CY MasterHavik
Master of Chaos and Jax
scrubs cry anything is cheap i can body scrubs in brawl that think ganon is broken.
Any fan of the kind you describe would never experience the zoning you are talking about, except in a forum (not THESE forums, per se) where the solutions are also available. Case in point.Except that's not true. Before I ever set foot on a competitive gaming site, I played Street Fighter 2 Turbo and Championship Edition, MK1, Mk2, Mk3, MK4, UMK3, MK Trilogy, Soul Blade, Soul Calibur 1-3, Tekken 1-3, Tag, and 5, Street Fighter 4, Super Smash Bros, Killer Instinct, Clayfighter 63 1/3, Xmen vs. Street Fighter, MvC 1+2.
I played many of these games well beyond their expiration dates, and continued to play the classic ones I owned online w/ ZSNES, MAME etc.
Why? Because I love fighting games. I was technically a 'casual' at all of them. I had no clue about tech, frames, matchups at that point. It was just a genre I liked. Between arcades and home systems I'd spent more money on fighting games than all the other genres combined before I ever had a clue what a 'dash cancel' was.
Lumping every single non-professional fighting game player in with CoD zombies is silly in my opinion, and totally disregards the fact that there's a diverse and highly loyal audience for these kinds of games.
One of the best posts so far about the topic, sincerely thank you.snip
well said.pls guys this is annoying, instead of dropping in here complaining about deathstroke nerf, why don't you spend more time trying to pass his zoning properly and consider the options your character has? this is stupid.
The game basically has one week old, and all the complains i see after day one is only to nerf Deathstroke, this is been annoying and i'm starting to believe even players who i have seen on MK9 tournaments before joining this quest of nerf on a one week old game have also a lot of scrub habits into them.
I don't agree that a balance patch should be produced to find a median term between scrub players, and ppl who actually understand the games, Scrub players will always call you cheap, broken tactic everytime they lose.
Scrub players can't even tell the difference between patch changes, can't even consider his own and other players options, scrub players only want to charge in, jump like an idiot, perform stuff hoping you will block or it will hit.
If you anti-air him with solid options all the time, "you're cheap."
you counter his zoning all the time, "you're cheap"
you force him to commit mistakes all the times, "your character is broken."
its getting hit by a tool he should think about blocking or consider a counter, "this tool is broken, it should be nerfed."
its being catched between traps when he should approach carefully "This game is broken"
Why would NRS patch a game to give them some chance, this wouldn't aid them in nothing, they would still be scrubs with no better results than before and yet, besides destroying the character concept and make him a bad character against other good characters, like happened on MK9.
Thisi dont get how so many people here want to protect these kind of players though. they re the cheapest. nobody likes them, they re bad players exploiting a weakness of the game. and all this with little to no effort, compared to the precise timing of blocking, walking, blocking, ~40% comboing... another character have to do.
you say, fuck the scrubs. they should learn the game. but the truth is you re only protecting the worst of all scrubs who dont learn the game at all and spam the same moves over and over again. why dont you say THEY should learn how to play the game and show a bit more effort.
wouldnt that make more sense? :3
Seriously, go pick a zoning character. Main that character for a period greater than a month, then come back and tell us how you didn't have to learn anything and you just spammed the same move over and over.Thisright here, this is one of the main issues that should be addressed.
You probably were one of those who always lost to Ryu in SF II' -Champion Edition, that's assuming you ever played that game, if not, you would probably call Ryu Cheap because all he can do is Spam hadoukens to keep out and, when you do a bad jump he would punish.yea, the input delay or not registering commands at all are things cheap Deathstrokers benefit the most from.
i dont get how so many people here want to protect these kind of players though. they re the cheapest. nobody likes them, they re bad players exploiting a weakness of the game. and all this with little to no effort, compared to the precise timing of blocking, walking, blocking, ~40% comboing... another character have to do.
you say, fuck the scrubs. they should learn the game. but the truth is you re only protecting the worst of all scrubs who dont learn the game at all and spam the same moves over and over again. why dont you say THEY should learn how to play the game and show a bit more effort.
wouldnt that make more sense? :3
Wow playing all those fighters and u still dont get it? I tought u would understand the logic by now but i guess not.Except that's not true. Before I ever set foot on a competitive gaming site, I played Street Fighter 2 Turbo and Championship Edition, MK1, Mk2, Mk3, MK4, UMK3, MK Trilogy, Soul Blade, Soul Calibur 1-3, Tekken 1-3, Tag, and 5, Street Fighter 4, Super Smash Bros, Killer Instinct, Clayfighter 63 1/3, Xmen vs. Street Fighter, MvC 1+2.
that s exactly what the DS players get right now. and i agree with you. it is indeed absurdwell said.
people are acting like babies wanting instant gratification without having to work for it, it's absurd.
No, just no. It's true that the majority of players are casuals and scrubs. But once that scrub has bought the game, NRS has done their job. Most casuals or scrubs, aka the majority of people playing Injustice, will drop the game REGARDLESS OF UPDATES/BALANCE PATCHES. Sure, if you patch tactics or moves that are hard to deal with, the casual player will like this. But it's not going to keep that player from dropping the game anyway.
NRS needs to listen to the tournament and competitive players. Because WE are the ones that continue to play their game not only months after release, but YEARS. The casuals will cry about everything under the sun, and not even stay around long enough to see the impact of their tears. The hardcore, dedicated players are then stuck with a different game that they never even asked for, all because the wave of tears was too much to handle.
When it comes to balance updates and patches, those are made for us, the players who will still be playing their game a year from now.
You probably were one of those who always lost to Ryu in SF II' -Champion Edition, that's assuming you ever played that game, if not, you would probably call Ryu Cheap because all he can do is Spam hadoukens to keep out and, when you do a bad jump he would punish.
Your excuse and who ever backed you up on this statement doesn't justify the needs to nerf, i'm sorry, i don't mean to offend anyone but your point here is completely retarded.
I would have loved to see a video of that fight. see how many mistakes u made against that bad deathstroke player.i ve never had problems with a zoner in any game as i have with DS online when i m playing with certain chars. i also beat cheap DS spammers when i m using Aquaman or Ares, but i cant beat them with my main Shazam
some of my last Ranked Matches (always playing with Shazam):
- a pretty good Superman player. sth like 450:30. i lost but it was a good fight. he had 2/3 of his red bar left and i think that s ok because he was really better than me
- a good Green Lantern player: ~120:40. i won with 10 % of red bar left
- a bad player ~15:40. was playing with Raven. it was almost a flawless victory for me.
- same player again. this time he choose Deathstroke. spams like an idiot and this time it s almost a flawless victory for him.
so, call me the worst scrub ever for all i care but this means sth. come on, it s ridiculous. it cant be that i m doing better against good-decent players using other characters than DS but get totally destroyed by a total noob using DS. how is this balanced?
i dont even claim to be a good player and i dont have a problem with losing (you would never get any hatemail from me. ever :3 ) but i think there must be sth wrong in a game if a noob can perform better just by choosing a certain character than a far better player
says enough about ur fundamental understandings of the gamespams like an idiot and this time it s almost a flawless victory for him.
Once again, the game has one week old all zoning tools are good at every early beginning of a game, later on this won't be a issue because you will be able to do what ever you can to get, call me the worst scrub ever for all i care but this means sth. come on, it s ridiculous. it cant be that i m doing better against good-decent players using other characters than DS but get totally destroyed by a total noob using DS. how is this balanced?
i dont even claim to be a good player and i dont have a problem with losing (you would never get any hatemail from me. ever :3 ) but i think there must be sth wrong in a game if a noob can perform better just by choosing a certain character than a far better player
you forget one thing: the core players are the ones who draw others in. its the best advertisement a company couldwish for: a game being played on a high level, on a big stage, with all hype around it. its talked about the game and its cool, even years after release. this gives franchises a good name and boosts sales. so if you balance the game in a way that it keeps this 1% of players in, your reward will be huge. the other way round, your game will go the way of mk 5-8.Let's face it: almost no one wants to be honest about the real factors that surround character modifications in a AAA video game title. But if you really take them into account, you're forced to paint an entirely different picture of what publishers and developers are forced to deal with.
Let's start with Kano. On TYM you might often see statements like this:
"Kano was nerfed because people like you complained that his tools were OP instead of just learning the matchup".
The truth is, that about 4 million people bought Mortal Kombat: 2011, of which people like you and me are a very small percentage. The majority of game-buyers do not have the wherwithal or time to invest hours into learning the intricacies of a matchup. They simply want to play the game, learn the tools of their character on a general level and have fun.
"But this game is made for tournament players!"
This is partially true, but it's not the whole story. Games like Injustice are made for a wide audience which includes brand new and strictly casual gamers, semi-dedicated gamers, all the way up to pros. This means that you cannot balance a game only for the top 1% of players, and expect that the other 99% will be able to deal with vast perceived imbalances that only disappear at the highest level, and have fun.
So why is a character like Kano nerfed? Maybe it had nothing to do with TYM Joe at all; maybe it's because 99% of the people who play the game had issues dealing with basic easy-mode tactics that rendered their attempts at solid gameplay obsolete.
"But people are expressing their frustrations; TYM posters are going to ruin this game!"
Now at this point, I think it's far too early to be talking about nerfs and buffs (besides obvious things, like infinites and 100% easy resets). But consider that once things get to that point, it's not just being balanced for you, and your 100 friends; it's also being balanced for the millions of other people around the world that make up the majority of players and buyers of this game.
So if we could all recognize this fact and stop talking as if these games are only tweaked only for EVO, then most of the discussions surrounding game balance would make a heck of a lot more sense. Right now it's borderline delusional.
You cannot balance a game like this either for the 100% harcore most knowledgeble players, or for the 100% casual Farmville gamers; the balance is a 'balance' and it has to sit somewhere in the middle of those two.
I fully agree....if u look at all the major reviews....they r shit....but i've played the game and it's far from shit....i think its the best fighter on the market myself. There is so much info and tech that we just don't see yet but u know its there. It has the most meter options of any fighting game i've ever heard of.....couple that with all the transitions and interactables.....I honestly just think it's too much for casuals....hence all the shitty opinions and unfounded bullshit ppl r coming up with.Regarding the OP, I had been considering this point for quite some time, that ultimately the game needs to be balanced as well for the casual gamer so that they have fun. But I did realize something in the case of Injustice: in terms of system mechanics and design, it is NOT made for casual gamers.
Designing a character like Deathstroke, they already KNEW he was going to be a scrub-killer and that people were going to hate him. How can you not? Also the very idea of crossups is a scrub-killer for casuals, especially casuals coming off MK. Then you have command throws, unblockable resets, armoured bounces and overheads... this game is FULL of stuff that just decimates anyone who has no idea how they're playing. So how could NRS listen to people about balance choice when they would find EVERYTHING in this game CHEAP?
If you're looking for proof of this fact, look no further than gamefaqs and/or all the casual reviews popping up for Injustice. These people will complain about everything, and also will never even consider spending two minutes in the lab, recording a move and trying to figure out ways to get around it.
I'm actually hoping that NRS doesn't do any balance changes, as I think that's the best way. It allows people to learn matchups from day 1 and be able to stick with that knowledge, and it forces people to learn how to change their game to win rather than waiting for patches to mess everything up again.