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Johnny Based Cage

The Shangest of Tsungs
Probably. Not used to Urien at all. Johnny got my daily random selection and I think I got a handful of his.

Bison was a lot of fun though, that was my biggest take-away from the session. He forces a slower more methodical pace and I like that, on top of super high damage and his crossup mk is beautiful..I think I'm going to spend some more time on Bison as a possible second to Balrog.

Haha sure did. And yeah, you already seemed to have his frame traps and confirms down pretty well. I liked what I saw and would suggest you stick with.

Oh and his tic throws. >:| haha!

Johnny Based Cage

The Shangest of Tsungs
Ah so I need two separate and unique forward inputs like with the old Kara demons. I didn't even think to try that since they removed them from the demon cancels.

It's just one f input. You're basically doing a half circle from d to f to u once you have a charge, and making sure you hit mp when you cross f and then whichever p you want for headbutt when you get to u. One smooth and quick motion, just gotta time your punches along with it.

FL Rushdown

It's just one f input. You're basically doing a half circle from d to f to u once you have a charge, and making sure you hit mp when you cross f and then whichever p you want for headbutt when you get to u. One smooth and quick motion, just gotta time your punches along with it.
Im talking about f mp into tackle. Headbutts the easy one. Also you're forgetting that that would be fireball with urien. You gotta skip the d, and df.

Johnny Based Cage

The Shangest of Tsungs
Im talking about f mp into tackle. Headbutts the easy one. Also you're forgetting that that would be fireball with urien. You gotta skip the d, and df.
Oh lmao you just said charge moves and I've never even seen fmp into tackle. My bad.

And you don't get fireball if you were already holding the charge. Works way easier for me at least, rolling it.

FL Rushdown

Oh lmao you just said charge moves and I've never even seen fmp into tackle. My bad.

And you don't get fireball if you were already holding the charge. Works way easier for me at least, rolling it.
Hmm that's interesting if a charge move would have priority but I'm not sure how d,df,f+mp would give me anything other than fireball. And yeah you can do f mp into tackle for side switch resets with aegis out. I just can't get the execution down.

x TeeJay o

Canary Cry Gapless Pressure
I'll accept that Urien is busted, but cammy isn't some helpless snowflake in that matchup lol. She's got some claws.
She's amazing, I'm not lol. First SF game and I haven't put any work into sfv tbh. I just don't have the time and it's not my #1 on my list. I really should have started from the beginning I feel way behind. I also have 0 DLC characters so I can't lab the MU's in training. Shit I haven't even learned the original cast MU's ha

FL Rushdown

Oh lmao you just said charge moves and I've never even seen fmp into tackle. My bad.

And you don't get fireball if you were already holding the charge. Works way easier for me at least, rolling it.
K. You've just gotta plink it. Kinda a wonky timing though. its a plink motion but delayed by like a frame. weird. worth working on though.
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Light Bringer
Yeah you have to plink them if you want to get cross under. I don't do it because im a filthy pad player and my thumb hits all the buttons.

also cuz im bad
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FL Rushdown

What's a plink?
In this context it's referring more to the hand motion used to plink since the actual input doesn't require any real "priority linking". but basically you hit a button and then another button one frame apart. So instead of hitting the buttons normally you can raise one finger slightly and then push down on both at once so they hit almost simultaneously(you don't have to do it like this it's just an easy way to learn it at the start).

Used to have a bunch of applications in sf4 but now it's kind of useless outside of like 2 characters.

If you've ever seen an akuma cancel his parry into his raging demon without any buttons coming out this is how he does it.

FL Rushdown


@Kooron Nation the last demon in this video uses a plinked input. I'm hitting my 3x punch button and my mk one frame apart and it's causing the 3x punch input to be doubled you can see on the input display what I'm talking about. Used to be used to make one frame links easier and you can control what you get by manipulating the games input priority. It's kinda useless now but I could try to explain more in depth if you'd like.