. No thought process whatsoever
I reacted and did up shots and normal fireballs aswell as had to changed the distance of fireball, that is not autopilot. It is effective so why don't do it ?


Evil but Honest!
The zoning is effective, but you are clearly the superior player. @SaltShaker is right, though. Your opponent should attempt to run past the ground plasma shots.

Bone Shaper > Imposter > Necromancer

Necromancer is unworthy of your time. Bone Shaper has superior zoning and a standing reset, albeit not as good as Imposter's standing reset. Overall, Bone Shaper covers all bases. Necromancer would need a faster and better tracking flick and a standing reset, which Shinnok will never have in this variation, so asking for such buffs is a waste of time.

A certain podcast with me will be posted very soon.