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General/Other The Deathstroke Anti-Nerf Coalition

Number one, Mortal kombat players, stop trolling the capcom players.
Number two, Capcom players stop trolling MK players
It doesn't matter what side of the fighting game community we have come from.
This is a new game, made from netherrealm, that imo will go big.
Zoning is at best a gimmicky aspect in this game. Depending on the character you're either blocking high all the time, low all the time, or just doing both on reaction.
Zoning can be blocked, and dashed in, Blocked, dashed in. Zoning barely does any chip damage.
so why does zoning frustrate people? because they get hit, and try to dash in on a hit confirm. thats like getting hit with a 22 string and pressing a button. Learn to respect something seriously.


Don't run, you're gonna trip...
I just feel like people who want to play the game have to expect that everything is not going to go to their liking. There will always be that one matchup or that one character you will struggle with. The idea is to ADAPT and pick up what your weaknesses are. In SF, every Honda player's worst nightmare is a Sagat player who knows how to zone. The match will not be in Honda's favor, so do you know what they do?

They either counterpick or they play the match, lose to learn, go back in the lab and apply based on their weaknesses or a certain move that makes them uncomfortable.

I am not saying casuals must do that or anything, I just feel like if you want to invest time in a game, you better learn how to deal with factors that are in the game.
I just feel like people who want to play the game have to expect that everything is not going to go to their liking. There will always be that one matchup or that one character you will struggle with. The idea is to ADAPT and pick up what your weaknesses are. In SF, every Honda player's worst nightmare is a Sagat player who knows how to zone. The match will not be in Honda's favor, so do you know what they do?

They either counterpick or they play the match, lose to learn, go back in the lab and apply based on their weaknesses or a certain move that makes them uncomfortable.

I am not saying casuals must do that or anything, I just feel like if you want to invest time in a game, you better learn how to deal with factors that are in the game.
Yeah man personally when i play with flash I can body Deathstroke.
If anything, i think he needs a better inside game because he gets shitted on. He's at best a gimmicky character. He is the reptile of MK.


Destroyer of Lazy
a big problem with ppl and zoning is thinking that jumping is the answer... smart jumping can help but you can't block when jumping and you're way more vulnerable than when dashing


Grind to Win
I know I am used to figuring out how to get around zoning because of street fighter. Ryu, sagat etc. throws a fireball and someone tries to jump instead of being patient and gets Srk'ed.


I played a bunch of casuals against REOs Deathstroke last night and yea getting in was really hard at first, but he showed me all the holes, all the places I can advance, what I should look for, what I should watch out for and after a while I started getting in. Eventually I was getting in at least once a match, then twice a match, then landing combos, then I even won a match. Deathstroke SEEMS overwhelming at first, but it just seems that way. And his sword flip is no longer an overhead like it was in the vanilla version either so he has no mixup between swordflip and low gun at midscreen distance like before(That was a huge huge nerf already)

Listen to REO and Brady guys, they really know what they're talking about and know this game better than anyone right now. And even they are still learning new stuff. They spend far more time in training mode testing shit out than they do playing each other.

PS. Oh and to everyone REO smashed on XBL under my gamertag last night with Doomsday. You all dissapointed us greatly with your lack of hatemail. Apparently you all don't mind getting stomped in the corner over and over again. Next time send more hatemail :) Kthx


Im really dissapointed how it turn to this. His bullet dont push block and have recovery. whats the problem?
Well, slow walk speed is a universal issue. Approach can take a long time in general, in any matchup, as the stages are huge. I would love to see walk speeds buffs across the cast, then another look at Deathstroke's options to see how he checks out, as that's a pretty hard nerf for him.


I would like to join this coalition to keep Deathstroke.

Been playing fighting games for years, never met as many whiny crybabies that didn't know the difference between spam and zoning before I picked up injustice.

Also on a side note, I don't care about the Capcom vs NetherRealm rivalry. Arc System Works is the best anyway.


Grind to Win
I would like to join this coalition to keep Deathstroke.

Been playing fighting games for years, never met as many whiny crybabies that didn't know the difference between spam and zoning before I picked up injustice.

Also on a side note, I don't care about the Capcom vs NetherRealm rivalry. Arc System Works is the best anyway.
I agree with everything you said except the last sentence, We all know that Cyberconnect is the best. Kappa


I'm with you guys, and I don't main deathstroke. Its far too early to be demanding change in the game's mechanics. Zoning characters usually get this kind of flak early in the game. As it stands right now my Grundy is eating deathstrokes for breakfast, and when that changes I'll change the way I play.


What's a Smarrgasm?
Yea m2dave add me to this. I forgot to post in it already. Knee jerk nerfs cannot happen again. Complaining will always be there at the beginning.

And aldazo for the love of GOD, please stop citing the wants and needs of casual players on a COMPETITIVE fighting game forum. We dont cater to the brainless thoughts of the casual player just because they refuse to take the time to learn how to play the game. Games are fun when you actually get down and break them down. If you want some easy ass lemme play this game and not think then go play call of duty or single player games. In a game where you have to fight other humans and actual strategy is involved casual players will always bitch until they learn to get over it.


Zoning Master
I have been adding people. Let me know if your name is missing.

But you fools have to tag me when you see threads like that one and expose the crybabies. That is the point of the Deathstroke Anti-Nerf Coalition.