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The Power Nth -- Hawkgirl General Discussion Thread

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Bird woman!
Hello people, today I had some time to test out the full game at a local store, they were holding up a tournament (but nobody came so I ended up winning the prize and going in the lab with a few chars/doing casuals with a random dude that was decent) and since Harley and Hawkgirl both interested me, I went and tried out both. I had fun especially with hawkgirl.

So first of all, Hawkgirl's air moveset is different whether you're in flight mode or do a normal jump, normal jump sucks bad and so does the attacks, except one attack you can use in both mode, flight mode on the other hand has one decent attack to finish a combo (2), a very fast air mace attack that lacks vertical range and with small horizontal range (1) and lastly an attack with great horizontal range and knocks back the opponent pretty far (3). Then there's an air attack you can use in both flight and normal jump, it's D3, it's a dive kick and a pretty awesome one. It causes a hard knockdown, cancels out your flight stance, hits high I think (mixups mid strings yeeeh) and can lead up to really, REALLY weird crossups. Which is a good thing. The only problem of that attack is the little bit of startup and has a bit of recovery once you reach the ground, I didn't check if it was unsafe though, but I never got punished by Green Arrow's attacks, I had enough time to block.
(For those wondering what the animation looks like it's like Firebrand's air 2H in umvc3)

tl;dr1: All hail the mighty dive kick!

For her ground normals, her f1 is really fast, you can't combo anything after it though and can be crouched, her 1 and d1 are slightly slower than most of the casts' jabs, her f2 2 is a string that leads into an overhead, dunno if you can combo after it, didn't try, her b3 has bad horizontal range (might work as an AA) but her f3 goes as far as Harley's f3 (pretty good range). Her sweep, d3 I think, is pretty decent, it's fast and the range is okay, might work as a poke. D2 is great, I even caught some crossups with it.

tl;dr2: Most of her normals have good horizontal range because you attack with the mace, also dat hitsound.

I didn't play with all of her special moves, but notable moves are:
db(or was it df?)1: Mace throw, can be charged, can be avoided by crouching, using the enhanced version will make Hawkgirl dash really fast along the mace, can be enhanced as soon as it's thrown out. Does 17~% damages when enhanced (that hits HARD)
air db1: 45° toward the ground mace throw, awesome zoning tool and great to counter zone, especiall in flight mode.
air df1: horizontal mace throw, good if you predict a jump
air bf2: air dash with an hitbox, extremely low startup, unsafe on block, best combo finisher, awesome damage on enhanced version, might be able to combo after enhanced version in the corner.

I didn't have much time to work on a proper combo because I was forced to use a pad and I suck with pads, but that's what I got as a bnb for now:
(midscreen) 123, (walk forward a bit) d2 xx flight, air 2 xx bf2
I think it does around 25%, maybe a little more.
Possible combo, I didn't try it out though: b3/f3, j.3 xx flight 12 xx bf2

Here's how it works:
You can cancel nearly every normal into flight (HELLO MAGNETO MIXUPS!).
You can use multiple air special moves and air normal attacks, so basically you can easily get in on zoners by doing bf2, d3 or zone by throwing your mace around the screen multiple time and then fleeing with bf2 (it's her offensive air dash btw, like WW's bf3)
The air normal attacks in flight mode can be special cancelled into air specials.
You can chain some air normal attacks during flight mode (such as 12, 2d3)
You can activate flight mode whether you're on the ground or in the air.
When you activate flight mode while on the ground, if you don't move, the only attacks that will hit the (crouching or standing, though I'm not sure if crouched is char specific, it worked on GL and GA at least) opponent is air 2 and air d3. You can go around this by slightly going down (just make sure you don't fully touch the ground).
You can go in any direction, but there's an invisible ceiling.
Movement speed isn't very fast, use air bf2 if you need to get across the screen.
If you touch the ground while in flight mode, unlike magneto's flight mode, it will cancel it and you'll be back on the ground.
Green Arrow can reach you when you're at max height by jumping and shooting an horizontal arrow :(.
Air 2 launches.
Air 3 knocks back.
Air d3 has the same properties as in normal mode (hard knockdown).
I didn't try cancelling flight air attacks into unflight, I'm sure it's possible though.
You can normal jump, air attack and cancel into flight, but seriously don't normal jump, her jump is probably the worst ever, it's floaty and stupidly slow.

tl;dr3: holy shit this trait is awesome, her normal jump sucks tho.

I think that's all I can say, I forgot to take a picture of her moveset before going home D:.

EDIT: I forgot to mention some stuff:
Her backdash is pretty bad, it got lots of lag at the end.
Her forward dash is okay though.


Reincarnated Member
Well, that means it probably isn't Kendra since she never married Hawkman. And since the wings aren't attached that would mean it's most likely Shiera Hall the Golden Age Hawkgirl because the Thanagarian Hawkgirl is sometimes shown to have her wings attached.


hawkman's so dumb that he doesn't need wings to fly, and when someone cuts them he falls, like a bitch if i may add (i'm gonna leave and stop filling the thread with non-hawkpeople related things)


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Im trying to get one of the early copy dudes to maybe come over and answer some stuff for you guys. No takers yet. Just noticed their are tumbleweeds in your forum where there should be activity and thought you could use some tidbits.
Im trying to get one of the early copy dudes to maybe come over and answer some stuff for you guys. No takers yet. Just noticed their are tumbleweeds in your forum where there should be activity and thought you could use some tidbits.
For some reason, few people are flocking to Hawkgirl...apologies for the terrible pun.:oops:
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