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The Newest Mortal Kombat (9) Tier List

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Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
Most of Kang's strings can be punished by blade spin though [MENTION=7663]1man3letters[/MENTION], and if he starts to fireball just dash forward like the noob saibot matchup, and when he gets close Baraka is even or at more of an advantage. I dont have to tell you this though because SomeCubanGuy told you already lol. And i trust him more than this tier list.

indeed somecubanguy broke down this matchup for me more today,although its not a bad as i thought for raka i still belive kang has the edge so matter how slight that edge is,
so i agree its a bad matchup but i was just askin people on this thread why kang is in baraka worst matchups? thats all
i trust cuban in all match knowledge he shares


Death is my business
So that means a Mileena player has a 3 frame window to telekick Cages projectile on reaction?

m2dave must've been trained by Neo or Wesley Snipes or something
That means Mileena can clearly see the 19 frames of startup of that move + the time the projectile needs to reach her + fb recovery - 24 frames for the telekick= easy punish or reaction fullscreen 3/4 screen

while mileenas air sai has 14 frames startup + time for the sai to reach Ermac + air sai recovery ( for sure its less than Cages Fb ) - 29 frames of startup of a iatp = Neo slow-mo reaction times or just an educated guess , reacting to instant air sai isn't that easy for ermac

I hardly belive that Ermac can punish sai on reaction , and you can't argue with that man , if ermac guesses right i'll give to you that he deals more damage than mileena but while she can do it on reaction , ermac cannot.


Zoning Master
1man3letters said:
why is mileena in cyrax's bad matchups when posts in both cyrax and mileena forums have it a 6-4 to cyrax?
REO and I have to take a look at Mileena's match up chart in the Mileena forum to see where the players are coming from. However, the guys over there are known to overly underestimate their character.

Cyrax cannot approach Mileena to set up his offense. iaSBs zone Cyrax from a distance while d+4 keeps him in check at mid range. You can telekick net and bombs on reaction, but the bombs are much more difficult to react to. Mileena controls most of the screen and hence the pace of the match, so she wins.

Trini_Bwoi said:
How'd you come up with that...?
Who knows and who cares? Foxy is one of the most misinformed users in the MK community. The question is, how many times will this dude get away with outrageous and nonsensical comments?


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
REO and I have to take a look at Mileena's match up chart in the Mileena forum to see where the players are coming from. However, the guys over there are known to overly underestimate their character.

Cyrax cannot approach Mileena to set up his offense. iaSBs zone Cyrax from a distance while d+4 keeps him in check at mid range. You can telekick net and bombs on reaction, but the bombs are much more difficult to react to. Mileena controls most of the screen and hence the pace of the match, so she wins.
i bow to you sir :top: i have no arguement to what you just said and thanks for the reply,and the knwowledge :)


F0xy would you be so kind as to escort your way out of this thread? And if you can't, then at the very least I would like for you to stop spouting false and ridiculous statements. This also goes out to all Europeans and friends who have made some very naive claims lately. Unless perhaps we're all playing a different version of the game maybe? I've read posts directing claims that were made in previous versions of the game that serve absolutely no relevance in this thread. This needs to stop.
Im getting so tired of this bash European crap. Especially the mentality of M2DAVE, "Im from Europe so its ok"This community sucks so badly.


What NRS needs to do is put in a Com vs. Com to put all this arguing to rest. It may not be the most intelligent way of going about things (as far as things a player would do compared to what an AI wouldn't) but noone can deny that the opponents would know their characters equally well and play at an equal level.


My blades will find your heart
This tier list is pointless because Mileena is S tier. I mean, Scorpion, sub Zero, Tremor, Havik, Ashrah and Mokap are all bad matchups for her. Amiright?

(/sarcasm, case you didn't catch that)


Random foreign guy
Noob has to guess a TON. If you knock Noob down and don't clone... he has NO idea what you are going to do. You basically can wait for a wakeup attack... and if he doesn't, you get to pressure. Sub does more damage than noob on average, and really thats a silly argument. Longer freeze lets sub trade favorably more often.

D4 kills Baraka. You shouldn't really eat a wakeup chop chop. You shouldn't clone immediately after knock down either... as the recovery will make you eat an exBLade. Just like Noob, if you stand there and wait, you are at the advantage. Spin is killed by d4... a blocked blade charge leads to Sub pressure.
The 5-5 with him comes with the reads you must make to get in there, if you make a few bad reads then you are going to have to take more risks. It goes both ways, which is why neither is at advantage.
Noob has no reason to trade with you now that the teleport works well. If you wait for his wakeup, what can you do to punish it? It's safe on block and can be repeated almost immediately. If you guess wrong, you are going to be at full screen again where things get ugly. If he guesses wrong for some reason (Sub doesn't have that many options to counter Noob's wakeup options, really) he loses ~25% damage (if you end it with slide), not even worth spending two bars to break the combo unless he is at major disadvantage. Basically: You make terrific reads -> mediocre ~25% punishment - Noob makes a mediocre read -> you are full-screen again. Again, it might be 5-5.

Baraka has no reason to do a spin against Sub, unless it's on reaction to a cross up. Blade rush can also punish you if he sees you trying to pressure and at full-screen he beats most things you can do (If he has 1 bar, he beats anything) AND he can turtle you easily.

Both of them aren't 3-7 matchups, but I doubt there aren't easier matchups included in this list.


Go to hell.
If you think Noob Saibot is C tier you've lost your god forsaken mind. Glad Sub is finally getting a break from the bashing...
Kid went S to A but he is a very, VERY strong character.
And lol at Sheeva-KL being 5-5. But otherwise I agree with you guys.


Go to hell.
Noob doesnt have anything up close, which would give him a lot of bad matchups.
Doesn't need anything up close. He has a GTFO me move, and a six frame D1. He likes you over there and those tools excel at getting you over there. Just look at the Sonya match-up...

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
Im getting so tired of this bash European crap. Especially the mentality of M2DAVE, "Im from Europe so its ok"This community sucks so badly.
But REO is right, we Europeans just keep spouting misinformation.

This is a friendly, welcoming community full of humble people!

See, I just can't help myself.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Doesn't need anything up close. He has a GTFO me move, and a six frame D1. He likes you over there and those tools excel at getting you over there. Just look at the Sonya match-up...
sadly, his d1 is the same as it has always been. You are sadly mistaken.


TYM White Knight
As a Jade Main there are a couple of her matchups that you should re-evaluate. One in particular is the Cyrax one. That is definitely in Jades favour....Everytime his chest opens up she can punish it. 6-4 Jade imo.

The Sektor matchup is debatable in terms of a 5-5

Also, Kitanna for her is debatable as a 5-5 as well. (I think it is, but I am one of the few so I cannot fault those that think otherwise)

You can almost throw Cage in as a 5-5 with her as well...she can glow through basically all of his frame traps and usually get a free combo. But this one is debatable.

Everything else on the list for her I pretty much agree with.
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