And thus I thought of another buff that would help Hawkgirl and basically give her a really useful tool:
Implementing a new string: F2b3
Except it's not a new string, it's basically the same animation, hitboxes and framedata of her 12b3 but without 1.
F2 would then be a 16f advancing normal mid with low damage but that's +2 on block (taken from the TYM wiki's framedata) and that leads to we2, which mean a nice bnb. (Someone tell me if it comboes into mt mb, because in that case it'll give hg 40%+ off a poke for 1 meter and that's not we want here. If it comboes then they'll have to reduce f2's hit adv slightly.)
Except that hitconfirming would not be possible because we're using b3 ender here, which leads to nothing midscreen and mediocre combos in the corner. There's also a gap between f2 and b3.
On the other hand, it gives Hawkgirl a safe move with reach that can lead into a bnb and can be used as a long range poke that you'll be able to confirm like a xx hadoken when cancelling into we3/mc for approximatively 12~14% without meter.
Thoughts? I believe this would be great every matchup and would make Hawkgirl a better character without making her supes f23 retarded.