Off days....those days when nothing seems to be working and just can't put up a decent fight. Havin lots of these lately lol.
If you're referring to UGotCaged, I'm convinced that guy's a booster and/or a hacker. Always talking trash about Forever King and his clan, claims to be the best, and even changed his name after getting exposed by Curbolicious on Youtube. Somehow his trueskill went from 29 to 39 over night after he changed his GT for the millionth time. xDGuy on the player match leaderboard at 1st spot with a streak of 987
Justice is served! I love hearing stories like this, its so gratifying. Usually when people will beat me while i am using a character i have no experience with, they bail after the tea bagging etc. Probably because I have a decent record online which leads people to believe i am any good at all. I played you a while ago btw, and i remember specifically because the name made me lol. Despite the fact the lag effed up my input badly enough that I wasn't even able to properly time JIP, it was easy to see that you're a very good player! Rats off to ya!
Oh god, something similar but my streak was only like 53 at the time and I was on my reserve controller which has taken quite a beating due to twisting and slamming. I miss the one I threw against a wall RIP. But this controller the L2 button caved in again and at the same time I had it in via USB to the PS3 to charge and and took it out to look at it and cut off all functionality. I got a little heated over it but laughed it off after a couple of seconds.The saltiest I have ever been is when I was on a 574 win streak in ranked match and my controller died, and I was just standing there and my opponent still kept attacking me until my health was gone. Than my opponent sent me a message and it said ""
I did not play MK for about a week after that
Lol must be him. TS was 38 or 39 like you said and his gt was Liquidmudbutts.If you're referring to UGotCaged, I'm convinced that guy's a booster and/or a hacker. Always talking trash about Forever King and his clan, claims to be the best, and even changed his name after getting exposed by Curbolicious on Youtube. Somehow his trueskill went from 29 to 39 over night after he changed his GT for the millionth time. xD
Yup, that's him. Randomly sent me messages yesterday about how Forever sucks and his trueskill shows he's the best (I don't even know the guy!). These videos shows the gdlk skills of the guy who's supposedly better than Forever King and F0xyGrampa (changed his name to Liquidmudbutts after this was posted):Lol must be him. TS was 38 or 39 like you said and his gt was Liquidmudbutts.
Was there any need for the personal attack? I dont think I am good because I beat people online. My offline scene is nonexistent, but I still manage to play against my friend, who is actually quite good, possibly better than me, we dont know. But regardless, the issue we were discussing was not me saying I was good, but that online does matter too, even though the majority of the people on this forums doesnt agree. If it wasnt for online gameplay, this game would be dead except for a few tournament players here and there. Look at Starcraft, its practically dead (save for SC2), except the tournament scene. I'd love to play people offline, but because its so hard to find decent competition that way, I rely heavily on online, but that doesnt make me a noob either. Id like to play against you online some time.theme just wants to think hes good since he wins at online. im like 1400-300 online and i beat most ppl
heartandheadache? lolGuy named HEARTANDHEADACHE
I was learning a character, I think it was cyrax again. Well he beats me 1 match, and quits. Then starts spamming my inbox with UR TERRIBLE< LOL ANOTHER LOSS, and putting me down repeatedly. Was basically nonstop. I'm seeing a pattern here, if you have a decent record and learn somebody and you lose people are little fucking bitches, and they quit after they get their 1 win. I hate people I really do, but anyway back on task. So he spams me and I know I beat his ass in the past, so he was trying to gloat hard. Well he refused to rematch me dispite his superiority complex and saying I was trash and how much better he is blah blah.
Well fast foward to today, I guess he forgot to hit the decline button and i hidden select and went for my main. First round flawless victory, 2nd round near flawless, bout to do babality, and bam RAGE QUIT.
Justice Served!
Sent him a message saying "u still mad?"
No word from him yet.
It's just the online, you're constantly thinking "Oh, if this lag switching random prick beats me, he's going to teabag me and send me gloat mail" even if you're playing a friend, you can't react to shit; so even friendly casuals get you salty as hell due to online's BS.HAHA in retrospect I think this game just makes people mad
heartandheadache? lol
lol! nothing to make our day like evidence of a moron player! XDLMFAO. Yup that's him, tries his best to counter pick then spam w/e he can. That's basically how it went down with the rage quitting. oh this made my day.
Hating on the sawed off im guessing loli just broke my xbox controller. not at MK but at this trash called Gears of war 3. sorry little off topic but im pretty salty.
Good thing I'm not playing you guys, I'm always the asshole who sneaks up behind the you and kills the entire squad with rolling and hip shooting it lolHating on the sawed off im guessing lol
If so, i hear ya my man!
i know playing only online doesnt make u a noob cause some people had no choice. i was the same way before before i learned that many of the top MK players are here in NY. after i learned that i made sure i met up with these guys to play offline. check the region forums for chicago. theres gotta be some good players there. i dont mind playing but i only have it for 360.Was there any need for the personal attack? I dont think I am good because I beat people online. My offline scene is nonexistent, but I still manage to play against my friend, who is actually quite good, possibly better than me, we dont know. But regardless, the issue we were discussing was not me saying I was good, but that online does matter too, even though the majority of the people on this forums doesnt agree. If it wasnt for online gameplay, this game would be dead except for a few tournament players here and there. Look at Starcraft, its practically dead (save for SC2), except the tournament scene. I'd love to play people offline, but because its so hard to find decent competition that way, I rely heavily on online, but that doesnt make me a noob either. Id like to play against you online some time.
Im not just playing online, Im also playing against a good friend of mine, who is just as good, if not better. Its always back and forth with us, so I get good sparring with him. We play online casually but when we want a challenge we just go offline and duke it out. As for checking whos good in chicago, I dont really care. Sure Ill meet up with someone from UIC if they decide to game and is good, but Im not going out of my way to game with a stranger like that. I dont have the passion enough to dedicate so much time and effort like most people do on this forums.i know playing only online doesnt make u a noob cause some people had no choice. i was the same way before before i learned that many of the top MK players are here in NY. after i learned that i made sure i met up with these guys to play offline. check the region forums for chicago. theres gotta be some good players there. i dont mind playing but i only have it for 360.