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The Need Help Choosing Main/Secondary Character Discussion Thread

Hey guys my first fighting game was Injustice, like many others. I really enjoyed playing Batman in Injustice. I liked Batman because he was a jack of all trades character. Not really the best at any one thing, but he could do it all, zone, pressure, etc. I'm just wondering what characters have a similar feel in MKX? For you Batmen what character did you pick and why?

Right now I'm looking at Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Erron Black, and Sub-Zero.
Any recommendations for characters I might enjoy?


Bug of tater's
Might wanna look into A-list Johnny some. I feel he does a little of everything but he's like batman and is high on pressure


It's all so very confusing.
I dunno about the variationless training, but I suck, so my opinions dont account for much.

LK is def a jack of all trades. I'm just tossing my vote out for Sub though, I feel like he can do a little of everything. Maybe not zone in the full-screen, projectile vomiting sense, but GM damn sure controls large portions of the screen, which is the definition of zoning I would think. I have also been impressed with easy Cryo has been to pick up from a mechanical perspective. I suck and I can comfortably land most of his basic bnb stuff after maybe an hour total practice between three or so sessions. It's nice to be able to jump in to playing without having to wait due to execution barriers. Dunno if that's relevant to you or not,just tossing out my .02 =)

The Highlander

There can be only one
I'd suggest kung jin, he doesn't zone much but he's a super solid character in every other aspect and THE batman main forever king first gravitated towards this character. Plus you're probably used to an insanely good jump attack which he has lol.


Can of Corn Main
I dunno about the variationless training, but I suck, so my opinions dont account for much.

LK is def a jack of all trades. I'm just tossing my vote out for Sub though, I feel like he can do a little of everything. Maybe not zone in the full-screen, projectile vomiting sense, but GM damn sure controls large portions of the screen, which is the definition of zoning I would think. I have also been impressed with easy Cryo has been to pick up from a mechanical perspective. I suck and I can comfortably land most of his basic bnb stuff after maybe an hour total practice between three or so sessions. It's nice to be able to jump in to playing without having to wait due to execution barriers. Dunno if that's relevant to you or not,just tossing out my .02 =)
Well, I never played inj, but i played mk9 while playing ermac and lk.

I'm going to do a whole thread on variationless training.


I tried to throw a yo-yo away. It was impossible.
I'm not gonna lie. After seeing this in the new post thingy on the homepage, I thought this was a new dlc character thing since they mentioned something about the character select spot in the last twitch stream
Hey guys, had MKX since release and only messed around online and offline w/ friends. Still very bad at MKX and fighters in general. I know fundamentals from following all different games in the FGC however I watch more than I play. Looking to starting taking MKX (and other fighters more serious). I tend to like a playing a style with high pressure, and can't do a run cancel to save my life. Won't be participating in anything offline as I'm scrub tier so I'm looking for a decent online character that won't be brutal when I get matches w/ lag.


It's all so very confusing.
Ermac doesn't seem to use run cancels, and he's idiotic online in MKX's lagg induced hell. Ermac does great damage, can reset you, etc. He's balanced by being painfully unsafe but you can abuse that online.


It's all so very confusing.
Also, unless you're part of the 1% that has this game work.. It's not 'when I get matches with lagg' .. All matches have lagg. if you're like most of us, 80-90% of your matches will be lagged enough to make them.poinltess and deeply unenjoyable.

I'm not trying to be a kill-joy, just stating an issue thousands of us have. Make sure you're on a wired connection, etc etc.

Please report your online experience as well. Good, bad, let us know.


It depends on who you play. When I first picked the game back up a month or so ago, I didn't really have anyone to play, so I was forced to play video game cancer aka MKX ranked. Now that I have quite a few people from here and on XBL that I can play with a reliable connection, it's not so bad.

Ranked is awful, though. 80% of the people I play have garbage internet. 50% have records like 300-1 and don't know how to play the game, they just quit as soon as they lose to avoid e-losses. 48% are people who don't understand the game at all and make me develop bad habits, and they typically have bad internet as well. The other 2% are people who are actually worth playing.

Darth Mao

Your Tech is Mine! #buffRaiden
I play with Sektor since MK3 and in Injustice I played with MM. I have struggled to find a character with similar MK9 Sektor mechanics/gameplay, some indication?

I have tried Kano lately, but still not what I look for.

I'm new to TYM and would like your advice.
Summoner Quan Chi is my main. Quan is my favorite character from the entire MK series. To note that I'm a casual player, who just happens to love this game.
I obviously use Quan's strengths: vortex, zoning, good air-to-air (NJP, Jump 1). After playing only with him online, with pretty good results, I've finally decided to learn a second character. I want my secondary to be a different type of character: who can apply pressure (faster normals), armored wakeups - better defense
I have a bunch of friends who come over to my house and we play against each other, they're all newbies and don't allow me to pick QC so I get the chance to try out the entire cast. OFC I found a few characters to my liking which I want to take into the lab. Problem is that most of 'em require a lot of run and fireball cancels to play properly and I admit I have big problems mastering them in combos - I never really needed run cancels with Quan Chi other than 1 or 2 combos which I adapted for zoning and didn't need them.
The characters that appeal to me are:
1. Jax (Heavy Weapons, which probably is the best variation, is hard for me execution-wise with the rocket cancels. I can pull off some decent corner combos with him (not max damage obviously), but that's it
2. Tremor (notably Aftershock)
3. Sub-Zero
4. Predator HQT but more of a zoner like Quan + not the greatest wakeup move
5. Out of the female cast, more for her character design, place in the MK story and gruesome fatalities - Mileena, which I unfortunately know is kinda unsafe and is considered pretty low tier.

What would you guys recommend? Any other characters suggestions besides the ones above are welcomed

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I am like the blue rose

I'm new to TYM and would like your advice.
Summoner Quan Chi is my main. Quan is my favorite character from the entire MK series. To note that I'm a casual player, who just happens to love this game.
I obviously use Quan's strengths: vortex, zoning, good air-to-air (NJP, Jump 1). After playing only with him online, with pretty good results, I've finally decided to learn a second character. I want my secondary to be a different type of character: who can apply pressure (faster normals), armored wakeups - better defense
I have a bunch of friends who come over to my house and we play against each other, they're all newbies and don't allow me to pick QC so I get the chance to try out the entire cast. OFC I found a few characters to my liking which I want to take into the lab. Problem is that most of 'em require a lot of run and fireball cancels to play properly and I admit I have big problems mastering them in combos - I never really needed run cancels with Quan Chi other than 1 or 2 combos which I adapted for zoning and didn't need them.
The characters that appeal to me are:
1. Jax (Heavy Weapons, which probably is the best variation, is hard for me execution-wise with the rocket cancels. I can pull off some decent corner combos with him (not max damage obviously), but that's it
2. Tremor (notably Aftershock)
3. Sub-Zero
4. Predator HQT but more of a zoner like Quan + not the greatest wakeup move
5. Out of the female cast, more for her character design, place in the MK story and gruesome fatalities - Mileena, which I unfortunately know is kinda unsafe and is considered pretty low tier.

What would you guys recommend? Any other characters suggestions besides the ones above are welcomed

I would highly recommend Pumped Up (or even Wrestler, if it appeals to you more) Jax. IMO, Pumped Up and Wrestler are every bit as good (if not in many ways better) than Heavy Weapons. Jax has enough execution barriers even without the Rocket Cancels. That said, if you can get Summoner Quan's b2/low bat vortex down, nothing Pumped Up Jax requires should be an uncrossable barrier for you.

First of all, after you get his midscreens down, you will never have an issue learning run cancel combos again. Second of all, you do not even really need them to play Jax at a reasonably high level. As such, you will be able to level up and see noticable improvement with the character in actual games without having to learn his optimal combos first.

Myself and my fellow Jax players often remark that we have the most fun playing the game. The reason for this is that while Jax is high tier character who can compete with anyone in the game, he also does it by being "fair." And what we mean by "fair" is that while he has the tools to deal with any situation, it is going to take reads and conditioning and extensive knowledge of yourself and your opponent, both his character and his tendencies, in order to continue to win on a high level.

In effect, this will make YOU a better player at fighting games, as you will have to earn your wins through a combination of matchup knowledge and skill. You will not simply be able to win because you touched your opponent once and the Summoner vortex is stupid. At the same time, you will not feel discouraged as you would if you were playing a low tier against characters that simply leave your toolset outclassed.

So, now that the psychological aspects are out of the way, let me list Pumped Up Jax's toolkit:

Firstly, the combination of Energy Wave, Ground Pound, and Air Ground Pound gives Pumped Up Jax perhaps the most critically underrated zoning in the game. I legit believe it is possible that Pumped Up is a top 10 zoner in this game. If not, he is just outside of it.

While Energy Wave is slow to start and has a lot of recovery frames, it is plus 7 on block, delayable, and capable of anti-airing any enemy trying to make their way to you by air.

Meanwhile, Ground Pound is an unblockable that does 10% unblockable damage to your opponent if he or she remains on the ground. At only 21 frames of recovery, it is possible to bait enemies who have successfully jumped your Ground Pound into attempting to punish, only to hit them with ex Gotcha Grab, which does 22% raw damage.

Additionally, enemies anti-aired by one of your Energy Waves are guaranteed an additional 13% OTG damage by way of Ex Ground Pound, which is also guaranteed after a number of strings and specials.

Air Ground Pound is there to remind people you have it. It should be used, but cautiously, as the recovery is a whopping 44 frames.

Before I move on to Pumped Up's other tools, I would like to point out that Ground Pound (but NOT Air Ground Pound) low profiles many of the games mid projectiles.

Now, on to the tools you said you were looking for: Pressure and Defense. Most of the strings you will generally get used to using with Jax end in Plus Frames. His specials, when not plus ( Energy Wave), generally remain safe on block (although you should be wary of your opponent neutral ducking them).

11 starts with a 6 frame high and is +2 on block. This string all but dares your opponent to git gud. F21 is a 13 frame mid that covers a large distance and is +1 on block. 12 breaks the armor of any ex special under 11 frames that doesn't low profile the 1. 12 offers you Jax's best 50/50, as you can continue into 123 (ends in a low), or cancel directly out of it into Downward Dash Punch. 123 should always be canceled into something, as it is -17 on block and not very plus on hit.

Jax also has a 13 frame low starter in b3 (which in conjunction with Ex DDP also has its place in stuffing certain wakeups), and an 18 frame Overhead starter in b2.

As for his Defense, Ex Gotcha is a 7 frame high (careful for the neutral ducking!) which deals out 22% raw unbreakable damage to your opponent, and restands them with you at +3. Being 7 frames, it makes for a boss ass reversal/gap exploitation tool as well. It is -9 on block in Pumped Up, so it can be punished.

Dash Punch and Ex Dash Punch are great tools on wakeup, especially if you catch your opponent running in with their guard down. Both are -7 on block, but not punishable except in the corner due to pushback.

DDP and Ex DDP is the Overhead version of Dash Punch. This is where the midscreen and corner combos are made. This is essentially the move you want to hit your opponent with the most, and it can keep those sneaky, filthy neutral duckers in check, but be careful as it is highly unsafe on block.

I think that just about does it, at some point I have to decide whether not I am offering up my opinion of why you should play Pumped Up Jax, or writing the second guide on this website on the topic. Hopefully, it isn't too tl:dr to read and helps you with your decision. Good luck.
I would highly recommend Pumped Up (or even Wrestler, if it appeals to you more) Jax. IMO, Pumped Up and Wrestler are every bit as good (if not in many ways better) than Heavy Weapons. Jax has enough execution barriers even without the Rocket Cancels. That said, if you can get Summoner Quan's b2/low bat vortex down, nothing Pumped Up Jax requires should be an uncrossable barrier for you.

First of all, after you get his midscreens down, you will never have an issue learning run cancel combos again. Second of all, you do not even really need them to play Jax at a reasonably high level. As such, you will be able to level up and see noticable improvement with the character in actual games without having to learn his optimal combos first.

Myself and my fellow Jax players often remark that we have the most fun playing the game. The reason for this is that while Jax is high tier character who can compete with anyone in the game, he also does it by being "fair." And what we mean by "fair" is that while he has the tools to deal with any situation, it is going to take reads and conditioning and extensive knowledge of yourself and your opponent, both his character and his tendencies, in order to continue to win on a high level.

In effect, this will make YOU a better player at fighting games, as you will have to earn your wins through a combination of matchup knowledge and skill. You will not simply be able to win because you touched your opponent once and the Summoner vortex is stupid. At the same time, you will not feel discouraged as you would if you were playing a low tier against characters that simply leave your toolset outclassed.

So, now that the psychological aspects are out of the way, let me list Pumped Up Jax's toolkit:

Firstly, the combination of Energy Wave, Ground Pound, and Air Ground Pound gives Pumped Up Jax perhaps the most critically underrated zoning in the game. I legit believe it is possible that Pumped Up is a top 10 zoner in this game. If not, he is just outside of it.

While Energy Wave is slow to start and has a lot of recovery frames, it is plus 7 on block, delayable, and capable of anti-airing any enemy trying to make their way to you by air.

Meanwhile, Ground Pound is an unblockable that does 10% unblockable damage to your opponent if he or she remains on the ground. At only 21 frames of recovery, it is possible to bait enemies who have successfully jumped your Ground Pound into attempting to punish, only to hit them with ex Gotcha Grab, which does 22% raw damage.

Additionally, enemies anti-aired by one of your Energy Waves are guaranteed an additional 13% OTG damage by way of Ex Ground Pound, which is also guaranteed after a number of strings and specials.

Air Ground Pound is there to remind people you have it. It should be used, but cautiously, as the recovery is a whopping 44 frames.

Before I move on to Pumped Up's other tools, I would like to point out that Ground Pound (but NOT Air Ground Pound) low profiles many of the games mid projectiles.

Now, on to the tools you said you were looking for: Pressure and Defense. Most of the strings you will generally get used to using with Jax end in Plus Frames. His specials, when not plus ( Energy Wave), generally remain safe on block (although you should be wary of your opponent neutral ducking them).

11 starts with a 6 frame high and is +2 on block. This string all but dares your opponent to git gud. F21 is a 13 frame mid that covers a large distance and is +1 on block. 12 breaks the armor of any ex special under 11 frames that doesn't low profile the 1. 12 offers you Jax's best 50/50, as you can continue into 123 (ends in a low), or cancel directly out of it into Downward Dash Punch. 123 should always be canceled into something, as it is -17 on block and not very plus on hit.

Jax also has a 13 frame low starter in b3 (which in conjunction with Ex DDP also has its place in stuffing certain wakeups), and an 18 frame Overhead starter in b2.

As for his Defense, Ex Gotcha is a 7 frame high (careful for the neutral ducking!) which deals out 22% raw unbreakable damage to your opponent, and restands them with you at +3. Being 7 frames, it makes for a boss ass reversal/gap exploitation tool as well. It is -9 on block in Pumped Up, so it can be punished.

Dash Punch and Ex Dash Punch are great tools on wakeup, especially if you catch your opponent running in with their guard down. Both are -7 on block, but not punishable except in the corner due to pushback.

DDP and Ex DDP is the Overhead version of Dash Punch. This is where the midscreen and corner combos are made. This is essentially the move you want to hit your opponent with the most, and it can keep those sneaky, filthy neutral duckers in check, but be careful as it is highly unsafe on block.

I think that just about does it, at some point I have to decide whether not I am offering up my opinion of why you should play Pumped Up Jax, or writing the second guide on this website on the topic. Hopefully, it isn't too tl:dr to read and helps you with your decision. Good luck.
Thanks a lot! Pumped Up is actually the variation I use against my friends, started with it just out of the joy of mashing 4 in Gotcha and EX Gotcha Grab and staring at them while doing it :)))) I just mentionned Heavy Weapons as I knew it was the variation chosen at high level play - Tyrant. I already did a little homework on Jax, I know about his 11, f21 being plus on block, his wakeups, a good part of this tools etc (I get to see that online as well playing against him). I guess it's all into the matches and training, because the b2/low bat vortex is easy for me playing Quan Chi all the time, while EX OH Dash Punch - run cancel into f21 is a lot harder :)))) His corner combos I can already pull off to a certain extent.
Anyway Jax is a lot of fun, the second most fun in the game next to my broken character IMO :)))
I saw your guide even before your reply and it's excellent, it covers everything on Jax. I'll take the time the next few days in really studying it and applying those things in the lab and maybe after online.
Great stuff, thanks!
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I wish I could pick up a decondsry, but I don't have the time to put in the work. Over 4000 gamed with cassie, and everytime i go to learn someone else I just give up.
I wish I could pick up a decondsry, but I don't have the time to put in the work. Over 4000 gamed with cassie, and everytime i go to learn someone else I just give up.
I guess you just need to find someone that you really like and maybe finding the time will be worth it. Alternately, think about a bad matchup for Cassie, idk like BS Shinnok and find out who fares well against him (even though not a lot of characters do)...you can choose from there or Shinnok directly if you like him (I personally never liked his design, he looks like a court jester and not a final boss in the game, but the character actually is really good even after the nerfs).


Bruce Campbell 4 MK!!!
So this has been bugging me. This is the first fighting game I am taking seriously, I have loved MK and the genre in general for a long time most of my life, but now I am really dedicated to playing MKX and at a pretty decent level. I have been playing Cassie since day 1, and I love everything about her but I'm starting to feel her gameplay isn't for me which sucks cus I adore her trash talk :( my other most played character is easily Jason, since I am a horror buff. I have fun with him, but I find he is just god awful against half the cast in a offline setting (looking at you JCage and Kitana). Other characters I have dabbled with include D'Vorah, Kung Jin, Mileena, Tanya, Sonya, JCage, Kano, and Takeda. I always come back to Jason and Cassie but I struggle with them. I really need to find just one character to stick with at the moment, before I make a bad habit out of this with all the other fighting games I am excited for. If any Cassie players can leave some tips that would be amazing. Anybody else in the community for any of the characters I mentioned above feel free to leave some tips too. Sorry if this is typed bad I'm using an iPad while my computer is being worked on.
I have played Injustice and MKX at local tournaments and have done pretty well. But I am having a serious identity crisis. I am confident with Reptile, Mileena, Jax, Kano, Johnny, Kotal, Quan and tremor. I like all characters for different reasons but haven't fallen in love with any ONE persons playstyle. I played Killer Frost in Injustice and feel like Mileena has a similar (high risk/high reward) playstyle. But for this game i would like to be more centered on footsies (i know not a huge deal in MK), and defense. I know Kotal matches these characteristics but there are ALOT of them in my local scene.