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The Need Help Choosing Main/Secondary Character Discussion Thread


I see some people throwing out the term "footsies" and using it in a way that it refers to good buttons. Often a character with great pokes allows for doing well in footsies. Footsies is the art of using these normals, characters with trash normals can still play footsies.

Anyway D'Vorah might be a character to look into, great space control and she can apply some sick pressure too.


My blades will find your heart
IMO KOTAL KAHN beats all of the listed d1 6 frames mid and d4 6 frame low poke, fast forward advancing normals f1 is 11 frames with deceptive range the f1b2 range is unmatched. In WarGod he gets even more range with hes sword attack. Just watch MR. Aquaman vs Sub zero.

Edit: i forgot to mention f2 though its kinda low with 18 frames startup
Kotal's footsies are unsafe, so that probably isnt what he is looking for.
Hi everyone. I have been playing Bojutsu Kung Jin (I know, don't hate me), and I would like to learn a second character, but I am having trouble finding one. I don't get alot of time to play atm due to work.

Basically I am looking for someone who's combos flow like Kung Jin. Is there anyone close?
Currently maining Quan Chi (Summoner). Looking for a secondary or possibly new main with,

-Strong corner pressure
-A teleport (not necessary though)
-A possible vortex (again, not necessary but would be cool)
-Normals that aren't sucky like Quan Chi's...

I've been looking at Ermac (MoS), Jax, and Takeda, but any suggestions would be awesome.
Hi everyone. I have been playing Bojutsu Kung Jin (I know, don't hate me), and I would like to learn a second character, but I am having trouble finding one. I don't get alot of time to play atm due to work.

Basically I am looking for someone who's combos flow like Kung Jin. Is there anyone close?
Try Kano in his cut throath variation: I really have fun playing with him.
Currently maining Quan Chi (Summoner). Looking for a secondary or possibly new main with,

-Strong corner pressure
-A teleport (not necessary though)
-A possible vortex (again, not necessary but would be cool)
-Normals that aren't sucky like Quan Chi's...

I've been looking at Ermac (MoS), Jax, and Takeda, but any suggestions would be awesome.
Ermac (MoS) : Strong corner pressure, Teleport, Vortex, good normals.
Raiden(TG) : Insane corner pressure, Vortex (with a pretty difficult cancel tho), excellent normals.
Ermac (MoS) : Strong corner pressure, Teleport, Vortex, good normals.
Raiden(TG) : Insane corner pressure, Vortex (with a pretty difficult cancel tho), excellent normals.
I'm assuming Raiden has better wakeup options/can get out of the corner more easily? I'd test but am currently away from my console. I certainly like Ermac more flavor wise, but I'll always opt for the technically better character.
I'm assuming Raiden has better wakeup options/can get out of the corner more easily? I'd test but am currently away from my console. I certainly like Ermac more flavor wise, but I'll always opt for the technically better character.
You really can't go wrong with Lord Raiden.
Although it can be overwhelming, I won't mind a tertiary as well. Recommend at max two characters.

For the sake of variety, I want all three characters to be different from each other in a complementary sense, considering matchups. Like yin and yang, compensating for their mutual flaws or defects. After all, the way I see it, an alternate is what your main isn't. It would be cool if they are different with respect to playstyle (turtle, rushdown, zoning) as well but it's not necessary.


POTH makes me question my sexuallity
I'm having a hard time to find a main to stick with in MKX. In MK9 i played Smoke and in Injustice i played Harley (loved her).
At the moment im playing Summoner Quan which is amazing but also got boring fast.. I need to find a character who's like Harley or Smoke. Got a decent projectile (not NEEDED but always good to have) and with a decent overhead/low, 50/50 not needed but since everyone got it in the game.. meh.
I have tried JC, fun but not my type of character. Sonya just not feeling it with her at all.. I might try Kano tomorrow when i wakeup and see..
Any recommendations?


The last Saurian from Zaterra - Syzoth - Reptile
When I think opposite of reptile I think ferah, jax and basically anybody with big hits and armor. I main as reptile as well, secondary as Shinnok, and my tertiary is still in the works.


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
I'm having so much fun with different characters but cannot decide on which one to focus on. So I'm going to ask some advice. Characters I'm currently enjoying

Mileena, Piercing
Kano, Cutthroat
Kenshi, Kenjutsu
Kotal Kahn, any variation
Sonya, CovOps
Scorpion, Hellfire
Johnny Cage, Fisticuffs
Reptile, Noxious

I can't decide on my own off aesthetics and gameplay, so just wondering who you guys works best to support Sub zero. Feel free pick multiple options from here as I might decide against one on my own

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
Well, you gotta think about matchups at this point.

In MK9 I mained Kano but used Kabal for any bad matchups that I had. :DOGE


"My kunai will find it's mark."
I'd go for Scorpion, my reasoning is he has almost the exact same normals as Sub-Zero, at least with his D4, D3, Jumping 3, NJP, and NJK. However if you wanna just rush someones face down Sonya is good at that.

Soo...Scorpion, or Sonya are my two choices.


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
Well, you gotta think about matchups at this point.

In MK9 I mained Kano but used Kabal for any bad matchups that I had. :DOGE
Exactly, but I'm not fully aware of the match up strengths of the characters I don't play...

I'd go for Scorpion, my reasoning is he has almost the exact same normals as Sub-Zero, at least with his D4, D3, Jumping 3, NJP, and NJK. However if you wanna just rush someones face down Sonya is good at that.

Soo...Scorpion, or Sonya are my two choices.
That actually sounds like a good reason not to pick Scorp if they are a very similar character, I'm trying to go for more coverage here. Unless Scorpions match ups are a lot different to Subs.

Mileena (Piercing) is my favorite.
Yeah, I like her too. Is it just me though or is she a really straightfoward character? Not a bad thing. Just saying it feels like you basically just whiff punish / reversal with Roll whenever possible, throw Sai's even just to chip and build meter whenever the opportunity is there, and then mix em up every now and again when you have the meter to threaten it. You can pretty much press any buttons after roll and get somewhere around 30%, her combo's seem very flexible but not super important to learn more than 1 or 2 lol as far as I can tell. Seems like a very solid, but straightforward character to me, not as much as some others though. Not a bad thing, just noting.


"My kunai will find it's mark."
They are different characters for certain, and have their place in different matches. However you'll be used to the same poking tools, without having to worry about getting them confused when switching between the characters. They actually cover each other very well to be honest.
As in, cover his bad matchups and the like. I intend to experiment with Takeda as a main.

I'm considering these characters as secondaries...

Quan Chi


Guardian Cadet
yea, there is a section for Takeda in this forum. I hear they know a lot about Takeda in that section.


MK11 Pocket Guide: Koming Soon to the App Store
Exactly, but I'm not fully aware of the match up strengths of the characters I don't play...

That actually sounds like a good reason not to pick Scorp if they are a very similar character, I'm trying to go for more coverage here. Unless Scorpions match ups are a lot different to Subs.

Yeah, I like her too. Is it just me though or is she a really straightfoward character? Not a bad thing. Just saying it feels like you basically just whiff punish / reversal with Roll whenever possible, throw Sai's even just to chip and build meter whenever the opportunity is there, and then mix em up every now and again when you have the meter to threaten it. You can pretty much press any buttons after roll and get somewhere around 30%, her combo's seem very flexible but not super important to learn more than 1 or 2 lol as far as I can tell. Seems like a very solid, but straightforward character to me, not as much as some others though. Not a bad thing, just noting.
Yeah very straightforward, and very punishable usually. But I think she's very fun to play and has options for just about any situation (except poke battles).
i've been maining war god kotal but i want a secondary character that can zone really really well, have good normals, fairly fast and mobile.

kotal is fun and strong but he struggles against characters that can zone. fortunately, zoning is not super strong in mkx.

the closest secondary i've mained is cybernetic kano. however with the back+1 nerf and him having no overheads, i'm thinking of switching other secondaries.

my considerations:
shinnok (necromancer and mimicry)
cassie (hollywood and brawler)
kung lao (buzzsaw)
scorpion (inferno)
kenshi (possessed)
kung jin (ancestral)
sonya (covert ops and special forces)
liu kang (dragon fire and flame fist)
ermac (mos and mystic)

so far i'm leaning on liu kang.