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The Ed Boon Twitter Watch Thread


Spammer. Crouch walk hater.
So the rumors are out, overheard some people talking on a plane and they say the following:

Mk11 will be at E3 BUT

It will feature all the retarded characters from the console dark ages with nobodycaresfrost fujin reiko , and apparently a key character is KANO's SON, Deimos or whatever.

And apparently no sightings of a LOT of classics, so high chances of no Cage and Reptile.

Marking this post until E3 so I can say I told you so.


The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
So the rumors are out, overheard some people talking on a plane and they say the following:

Mk11 will be at E3 BUT

It will feature all the (soap bar in my mouth) characters from the console dark ages with nobodycaresfrost fujin reiko , and apparently a key character is KANO's SON, Deimos or whatever.

And apparently no sightings of a LOT of classics, so high chances of no Cage and Reptile.

Marking this post until E3 so I can say I told you so.
It's Jarek, Kano's son. Not Lord Deimos from Mace: The Dark Age.

BTW, I CARE for Fujin.


So the rumors are out, overheard some people talking on a plane and they say the following:

Mk11 will be at E3 BUT

It will feature all the (soap bar in my mouth) characters from the console dark ages with nobodycaresfrost fujin reiko , and apparently a key character is KANO's SON, Deimos or whatever.

And apparently no sightings of a LOT of classics, so high chances of no Cage and Reptile.

Marking this post until E3 so I can say I told you so.
Out of curiosity, did these people looked like someone who would know these things or are potential employees to the game development.

I know we shouldn't judge people by their looks, but, let's do that just this once.


Don't trust anything people say. Leaks, tweets, rumours etc, they are all most likely fake. Wait until you hear something official from NRS. That's the only thing you can trust.
I don't, i've been through this over multiple games, and everytime a game that people are hyping up is about to be announced, everyone tries to get their 5 min at the spotlight by throwing fake stuff, or at the vert least making educated guesses that are likely to happen.

I just asked because for a moment i actually thought he overheard something from someone.


The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
I don't, i've been through this over multiple games, and everytime a game that people are hyping up is about to be announced, everyone tries to get their 5 min at the spotlight by throwing fake stuff, or at the vert least making educated guesses that are likely to happen.

I just asked because for a moment i actually thought he overheard something from someone.
Here's where he admitted his long time trolling posts.



Play Monster Hunter!
Out of curiosity, did these people looked like someone who would know these things or are potential employees to the game development.

I know we shouldn't judge people by their looks, but, let's do that just this once.
If people were talking about it openly they probably weren't employees and just some random video game journalists or video game adjacent. Since E3 is happening so soon, a lot of this shit is being shown to people behind closed doors.

Not to say what ever the fuck that dude is saying is true, just that it doesn't really matter what they look like.


I'm not going to believe rumors right now because it's very easy to fake them. One thing I've noticed about all these rumors is that none of them are saying what the name of the game is. I doubt it's going to be called "Mortal Kombat 11" or even "Mortal Kombat XI", it's probably going to have a subtitle this time (this is speculation, though). The fact that they leave out important details like the name of the game, name/playstyle/design of new characters, etc, proves that they are fake. They don't want to have to make details up, because if the game is announced it is most likely not going to have what they said (unless they got very lucky with their guess). So they always come up with an excuse like "the name of the game is a work in progress" and "character designs are still up in the air" even though we know all character designs are probably done by now. Example: Jacqui's design for MKX seems to have been completed in 2013 -- which was the year Injustice 1 released. They were already done with designs for new characters 2 years before the game came out.

Most of the time they also say the following: The game will have more 3D-Era characters, will feature Onaga as the boss, Kano's son is in it, and the following characters return: Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Liu Kang, Kitana, and Cassie Cage.

Like, oh, really? Who would have guessed, LOL.


Play Monster Hunter!
It's not gonna be as easy to hide the 11 as it was X and 9 lol.
Subtitles kinda suck though.

Mortal Kombat 2019 has a nice ring to it.


Here's what I'm going to say: The game will most likely be announced on the final week of this month, MAYBE on the 27th. That is the final day of Combo Breaker, and there's speculation that they could announce the game there, then (roughly) 2 weeks later show gameplay at E3. This would make sense because the time between Reveal and Gameplay matches up with how they have handled past games.

Sometime before the announcement a poster will most likely leak online because that's happened with every NRS game. Warner Bros./NetherRealm always send posters to GameStop in preparation for E3, an employee sees them, snaps a pick, and boom. Happens every game.

Assuming that they are announcing it on the 27th, they would obviously want to drum up hype and start teasing it beforehand so people will actually tune-in. Maybe a week before it happens? If so, we could start getting teases and/or poster leaks around the 20th.

Again, this is speculation but it matches with what has happened in the past multiple times. I really think the same thing(s) are going to happen again, and if that's the case, we will know that the game exists in less than 2 weeks.


Shirai Ryu
It's not gonna be as easy to hide the 11 as it was X and 9 lol.
Subtitles kinda suck though.

Mortal Kombat 2019 has a nice ring to it.
You think so? It's not like many people call MK9 "Mortal Kombat 2011".
Personally I believe a subtitle is in order, as long as it's something cool and memorable, it should be fine.
edit: You know, actually, the game's title is one of the things I'm most looking forward to knowing. It is what I will be mostly talking about for the next few years afterall.
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