Damn. So when you dash then go back for the shimmy you just walk back right? You don't dash back?shimmy boiz
Damn. So when you dash then go back for the shimmy you just walk back right? You don't dash back?shimmy boiz
yep just walk back and confirm the hpDamn. So when you dash then go back for the shimmy you just walk back right? You don't dash back?
Lol do it! And yea as I stated tea bagging is the fad right now.While trying to re-learn this game on PS4 pad after the death of my stick, I've lost a significant amount of LP and dropped to bronze. I don't mind this at all because meh I'll get it back no problem once I get back on my A-Game (or get my stick fixed) but one thing I find hilarious is at these lowest levels of competitive, how much disrespect there is from players of laughable skill level themselves. I recognise a few of these players names from my way up, now that I'm playing poorly and they are getting things like stuns on me etc that they never would have before, about 2 in every 3 of them spend that time during stun or at fullscreen to teabag, taunt, etc. I gotta say it's kinda funny when I stop trying to practice different buttons and just jump back into mix/pressure mode and immediately mop them, I almost feel like making a compilation of this shit
the thing is though all those buffs you described for claw stance are already there in clawless, except with an excellent cmd grab mix up and even better frames on the normals... the hitboxes are so shit in claw mode as you touched on, but instead of providing a real reason to be in the stance capcom is really just trying to give some of the clawless bonuses to claw mode, which ends up just making claw mode hurt less to be in, but yet still not be ideal.
Most good Vega's spin out of claw asap, check Nemo he often backdashes first thing each round and sacrifices his space, just to safely switch stance before the fight begins. Trying to push the claw normals is a flawed strategy due to how overly cautious capcom has been with their hitboxes, and also just the nature of this game i general as you mentioned, Vega is best played as a mobile rushdown character with grapple mixes ala Mika, except with much nicer pressure and combos as a trade off for the meterless grappling that she gets. These buffs will do nothing to change that. I think most Vega players agree that if Capcom isn't interested in significantly changing claw, the number one buff better than anything we just got would be making it so that we don't have to start the round with claw on, and thus can completely ignore it.
I'm not saying the character is bad, I'm just saying don't expect his placing to go up even a single spot over these changes, they are borderline irrelevant. There are some claw favored Vega's out there who will love it so I'm happy for them, but they are like the MKX equivalent of Hat Trick players at this point just sticking to a strategy largely outclassed by the other one because it's the playstyle they enjoy.
EDIT: the cr.HP buff is dope, and the buff to being able to actually switch to clawless off st.HPxxStance is kinda not that relevant but still welcome nonetheless.. LK roll being +1 on hit improves the mix-up too. Buffs aren't irrelevant, claw stance is still shit tho
While trying to re-learn this game on PS4 pad after the death of my stick, I've lost a significant amount of LP and dropped to bronze. I don't mind this at all because meh I'll get it back no problem once I get back on my A-Game (or get my stick fixed) but one thing I find hilarious is at these lowest levels of competitive play, how much disrespect there is from players of laughable skill level themselves. I recognise a few of these players names from my way up, now that I'm playing poorly and they are getting things like stuns on me etc that they never would have before, about 2 in every 3 of them spend that time during stun or at fullscreen to teabag, taunt, etc. I gotta say it's kinda funny when I stop trying to practice different buttons and just jump back into mix/pressure mode and immediately mop them, I almost feel like making a compilation of this shit
that's not a shimmy. THIS is a shimmy.shimmy boiz
Ok you also walked back and not dashed right? So shimmies are always walk back not dash?that's not a shimmy. THIS is a shimmy.
#akumaswag #playakuma #pleaseplayakumaineedfriends #ODB
No I dashed back if I walked back ida blocked the sbk. It woulda worked too but it looks cooler to call it out harder lol. Unnecessary swag is Akumas business. And business is good.Ok you also walked back and not dashed right? So shimmies are always walk back not dash?
Ok so shimmies can be done walking back or dashing back?No I dashed back if I walked back ida blocked the sbk. It woulda worked too but it looks cooler to call it out harder lol. Unnecessary swag is Akumas business. And business is good.
Shimmies can be done standing still.Ok so shimmies can be done walking back or dashing back?
Huh?Shimmies can be done standing still.
GGS, your Akuma was much more aggressive tonight.Anybody wanna play?
whenever I get bopped I remember what a great man once told me, "learn from this" then he punched me till my head fell off, still not sure what the lesson was for that one.GGS, your Akuma was much more aggressive tonight.
lol, Oh and nice raging demon setup... That caught me off guard even though I've seen it before.whenever I get bopped I remember what a great man once told me, "learn from this" then he punched me till my head fell off, still not sure what the lesson was for that one.
i will not give in to the dark hado.. though i was having a play around and it was sooo much fun demoning fools. you jumped in... vtrigger instant demon. you threw a fireball.. vtrigger instant demon.that's not a shimmy. THIS is a shimmy.
#akumaswag #playakuma #pleaseplayakumaineedfriends #ODB
Gotta add in the tick demons, the parry demons, the dash demons, the fireball into demon cancels, the Kara demons, the hey you jumped so Ima whiff sweep to low profile and demon, the pseudo option select but only vs sim demon, etc etc. it's my passion.i will not give in to the dark hado.. though i was having a play around and it was sooo much fun demoning fools. you jumped in... vtrigger instant demon. you threw a fireball.. vtrigger instant demon.
Can you explain all of them?Gotta add in the tick demons, the parry demons, the dash demons, the fireball into demon cancels, the Kara demons, the hey you jumped so Ima whiff sweep to low profile and demon, the pseudo option select but only vs sim demon, etc etc. it's my passion.
No you fireball while already in trigger and buffer a demon behind it if the opponent throws a fireball and they clash you can demon and punish them during their recovery.Can you explain all of them?
Nah but I'm curious about the fireball into demon cancel. Is that fireball~vtrigger~demon?
We all gotta grow up and accept the truth sometimes man, and akuma being dope is just one of those universal constants that you can't escape. Like gravity.I've always hated that edgelord/weeb's wet dream, Akuma, but I gotta admit he's pretty dope in this game. Thanks for making me go against everything I stand for, bumdown. >:|
Grass is always greener.@FL Rushdown
just to let you know about my Mika experience, i've played her for a little while now and something just isn't clicking with me... I still think shes easy as hell to play, but Vega's priority, pressure and ability to control the space feel much more comfortable to me. Maybe I haven't given her a proper chance though and the fact that I'm forced to learn her on fckin keyboard might be contributing to this, I'll give her another go when I get it fixed tho for now, I'm sticking with Vega
one thing I will say is that EX Peach is godlike thanks to its speed, but honestly it might just feel godlike because she has so little else. It's definitely easier to apply, gets her in easier, and gives better follow ups than Vega's ex Roll, however, the lack of safety takes serious points off anything that you have to throw out at range in this game.
Also, twas quite nice having real anti-airsI'm definitely gonna miss those. Wingless Plane's hitbox was much worse than I realised tho, kept flipping right through people in the air like wtf