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The Need Help Choosing Main/Secondary Character Discussion Thread

So, I consider myself a good player however lately I've been criticized for my neutral game or lack thereof by TYM members. Right now I am focusing on enhancing my neutral but first--what exactly does it mean? I have a vague understanding. I always just assume that playing a neutral game involves footsies and not committing to anything right out but trying to control the space around you.

What character in MKX has a strong neutral game? I will kill two birds with one stone by learning another character--thus increasing my match up knowledge--and learning to play a very neutral game when necessary.


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
This game doesn't really have much of a neutral game, compared to street fighter.
I think Jax has good neutral game, maybe kotal kahn too?
Either did MK9 (in comparison to SF)
doesnt mean it "Doesn't really have much of a neutral game"

There's a reason why top 8 players are constantly top 8 and no it's not for guessing right lol
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Most humble shit talker ever!!!
To answer your question JC, Kotal, Liu, Sub, Scorp, Kano, Cassie, Dvorah, Kung Jin and maybe Shinnok it's what I'm thinking now


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
D'vorah ... Cassie ... Jax ? Those are the ones I think of.


Kotal Kahn Blood God, he has nothing else but a neutral game. If you can succeed with Blood God, then you've succeeded with neutral game.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Having a strong neutral game, at least to my understanding, is being able to respond appropriately to what the opponent is doing when they start something up as well as being able to bait the opponent into responding inappropriately.

2 basic things to look out for characters are the ability to anti-air and a long-range move with quick recovery. Anything extra would be whatever is appropriate to the meta. MKX specifically would be things like being a 2 hitter, hitting Low or OH, being able to convert into big damage, having a fast start-up, etc


"I will cut a hole in you"
Lately I've come to find out tanya has an amazing footsie game, she's the only viable character i used that has a good footsie game/risk reward situations AND on top of that she can zone lol try practicing with her


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
MK 9 had a great neutral game wat.
Never said it didn't even better than MKX maybe

Was saying in comparison to SF like that dude was saying cause I thought that was the direction he was taken I could worded it better

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
I say Cassie. Good mobility and b1 might be one of the best footsie tools in the game. She doesn't have gimmicks or complicated tools, she just has strong neutral.
Took the words right out of my mouth.

D'vorah has pretty much the same b1 move as Cassie only binded to a different command :p


From Scrubs to Pros
What's up TYM community. I need help finding a main. I find every character interesting and I have a few favs. After I think I found someone I always get dissatisfied and switch to a different character. I have an aggressive playstyle and I like to keep pressure on my opponent. I'm big on combos and decent damage.


Positive Poster!
What's up TYM community. I need help finding a main. I find every character interesting and I have a few favs. After I think I found someone I always get dissatisfied and switch to a different character. I have an aggressive playstyle and I like to keep pressure on my opponent. I'm big on combos and decent damage.
Raiden (Thunder God) - Hat tier. The most aggressive and best range with armour-breaking properties, decidedly GODLIKE.
D'Vorah - Bug cancels are a steep learning curve but she's positive one million on block all the goddamn time.
Sonya - Stance mixups are a bitch to deal with. Excellent normals, great aggressive play but she takes more effort to win with than Raiden.
Liu Kang (Flame Fist) - Stupidly good damage and rushdown with great zoning tools.
Kung Lao (Tempest) - Hat tier = GODLIKE. Execution-heavy though.
Goro is also great, yes.
Yeah I destroy in the corner. What variation you recommend?
I would say start with pumped up. Every variation will use basically the same normals and TYM has an amazing guide by @karaokelove that will have you covered on the character. DJT said on the yomi stream last night that he plays this variation so even though it is fairly straight forward compared to the other 2, it is still very effective. Lots of corner damage and unblockable On The Ground damage as the guide explains.

From there, you can stick with Pumped Up or go to HW or Wrestler. Heavy Weapons is unique because the db2 rocket can be run-cancelled and his db3 AA machine gun can create a re-stand vortex of sorts in the corner. The rocker run cancel creates crazy added pressure and makes him "safer". Check out Tyrant playing Heavy Weapons to see the potential. Wrestler does insane damage using its command grabs. I believe that wrestler is the only variation where the db2 projectile is +7 on block and +10 on hit. Using the command grab and 2 bars, you can have 50%+ damage in the corner, and even 1 bar will get you to 40%+ damage. Not saying this is the right way to do it, just saying that it's possible if you like the numbers.

His mid screen links are hard to confirm and take some practice. The cancel is difficult as well because of the start strings and how they vary in timings. But overall, Jax is awesome. Hope you check him out!
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From Scrubs to Pros
Thanks for the response guys. Right now I'm leaning towards Sonya, Lui, Jax, and Goro. I dominated with Raiden and Sub Zero for a while, but I needed a change. I want to see who I'll be most comfortable with.


Have you had your MK today?
Have you settled on one or are you constantly choosing? I myself have settled primarily on Quan Chi, but still like to play a few others (Sub, Mileena, Tremor, D'V, EB (Erron Black not Ed Boon...coincidence?).

With limited time to play it makes balancing sessions between them all tough.

What are your thoughts?
So I used to main Cyber Sub-Zero (loved him so much) and played a little bit of Kenshi, Jade and Rain back in MK9. Never found a CSZ equivalent in MKX, but Kotal Kahn apparently satisfies me enough and so does Sub-Zero (which I actually play Unbreakable because dat parry but should transition to Grandmaster).
I'd like a... mobile character, preferably has armored wakeup as a "get off me" move since I cannot handle pressure well, has good and balanced to defensive neutral game, not execution heavy, does not focus entirely on offense, does not struggle against zoners and has nice range. (I cannot be satisfied. Ever.)
I've been meaning to give Predator, Ferra/Torr or Takeda a try, I also like Warlock Quan Chi but I hate his normals too much, waiting for Tremor to get a decent buff so he's playable as well. Any suggestions?
I was wondering if anyone would help me choose a new main or enlighten me on my previous mains (Cryomancer Sub Zero, Outlaw Erron Black, Brawler Cassie Cage, Ninjutsu Scorpion) thanks in advance.