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Street Fighter V General Discussion

Just finished playing Urien in a set against my friend. THIS CHARACTER IS SO FUN!

and a little stupid...
What'd I tell ya. He's strong enough that you can play how you want, solid or crazy. And he's freeform enough that if you wanna go for crazy technical resets or just fun raw dmg combos you can. I've said it before and I'll never stop. He's Mika if Mika was better in every single aspect. That plus he's actually one of the few characters in this game with enough of an execution barrier that I literally enjoy doing his combos. It's fun doing the whiff headbutt combos midscreen just because the timing changes based on spacing so you have to actually be paying attention. He's stupid, but keeps you engaged in ways a lot of characters don't with how much extra shit he can do at certain screen positions and distances.
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Rip Torn

Starting to come around to the idea of Kolin being in the game. Helen just looked so bland in the story mode but I didn't realize that she was transformed into Kolin. Actually looking forward to having a rekka character in the game with some other mechanics (freeze) and setups. Of course that all depends on if the leaks are legit.



It's all so very confusing.
Apparently some migraine medicine makes you drowsy. To the point that I sat down last night and fell asleep sitting up in my chair and only woke up when my stick fell off my lap and on my foot.


Normalize grab immunity.
Starting to come around to the idea of Kolin being in the game. Helen just looked so bland in the story mode but I didn't realize that she was transformed into Kolin. Actually looking forward to having a rekka character in the game with some other mechanics (freeze) and setups. Of course that all depends on if the leaks are legit.

That moment when a secretary isn't bland in a SF game.


Normalize grab immunity.
I hope they make her hype.
Unorthodox projectile, probably an anti projectile move. Hopefully the trigger can be used for instant and timed freeze restand combos. Her normals might actually be stubby since its SFV but might be longer than the average character. If she has a hit-grab (old-buki) or multi hit ender (sakura SRK) to send the opponent away she'd be perfect.

Out of all the rumors I just hate that she's the illuminati secretary.


It's all so very confusing.
Sigh. I got home, opened SFv, did a combo in training mode and then right back out the door. I almost got to play.

Well if anyone is around about 330-4 maybe I'll be back for games.


It's all so very confusing.
Ya know, I've been talking about picking a main and a secondary but I think I'm just gonna stick with Rog as my main and not worrying about a secondary. If I'm in a mood to step away from Rog for a bit then I'll just jump on whoever I feel like playing.. but trying to purposefully focus on a secondary character just seems counter productive.

Rip Torn

from the leak...
The leak seems to be accurate and I'm actually excited about this character now. The only thing that scares me is that they said she's a "slow zoner with stubby normals". They also said she can summon ice bocks and drop them down on you from above.