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Street Fighter V General Discussion

Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
Jesse didn't really play online until after season 2 and last I saw he was going on 70 or 80 streak in ranked to reach Super diamond in a week or something

Sim is good man it's just about dedicating yourself to the yoga it takes a certain kindve player

Mochi makes every want to play the character
I couldn't find many vids on him from S2 online so I will just check his replays on CFN. Def love sim he is super fun to play but is a pain when you don't know half the cast frame data but time and experience will change that and I will be master rank before low tier guile's!

B. Shazzy

NRS shill #42069
I couldn't find many vids on him from S2 online so I will just check his replays on CFN. Def love sim he is super fun to play but is a pain when you don't know half the cast frame data but time and experience will change that and I will be master rank before low tier guile's!
There's already like 4 sims in master rank lul

But the beauty of being a successful sim is that he's not braindead like half the cast. You could've maimed s1 ryu or Mika or now s2 Urien but you choose to actually use your brain. It's the same thing with Guile you know like you said you don't run into good ones it's part of the reason I main him because it's not easy bake oven character with immediate results once you learn some corny setups and touch of death situations. you play fighting games for the neutral game. I respect that bub

basically you're not a bumdown lul


Death Before Dishonor
I forgot kolin comes out today If I can't buy her with fight money then I'll just be playing horizon zero dawn or nioh I have no interest in buying s2 pass s1 pass disappointed me. Combo related kolin looks fun I look forward to making video about her

Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
There's already like 4 sims in master rank lul

But the beauty of being a successful sim is that he's not braindead like half the cast. You could've maimed s1 ryu or Mika or now s2 Urien but you choose to actually use your brain. It's the same thing with Guile you know like you said you don't run into good ones it's part of the reason I main him because it's not easy bake oven character with immediate results once you learn some corny setups and touch of death situations. you play fighting games for the neutral game. I respect that bub

basically you're not a bumdown lul
I knew there was a couple fchamp and mochi gonna have to check CFN I never use it to watch replays. I play to get better as a player I am not really concerned about wins as long as I am progressing. If its not a struggle its probably not worth it in the end.

FL Rushdown

There's already like 4 sims in master rank lul

But the beauty of being a successful sim is that he's not braindead like half the cast. You could've maimed s1 ryu or Mika or now s2 Urien but you choose to actually use your brain. It's the same thing with Guile you know like you said you don't run into good ones it's part of the reason I main him because it's not easy bake oven character with immediate results once you learn some corny setups and touch of death situations. you play fighting games for the neutral game. I respect that bub

basically you're not a bumdown lul
Im sorry, who are you again? I mean you're not shitty but you talk like you've accomplished something in this game. Last I checked when I watch tourneys and locals you're nowhere to be seen. If you weren't such an annoying assclown the 12 people in this thread wouldn't even know your name. Even when you compliment someone you just circle jerk your way back to how gdlk you are. Either grow up or start putting in actual work. Either way you'll still be an asshole but hey, at least you won't have to hold shit from bumdown.

x TeeJay o

Canary Cry Gapless Pressure
Im sorry, who are you again? I mean you're not shitty but you talk like you've accomplished something in this game. Last I checked when I watch tourneys and locals you're nowhere to be seen. If you weren't such an annoying assclown the 12 people in this thread wouldn't even know your name. Even when you compliment someone you just circle jerk your way back to how gdlk you are. Either grow up or start putting in actual work. Either way you'll still be an asshole but hey, at least you won't have to hold shit from bumdown.
He is a good player. Just has an annoying way of going about it. He said that he has received praise from top socal guys and they tell him to compete but im not sure why he hasn't yet. Either way i wouldn't take everything he says to heart that much. I think he's trolling sometimes

FL Rushdown

He is a good player. Just has an annoying way of going about it. He said that he has received praise from top socal guys and they tell him to compete but im not sure why he hasn't yet. Either way i wouldn't take everything he says to heart that much. I think he's trolling sometimes
He is a good player. That's why it's sad that he's such a shitty person. If he was half the person that players like daigo/infiltration are he could actually grow the scene and help people get into the fgc instead of acting as an autistic gatekeeper.

He could be a REO but he's content to be a Perfect legend.

Edit: I take that back. At least PL won stuff.

Kooron Nation

More Ass and Tits for MK11
He is a good player. That's why it's sad that he's such a shitty person. If he was half the person that players like daigo/infiltration are he could actually grow the scene and help people get into the fgc instead of acting as an autistic gatekeeper.

He could be a REO but he's content to be a Perfect legend.
SFV is probably the only thing going for him in his life so he needs to let everyone know about it since he got nothing else to do.
Probably tries to do his hair like Guile too

x TeeJay o

Canary Cry Gapless Pressure
He is a good player. That's why it's sad that he's such a shitty person. If he was half the person that players like daigo/infiltration are he could actually grow the scene and help people get into the fgc instead of acting as an autistic gatekeeper.

He could be a REO but he's content to be a Perfect legend.

Edit: I take that back. At least PL won stuff.
Lol. yeah idk how someone is so good but won't compete offline. I Mean sure money and age could be factors but can't you at least play in online tournaments and try and get picked up from a team that can send you to places? Idk im fairly new to the fgc only been in it for 4 years so yea. Ppl are weird

FL Rushdown

Lol. yeah idk how someone is so good but won't compete offline. I Mean sure money and age could be factors but can't you at least play in online tournaments and try and get picked up from a team that can send you to places? Idk im fairly new to the fgc only been in it for 4 years so yea. Ppl are weird
Not competing offline is fine. But putting in so much work to get to that level and then shitting on everyone else that is trying to get there is whack.


Death Before Dishonor
Lol. yeah idk how someone is so good but won't compete offline. I Mean sure money and age could be factors but can't you at least play in online tournaments and try and get picked up from a team that can send you to places? Idk im fairly new to the fgc only been in it for 4 years so yea. Ppl are weird
Maybe he doesn't want to ruined the fun by playing in tournaments. It could be nervousness or maybe he's just a casual player like I am but then again I've played in online tourneys

B. Shazzy

NRS shill #42069
Why don't you travel bra? Serious question. Is it money ?
I've played at locals before. Fgc isn't a career path I'm not in it for the money there is no grand plan of being a Daigo someday lul. Fighting games are just fun and i def don't feel the need to prove anything offline at the moment. I'll prob play Inj 2 at wnf with the rest of the gang like I did for the first game where everyone I've met is cool with me like Riptorn in this thread who've I've also met before.

for now I'll just keep dressing up like Guile or whatever that guy said and triggering bums on the internet lul
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x TeeJay o

Canary Cry Gapless Pressure
I've played at locals before. Fgc isn't a career path I'm not in it for the money there is no grand plan of being a Daigo someday lul. Fighting games are just fun and i def don't feel the need to prove anything offline at the moment. I'll prob play Inj 2 at wnf like I did for the first game but that's it.

for now I'll just keep dressing up like Guile or whatever that guy said and triggering bums on the internet lul
Fair enough. I don't care about the money either fr i just play it for fun. & Lmao i'm out

Kooron Nation

More Ass and Tits for MK11
I've played at locals before.

for now I'll just keep dressing up like Guile or whatever that guy said and triggering bums on the internet lul
Bet you don't make a peep at locals "GG's" to everyone "ahh nice man" all respectful, then hop straight on here when you get home and post footage criticising and ridiculing them, internet warrior. "BEAT THIS SPAMMER LUL GUILE IS BOTTOM 5 I DON'T TIERWHORE LIKE

B. Shazzy

NRS shill #42069
Bet you don't make a peep at locals "GG's" to everyone "ahh nice man" all respectful, then hop straight on here when you get home and post footage criticising and ridiculing them, internet warrior. "BEAT THIS SPAMMER LUL GUILE IS BOTTOM 5 I DON'T TIERWHORE LIKE
lul what are you talking about

guys like chef, sajam, slayer, awesomo, guamo I've met offline or follow me on twitter or I vist their twitch channels they know exactly how I am online and ask me why I don't come around anymore. Again, triggering bums on the internet, not people who I actually know and like lul

B. Shazzy

NRS shill #42069
oh and just to namedrop again to impress Myles

Filthierich the Urien player/ KI dev on sfv ESL stream today who will ft 10 MikenIke is another somebody that asks me to go to offline constantly and says I have the best Guile so there you go peasants lul

And don't compare me to Perfect Bumgend I bodied him in the Injustice 2 beta with his own character and he cried about it check the YouTube lul
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Death Before Dishonor
:eek: so you're better than isdd oh shit. I played some super diamond guile couple days ago I don't remember his cfn but he bodied me maybe it was you feelsbadman