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Switching Sides: Why Carl “Perfect Legend” White is now Focusing on Street Fighter IV

Vulcan Hades

If he focuses on SF I'm sure he'll do well and maybe even make top 8 somewhere.

I just wish he didn't play Akuma because Carl likes going in, overwhelming people with rushdown and taking risks and Akuma can't afford to do that unless he scores a knockdown. I think Makoto, Ken, Yang, Oni or Evil Ryu would fit his playstyle more.

Plus I doubt that his Akuma will get close to Tokido's level. That guy is just light years ahead in terms of technology, MU and player knowledge. So PL will just be another good Akuma.

I wish him luck but I hope he still continues to compete in Injustice.
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Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
There is a much deeper talent pool than other games due to the fact that a good portion of the scene has been around playing competitively since 3rd strike or came with the huge wave of FG players that came with Vanilla SF4. Every pool in majors is loaded with killers as a result of this because the SF scene has been around for so long and has accumulated more and more players with each game. Also it requires higher execution due the 1-2frame links, ultra cancels, fadc cancels etc being a staple to most characters core gameplay. It is much less forgiving input wise than NRS games. Not to mention the fundamentals that most people refer to spawn from Street Fighter. Also yes it is fairly balanced. SF4 is significantly easier than 3rd strike though

Having less difficult inputs in fighting games is not a bad thing at all though. So please no one get into that. I'm just stating the facts here.
sooo, is it as hard as im imagining it to be? or is it all in my head? xD


Waiting for Havik
Random wise words:
"Injustice, on the other hand, is a good game but the balancing has and hasn’t made much sense. Instead of toning up what we all complained aboutwalk speed — they just balanced characters. Maybe there is something we are all missing as far as the overall design of the game, but regardless it still feels rather clunky and on top of that there is too many safe 50/50 situations — for example, if Batgirl or Sinestro puts you in their reset situations and continue the vortex, it is pretty much always their turn to attack, and they never have to really let up. It’s not very fun playing like that, especially when you have a better neutral game than your opponent."


Truth, justice and the American way.
I love that he listed Sinestro's vortex as a reason why he doesn't like Injustice :D
"vortex characters are a problem and I am better than people who use vortex characters"

The guy won EVO on Kung Lao's back twice and was in the discussion to maintain Scorpion as a fucking power top.

Get the fuck out. You get no sympathy.
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Tony at Home

The strings were there to appeal to the Tekken fans. SF will never move away from link combos. They've been staple in the series in forever.
There's input buffering in the links actually.

You can input commands slightly before the recover animation is done, and the game will do them.

You can still have link combos, and have input buffering. SFxT does this, and it shows how it would work.


PSN: Skkra
I played Street Fighter 2 when I was like 4 or some shit...but that was it. I don't really care for how cartoonish it looks (not dissing the game, just my preference) but I am a huge fan of Cammy. Is she good? I might just learn the game to play her...
Yeah, Cammy is really good. If you start playing, let me know, I'll help train you up =)


PL is just fishing for more recognition if u ask me, it's not about him loving the game, his reasons are just cover ups. I for one am not about to force myself to love a game just because it's more popular with others...MK is just as popular as SF and the cult admiration for the series are just as good, there is money to be made with MK10 so I'll just wait it out...till then see u guys on KI!


Raiden Practitioner
Wow, seriously?! He wants the prestige and the acknowledgement. So it's all about the glory and fame for him, he wants people to talk about him and pay attention to him even more. Hmm, I think my opinion about PL just took a nose dive.

RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
Yea cammy is Top tier in AE......for now
Since they are eliminating the vortex game from street fighter 4 entirely, she will probably see a drop, but they are giving her some nice buffs to compensate. I think they are nerfing her damage though. Being able to do like 5 heavys in a combo is pretty dumb.

RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
There's input buffering in the links actually.

You can input commands slightly before the recover animation is done, and the game will do them.

You can still have link combos, and have input buffering. SFxT does this, and it shows how it would work.
I think you're thinking of the boost combos. Those are SFxT exclusives. I doubt you'll see those in the main series.

GGA Wafflez

the kid
if he does well, i hope he talks so much shit about capcom games and then pisses on their top players... rooting for pl, but please come back soon

RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
if he does well, i hope he talks so much shit about capcom games and then pisses on their top players... rooting for pl, but please come back soon
Isn't this good for you? That's one less Kung Lao you have to worry about in tournaments.....oh wait.


Est In Harvey 1989
Perfect Legend I want you to know that I wish you the best in whatever game(s) you play. Hopefully you are the first American to win Evo in SFIV. I also want you to know that unfollowing me on twitter was very lame, and if I ever get a chance to meet you in person at a tournament I'll tell you know the same thing in person. Kudos though. I think I'd be cool to have an MK & SFIV win under your belt. No salt here.


"says community (downplays his accomplishments)", but some weeks ago he downplays my bro winning evo in mk9 lol and makes an excuse for like every loss he had in mk9, but meh whatever. I play the games I love, and mortal kombat will always be my favorite fighting game so i'll always play it no matter what and will never drop it. I will be playing sf as well, but that doesn't mean i'm dropping IGAU or anything haha.


I agree.

But I do think there's a serious difference between making excuse after a loss (which PL always does, in fairness), and downplaying the importance of someone winning EVO twice in a row, which the community is often guilty of. The shit he got after his first EVO win in particular was dumbfounding, and I still think the greatest moment in our community's history was him shutting everyone up (at least momentarily) the second time around. That accomplishment is huge. If he'd never bothered to touch a fighting stick ever again after that, it would have been understandable.

With that said, some of the shit PL gets, he brings it on himself.
I have my reasons for evo 2011, but i'm way past that lol. PL won his evos, great stuff to him and that'll never change. But how he downplays ppl beating him.............................. also AK Pig Of The Hut, best comment in this thread.


Part of the problem is that people are not able to take comments at face value. This leads to people confusing honesty with downplaying/upplaying and vice/versa and it prevents any kind of logical discussion. Let me go through a series of statements and look at them in staight-up-logical way, no emotions no BS:

1) Player X won EVO

This is factual. You can't dispute it. It's an objective accomplishment. Taken by itself, you can't argue with this statement

2) Winning EVO Doesn't Make You the "Best player of X game" or "Best player of X game for a year"

This SHOULD also be factual. The problem is that making this statement causes people to think that you're downplaying EVO or minimizing the victory. But you aren't.

The truth is that while EVO is a big tournament (and often, the biggest tournament of the year for a given game), it is one tournament -- it happens on one given weekend. Whoever plays better and/or has a friendlier path through the bracket on that weekend, and wins, is crowned the champion of that tournament, that weekend.

However the thing that people never want to admit is that it's possible to have a really bad day, a really good day, a f'ed up bracket path, or a cushy path that plays to your character's strengths, on that one particular weekend -- and this is why statistically you cannot use one tournament out of the entire year, to prove who the best player in a game is, period.

It's simple math, and if you take statistics, they'll introduce you to the concept of "sample size" and explain why it's necessary.

3) X player had a favorable/unfavorable path through the bracket at X tournament for their character, playstyle, and win/loss history

This can be debatable, and subjective -- but that doesn't make it wrong. The fact is that you can show up to a tournament and be faced with two of your absolute worst nightmares (characters or players) straight away in pools and be eliminated. It doesn't mean you're not a good player, or that you sucked.

Truly amazing players have a way of beating the odds even when it seems things aren't in their favor.. But it doesn't *always* happen and we've all seen fantastic players take L's earlier than you'd think they would due to matchups.

It doesn't "take away" a win. If you won, you won. It's just another reason why a single tournament per year cannot absolutely prove how good or bad you are.

4) I think X player is the best [Insert Game Here] player, even though he didn't win EVO

All the factors listed above should tell you why this is a legitimate opinion. You may not agree with it, but you can't dispute the validity of the logic. If someone else is cleaning up the majority of major tournaments, and a player that won EVO is getting mopped up by various players after EVO at other majors, then maybe there are reasons why.

I think Chris G was the best overall Marvel player of the last EVO season even though he didn't win EVO. I shouldn't get shot for saying that.

Again it has 0 to do with downplaying EVO -- if you won the biggest tournament of the year, that's a fantastic accomplishment in itself. If you did it multiple times, that's even more banannas. But if you're truly the abosulte best player, the magic is not only going to happen once a year. Wherever you go, when the playing field is stacked, there should be evidence of the fact that you're better than the rest.

So.. Tricky problem.. Hard to discuss without people getting caught up and swept away.
damn CS, that intellectual breakdown haha. That is very true, a tournament is a one weekend thing, it isn't like an NBA season where you have 82 games to get your stuff straight, you have 2-3 days at a major and that is it. If you mess up twice, you are out.


Born on a Monday
I'll make one more comment

In the article there's a quote where perfect legend says "all mk community does is downplay my accomplishments"

Sword works both ways here because every time GGA 16 Bit beat him w kitana he NEVER gave props but always downplayed 16 bit's victory by saying "well I have no kitana to train with"

But that's Carl being Carl , just wanted to point that out how where he tries to make our community look bad it's himself who looks bad when he blames the following for any loss in any tournament or game

Screen lag
No headphones
Didn't know MU
No offline scene

Just own the loss and say "great job"
I was not sure but it seems it is true that pig made this thread in hopes PL would get blown up. (He didnt. it is mostly positive so far)