Been working on conversion combos (AAs, Air to Airs, Jump ins, Crossovers etc.). Here's what i've got so far:
Edit: Added more corner stuff. I swear i'll do bone picker tonight lol.
AA 1 F4~AMP Gutted, dash 4~chop chop
AA F4 AMP Gutted, dash 4~chop chop (Good option if they whiff a jump in or try and empty jump farther away)
If Crossover: D2 4~AMP Gutted, dash 4 chop chop
or AA 1 combo above
Air to Air 2- I have gotten dash 112 a couple of times with this, but I haven't found a consistent way to do it yet. For now i'm just doing the F4 combo like the first.
For jump ins and crossovers you can do the standard 112 combos in the OP.
Crossover AA D2 1 112~AMP Gutted 112~Gutted KB- 404 + ticks
AA 1 F4~AMP Gutted j1 112~gutted KB- 396 + ticks
Air to Air J2 1 112~AMP Gutted 112~Gutted KB- 407 + ticks
AA F4~AMP Gutted J2 1 112~gutted KB- 417 + ticks
If you are cornered:
Crossover j1 1 112~AMP Gutted j1 1 112~Gutted- 399 + Ticks
Crossover J3 1 112~AMP Gutted 112~Gutted
Bone Picker:
Disclaimer, if you hit with anything while they are airborn a blood lunge will connect. D1s, D4s, D3s etc. Won't happen very often and probably hard to do on reaction, but just putting it out there.
AA 1 F4 Blood Lunge- 175
AA 1 112 Blood Lunge- 206
AA F4 Blood Lunge- 164
Spines F4 Blood Lunge (timing is weird/height dependent)- 199
Crossover AA D2 112 Blood Lunge- 271
Crossover AA Spines 112 Blood Lunge- 221
Air to Air 2 112 Blood lunge- 237
Air to Air 1 112 Blood lunge- 217
Jump in and crossover 1 112 Spines- 195
Crossover 3 112 Blood Lunge- 266
Crossover Spine AA 4/F4 (depending on distance) Spine d1 112 Blood Lunge- 276/263 (You may want to leave d1 out as timing becomes more tight)
AA 1 F4 Spine d1 112 Blood Lunge- 273 (same as above)
AA F4 Spine F4 Blood Lunge- 239
AA D2 D1 Spine 112 Blood Lunge- 293
Air to Air 2/3 1 Spine D1 112 Blood Lunge- 279/290
If You are Cornered:
J1 112 Spine D1 112 Blood Lunge- 295
J3 4 Spine D1 112 Blood Lunge- 347