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General/Other The Deathstroke Anti-Nerf Coalition


Waiting for Havik
... for the love of GOD, please stop citing the wants and needs of casual players on a COMPETITIVE fighting game forum...
Hahahahahahahah. I'm done with it, but "competitive" players should care about them 'cause without them you wouldn't have a game to be competitive with.


Not the Milkman.
I have been adding people. Let me know if your name is missing.

But you fools have to tag me when you see threads like that one and expose the crybabies. That is the point of the Deathstroke Anti-Nerf Coalition.
I never got added :(


Average at Best
I have been adding people. Let me know if your name is missing.

But you fools have to tag me when you see threads like that one and expose the crybabies. That is the point of the Deathstroke Anti-Nerf Coalition.
Please add me to your list once you get the chance.


Destroyer of Lazy
Okay, and guess what? You can easily get by deathstrokes zoning.
I know he isn't even the best zoner in the game! There is far worse things in this game to deal with DS stuff will fall by the wayside soon enough. Just practice will have him beaten


Head Cage
I know he isn't even the best zoner in the game! There is far worse things in this game to deal with DS stuff will fall by the wayside soon enough. Just practice will have him beaten
You know you can blow up block gunshots from midscreen. Wait a minute I just realized something, wasn't there a particular move in MK9 that people complained about, but in the end could punish on block. This move was really broken online to to lag, just like DS zoning...

OH WAIT!!!! I remember now!

Reptiles command dash!


PTH|RM Relaxedstate
I have been adding people. Let me know if your name is missing.

But you fools have to tag me when you see threads like that one and expose the crybabies. That is the point of the Deathstroke Anti-Nerf Coalition.
You can add me. Deathstroke is fine... could actually use some buffs for his upclose game.


"Darkness is the heart's true essence"
My fellow Deathstroke players,

ever since the game came out last week on Tuesday, Deathstroke and the players who use the character have been under constant attack. TestYourMight, Twitter, and Facebook have been submerged into an ocean full of tears and salt. Online scrubs and some tournament players alike are demanding that Deathstroke's zoning be toned down immediately. We cannot control what NRS decides to do, but what we can do is correct factually incorrect and/or misleading information. So if another deluded fool makes another "Deathstroke is superior to Kabal" or "Deathstroke rules all" thread on this website, do your best to counter and rectify the topic creator's arguments.

Learning a character is always difficult in a new fighting game. You have to learn new normal attacks, strings, combos, set ups, frame data, match ups, etc. A mere hotfix and/or patch can destroy months of practicing, testing, and fighting in a heartbeat. A vocal but misinformed minority can destroy all of your hard work, especially if you are tournament player.

I want all Deathstroke players' reflexes heighten. I want all of you armed and dangerous and ready to protect our favorite Injustice character. Post in this thread to confirm your participation as part of the Deathstroke Anti-Nerf Coalition. We shall not allow that which happened to Kano happen to Deathstroke.

- m2dave, Zoning Master and Protector of Zoning

Also, special thanks to REO and Tom Brady, true knowledgeable and unbiased testers.

Participants of the Deathstroke Anti-Nerf Coalition.

EMP Villain
HGTV Ermacio
Killin Natzees
Lt. Box
Pig Of The Hut
@Zer0 Hundr3d
Add me to this bro. I just picked up ds today. I love him. I mean without his zoning he's just not deathstroke. And his combos are not that good to make up for his zoning if they nerf him. Shit they already nerfed CW that's why I dropped her as a third character.

Deathstroke FTW


thugs bunny
I have been adding people. Let me know if your name is missing.

But you fools have to tag me when you see threads like that one and expose the crybabies. That is the point of the Deathstroke Anti-Nerf Coalition.
Count me in also. Tired of people telling/messaging me that they have been "cheated" because they can't just walk up and end a match by doing a couple of combos they learned instead of learning fundamentals of the game.
I have been adding people. Let me know if your name is missing.

But you fools have to tag me when you see threads like that one and expose the crybabies. That is the point of the Deathstroke Anti-Nerf Coalition.
Ur tagged....i'm anti nerf all the way. I don't think he needs a nerf although i'm not delusional enough to say that there isn't some characters that really have a super tough time getting in just based on what's available to them....but they should be buffed....not ds nerfed. The only character i just mop the floor with even if they r good with them.....is Bane. His ex versions either don't give him armor or the armor comes out too late.....either way....it's super difficult with him to get in with Bane...and yes i have used him. Also, cause he's huge and the gun shots always hit him and so do the ex machine gun nades. Bane has mad dmg output for simple combos but he has zero zoning tools. His only options r interactables, but they r too situational. But even then lets give it some time before we just jump to unfounded conclusions b/c so much tech is in the future still.


"Darkness is the heart's true essence"
I am selling my game if that happens.

m2dave add me to this.
I am not going to waste my time playing a character for months only for my work to go down the toilet because some ignorant fools refuse to learn how to play the game.
I hear what you saying. It would be bullshit. I will be pissed if something lil that happens. I just picked up deathstroke. He's my third behind joker and Quinn. But if they nerf him all hell will break loose.


Deathstroke is not even a great zoner. Why nerf right?
I went in a room with some actual good players not screaming in my ear about spam and Deathstroke was fun as hell to use.

Won some, lost some, had fun. I would hate to see a character like Deathstroke get nerfed.

The best part, we even had a crybaby say I was playing Deathstroke like a "Lamebrain" and everyone told him off.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
m2dave, nerfing a character this early into a games life is completely ridiculous. I support your coalition. Deathstroke may be annoying even to me, but annoying in a very good way if that makes sense.


1 2 3 drink
They better not touch Ares or i will seriously be pissed. I can see the threads already...nerf resets nerf dmg etc... Deathstroke? Wait till they play ares the allmighty god of war! They wish they didnt have deathstroke nerfed...


"Darkness is the heart's true essence"
Repost of a post I made in my thread:

Please quit the crying about deathstroke. First, why nerf a character that's not even that hard to punish. I have a way harder time with Characters that have great mixups. To be honest he's not even that great at zoning. Yeah you can stand in one spot and shoot guns all day. But it actually takes a good patient player to play him correctly.

Secondly, you want to nerf a character that is already extremely punishable? And God forbid if you miss your db2 anti-air. The punish is ridiculous. Sure we can nerf deathstroke.(not really) Then nerf superman's unblockable laser beam and raven's full screen ermac like move. Oh and let's not forget black Adam's magic which you can get full combo off fullscreen and move in with a dash that's better Sektor's and Csz's dash combined.

Thirdly, it is rude as a mofherfucker to nerf a character that some good players have already worked hard on. Just because you don't want to level up and avoid deathstroke's zoning doesn't mean he needs to be toned down. There are bigger zoners to worry about. And you are crying about a few bullets. You should have cried back in MK when Kenshi was intangibly pushing people out of the goddamn universe with his fucking telekinesis. We have to do better here people. Even doomsday is punishable. Why do you think NRS hasn't patched him yet?

Fourth, how the hell would you feel if NRS nerfed your character? Bad right? For some it could be a reason they bought the game. Just for a character. I main joker and Quinn and just picked up deathstroke yesterday.(gun fever) I use to be in the Deathstroke depression crowd for pussies until I realized he is not that bad. And he gets punished severely. That's why it takes time to play this character the right way. Once you learn to get around his guns he is free. Unless you are playing a good deathstroke. Which is where I'm trying to get with him. I know if joker and Quinn were nerfed because of certain reasons. I would probably sell the game or unfortunately play someone I didn't want to.

In closing, think about other people and put yourself in their shoes. Don't request random nerfs just because you can't beat a character. Level the fuck up. This "nerf" thing is really getting out of hand, getting old, and in most cases is unnecessary. Why fuck up a game that is well balanced? This is a complete total upgrade from mk(and don't forget the awesome NETCODE) And yet we are still ungrateful. Lets all just level up and shut the hell up.

I'm with m2dave and his Deatstroke anti-nerf coalition. Come join us.

Here is the link-- http://www.testyourmight.com/threads/the-deathstroke-anti-nerf-coalition.30791/

Sincerely, DreadzTsung aka Kunai

Youtube: Strat10100