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Street Fighter V General Discussion


It's all so very confusing.
meh, ill just get ready for work.

I genuinely dont understand why at 6pm eastern time, I just sat for 7 minutes waiting on a ranked match for the third time in a row, with acceptable matches being 4-5 bars. Im trying to like SF but this game just KEEPS making it harder and harder. Shit connections, huge times between matches, shit client, supoer questionable decisions by the devs. Super un-fun to fight against mechanics..

There is some good game play to be had here, but why the FUCK is it so hard to get to that gameplay? Honestly.

Come. The. Fuck. On.

God fucking dammit.
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How is Rog supposed to be fun to play. I honestly don't get it. Every single Rog plays the same game and does the same two combos with the same string into trigger. Seriously. He doesn't even have anything for me to lab. Anyone that can enjoy that character..... ugh.


Normalize grab immunity.
How is Rog supposed to be fun to play. I honestly don't get it. Every single Rog plays the same game and does the same two combos with the same string into trigger. Seriously. He doesn't even have anything for me to lab. Anyone that can enjoy that character..... ugh.
I liked the tick throw game and the different ways to get in. One hit confirms into dash punch. Crazy offensive. And I wasn't even using TAP and his improved trigger stuff. He's great to play if you want to focus on maximizing aspects of your game. Simple and effective.


11 11 11 11
I just need to get used to his neutral. Not that I need it V trigger is all I need for the kill tbh but just in case...
Reactions: GAV
I liked the tick throw game and the different ways to get in. One hit confirms into dash punch. Crazy offensive. And I wasn't even using TAP and his improved trigger stuff. He's great to play if you want to focus on maximizing aspects of your game. Simple and effective.
Yeah that's what I was trying. I like the buffered dash punches but I just find him too linear oh well. Not for me I guess.

Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
I kinda want to see Gokun in SFV I loved him and Gen during the little time I played SFIV. I highly doubt either will make the roster though :(
and because I'm a sporting gentleman heres one more

if I hit you with this quick rise cause you don't wanna hold the shenanigans you've gotta hold if you don't. although you still don't wanna hold the quick rise shenanigans. you can also side switch or stay in front with knees. or knee over and headbutt back across.
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