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The Need Help Choosing Main/Secondary Character Discussion Thread


NRS, Guilty Gear, and KI, the holy trinity
Cybernetic kano or cut throat kano is probably the most footsie heavy character in the game so you are good with your character choice, so congrats dude glad you found a character for you :D


Proud follower of the church of Cetrion
dvorah's down 4 and f2 are great pokes and in venomous she gets a lot of millage off them.


El Psy Congroo
Dvorah, Sub Zero, Kung Jin, Kano, Kotal Kahn, Scorpion and Liu Kang. Go with those, all have some good footsies.Not so much Liu or Scorp if you want the equivalent of Chun, they have fireball cancels and scorp has a vortex. But they all have good normals and excel at footsies.


gotta stay sharp!
Dvorah or kano really. I main kano and his space control and pokes are pretty good. You just won't be opening up ppl all the time. Dvorah might be better if patience isn't really your thing


MK1 is the best MK period.
Kung Lao has great pokes f2 is a long reaching mid that can be canceled into spin for a full combo b3 has long range but not as much as f2 since it advances him forward. D3 is great and is +15 on hit.


blink-182 enthusiast
Goro's range on pokes is fantastic and his f3 is one of the best normals there is

plus he's way cooler than all these non-shokan characters


Pew pew pew
If you want a chun li (i.e. a character with a completely ridiculous neutral jump and pokes that seem to beat out absolutely everything your opponent tries to do), then Kung Jin is for you.

But if you're really insistent on not using that stupid character then I would take the suggestions here and go for D'vorah. She's a very strong poking and footsie orientated character like Jin, although she actually requires a degree of thinking.


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Just play Sub Zero. His d4 is amazing, and he's an overall strong character that completely shuts down his opponents' footsie options.
IMO KOTAL KAHN beats all of the listed d1 6 frames mid and d4 6 frame low poke, fast forward advancing normals f1 is 11 frames with deceptive range the f1b2 range is unmatched. In WarGod he gets even more range with hes sword attack. Just watch MR. Aquaman vs Sub zero.

Edit: i forgot to mention f2 though its kinda low with 18 frames startup
Dvorah has better pokes. Cassie has better walk speed and whiff punish.

Both are good choices depending on which aspect of the footsie game you prefer.