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Street Fighter V General Discussion

The only thing you really have to worry about are kunais imo. You can't be too liberal with them. You definitely need at least one for v-trigger and I would say at least two for ex kunais and maybe a couple for zoning.
Would you make her reload faster? A bit I mean. Or what buff would you give her? One that wouldn't make her broken.
I love playing akuma, I don't know much about balancing but I wish either his vtrigger didn't drain as fast when he throws regular fireballs or his health to be a bit better. Maybe have one of his normals be a bit less stubby.

FL Rushdown

Which shoto has the best buttons?
Akuma. Easily.

Cr hp is a +3 ob cc.

St jab is 3 frames and longer range than ryus jab.

St hp is a godly poke that ccs and is hit confirmable.

His cr mk/mp is pretty much the same as theirs.

His b hp is a better AA normal than any ryu/ken have and it's cancelable so you get AA combos.

Overall he's got slightly less range than ken/ryu but better frames all around and can confirm/frame trap into either more dmg or a safer situation on block without spending meter.
Yea I watch him. But really all the tips I get are from @FL Rushdown , this guy has really helped me so much and he knows his stuff too so you can get pointers from him too regarding akuma.
Agreed. Rushdown definitely knows his stuff. He knew I wasn't using true frame traps with Ibuki so he knows my character better than I know her. I don't study frames that much, but still, very impressive.

FL Rushdown

Agreed. Rushdown definitely knows his stuff. He knew I wasn't using true frame traps with Ibuki so he knows my character better than I know her. I don't study frames that much, but still, very impressive.
eh not really lol. I know the basics of most characters just cause I fool around with a lot of them but I don't know too many specifics.


It's all so very confusing.
Just watched some gameplay and I think F.A.N.G. might honestly give me the most success. Either him or I pick up Bison again, it actually learn Kolin.

Mika is so fucking dull now, and Juri falls out of sync all the time.

@EntropicByDesign your a master at character crisis. please help me.

Embrace the crisis. learn to love the crisis and use it to never grow as a player while having the convenient excuse 'Hey bro I just started playing this character yesterday' FOREVER.

I might not have a crisis any more actually. I TRIED to stop playing Karin to switch to Cammy and I went back to Karin (though Im going to keep working on Cam-Cam on the side cause she's actually super fun).

FL Rushdown

Nice vid dude. @1:25 you dp'd him then did medium tatsu? Light? Anyhow you then did the raging demon, did it catch him because he was pressing buttons? Blocking?
It'd beat anything other than holding up on wakeup. Buttons, block, certain invincible reversals like kens. Pretty sure ryu and cammy ex dp would go over it though. And it's lk tatsu.

FL Rushdown

Did you go back to akuma?
Sorry, didn't see this earlier or I'd have answered. I never really dropped him, he's still the character I have the most fun playing sfv with because he actually plays like a SF character. He's just never going to be my best character, If I really wanna win I'm still going to pick Urien or maybe even laura(playing her for like a week or two and she's reaaaaaaaal easy to win with).


Normalize grab immunity.
I thought the invisible wall made mika real fun,but yea I think it was too strong. But that might not have been what was scarier about Her, was it?
Let me start by saying I like having characters that excel at stuff. I want some less restrictions on v-trigger. We shouldn't have every overhead be unsafe. I like a little crazy in my fighter. But Capcom fucks up using crazy.

I think the invisible wall should've stayed. I think the biggest issue people had fighting her, besides mixups, was how easy you could use f+MP. I think they took away too many things from Mika and now she's dull. Look at anyone playing her, Cr.LK/LP/MK, st.MK, Dash, and splash of HK. She's streamlined in every part of the game. Her approach, neutral, offense. She didn't end up balanced to me. She just ended up less.

F.A.N.G. still has an interesting spacing game and specials. He's pretty simple but to win I have to stay on my toes and that's fun to me.

M.Bison became more interesting. I still like the challenge of not having a dumbass jab to handle everything in the air. In a simple game like SF that is number one thing I find boring.

Kolin got too many interesting things going on. Movement, parries, ice ball setups, weird frames/spacing on normals.

I used to not like playing Cammy cause I found her too straightforward. Then I found some fun things to focus on like anti-fireball moves (shoutouts to xiao hai) and cr.mk confirms. But I'm bored of that now and moving on.

Juri is fun but it's just not working out. But that's a whole other post.

Akuma. Just listen to me.
I don't want to be a jackass who just plays Urien anyways. It's what happens to 100% of Akuma players not named Tokido or Chris Hu.