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Street Fighter V General Discussion


Normalize grab immunity.
I hate Mika but I think she got destroyed.
She's not "destroyed". Just more gimmicky if you can believe that. It's fun making people guess for one mistake. But they overall nerfed how she's played beforehand. So now it's just boring for me. Actually I feel I play her like a quicker zangief more than ever.

Yo I think Daigo is switching to Guile
Ready to see the best guile return to form? Praise be.

So Mika can or cannot choose direction on whip?
She can. Just no midscreen wallbounce.

Woah man, isn't she a school kid?
He said fiddle. Not diddle.


It's all so very confusing.
Akumas hiakkishu (hcf+k) has lots of options apparently, hiakkishu alone jumps and depending on range either hits in front or back with a sweep kick right? Also you can press punch,kick or light punch+light kick and he will throw the opponent. These are mixups right? Since he can choose to strike,fireball,do the drop kick or throw right?
Yes he can choose those options but it's not exactly a mixup, like you don't have to raw guess between the three at a 33% chance of being right. He can be AA'd fairly easily in my experience but its an important move, the idea is not to use it raw as its slow and you'll just get AA'd if they are paying attention. (Ex is faster and can catch people asleep at the wheel) You can throw them out by cancelling moves on block to surprise your opponent, or use it on a HKD, or use it to bait AAs, when you cancel it in to dive kick he kind of pauses in the air, using that can bait AA's and such.. He can also combo off the DK if you land it with the right spacing.

Its a very important move in his arsenal IMO, but its something you have to use with real purpose and in specific, calculated situations. If you're just sitting in neutral and randomly think 'Now is a good time for Demon Flip!'.. its probably not lol. I'm super bad about that myself and I mean, yeah, you can occasionally catch someone not paying attention but its NOT worth taking the AA.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Does it? I was only able to get it to combo if I used the OH as part of the target combo. If I just did it, it only combo'd on CH. Not a big nitpick , just wondering if I just missed the the timing there somehow, I only tried it a handful of times.

Still though, I retract my previous statements about her, I think she's miles stronger than s1. I never realized just how much range her st.Mk actually had either, it outranges st.mp and just barely loses to cr.mp! That's fucking awesome, as she has a real threat normal with reasonable, of not insane, range. I do wish she had more threat off of lows to make the OH more terrifying, but just having an OH that.combos in to 210+ damage is kinda insane, and if you establish her cr.mk or lk or they are a charge character or just used to downbacking all the time, man she can get some work done!

I'm going to resist the urge to main her though, I might not even pocket her - for now - as I just have to be realistic and try to work within my limitations and her vtrigger execution is just too fiddly for my hands, which this past year it feels like have gotten significantly worse. Maybe when I get settled in to Akuma and Guile (maybe Urien.. I'm sorry but he's just dope) I'll start fiddling with Ibuki.. but I dunno, we'll see.

All in all though, I am VERY happy with her changes now that I've had time to objectively look at them, experience them a little and see them in action.
I feel you.
Her Nobusuma (Ninja Glide) will be hell right now, the fact that she can actually cancel with normals, crossup not crossup, cancel with kunais is going to be huge as hell, ive shared a dude showing off some examples off her VT with Nobusuma setups against shotos, seems pretty fun.

her cr.lk links with st.lp and cr.lp which in turn connects with Kunai or raida easily, Raida builds so much meter now and is encorajable to use to end combos with, is also now projectile invincible from the 1st frame to the 9th, those annoying projectiles now have to be used sparingly against her, because like in SF4 at footsie range with meter the may render them useless.


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
What's special now? The patch notes don't really explain anything big except more plus frames, a new low, and now he screw upper is a DP.

I still got F.A.N.G. on deck and my Juri is coming along. And season 3 will probably give me a good interesting character. I just hope rumors of story mode characters isn't true.

what are you sad about?
Just try it. Its immediately evident. Its not just one thing, so its much easier if you just take a minute to have that AHA moment. It won't take long.

I know it sounds like a bit of a cop-out, but I don't want to write a wall of text. I just want you to get it. After that, if you still disagree - then by all means, disagree...

...but you won't. :p
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It's all so very confusing.
Meh, I don't know that we know how much time and focus he has. If he thinks Ryu isn't competitive any more, unless he shifts to Akuma, I don't see Guile as that far-fetched. He only has one season invested in SFV Ryu so it's not a tremendous investment to put aside if he feels Ryu isn't the right choice for the future of the game. I DO think Daigo is most likely looking at the long view and not just who's hot right now, and, paranoia alert, I think he and other Japanese players get some manner of advanced warning for changes and directions and such, so he may have information we dont and is operating on that.

FL Rushdown

Meh, I don't know that we know how much time and focus he has. If he thinks Ryu isn't competitive any more, unless he shifts to Akuma, I don't see Guile as that far-fetched. He only has one season invested in SFV Ryu so it's not a tremendous investment to put aside if he feels Ryu isn't the right choice for the future of the game. I DO think Daigo is most likely looking at the long view and not just who's hot right now, and, paranoia alert, I think he and other Japanese players get some manner of advanced warning for changes and directions and such, so he may have information we dont and is operating on that.
As it stands now I can't imagine akuma being better than ryu. Especially for a player like daigo.
We all know that's just talk just like when he switched to Yun for like a week.

He doesn't have the time or focus anymore to leave the shotos behind and still be Daigo.
I agree 100%. He started with Ryu in SF and he's likely to end with him. He used Guile like he used yun but his true love is obvious its Ryu. I think he's definetely trying out Guile, but so are other top players, or Akuma for example but I doubt many will actually change, and if they do then I doubt Daigo will.


It's all so very confusing.
As it stands now I can't imagine akuma being better than ryu. Especially for a player like daigo.
For a player like Daigo you're likely right, in the grand scheme of things though, I dont know. Time will tell how strong Akuma is or isnt, but so far he seems to have the hallmarks of a strong character.. I just wonder how he will fair against characters like Urien and Guile and such that can keep him at arms length and really make him work to get in to his kill zone.. He has soooo little life. I've had multiple rounds now myself where I feel like I'm winning pretty strongly, controlling the spacing and pace and landing the more meaningful damage, blah blah.. then look up and its almost even because I've been counter-poked three times. I'm not saying his low life isn't warranted, just commenting on it.

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
Mika mains! Your character might not be dead.

After whip you can still dash (or not) forward then do EX peach. This sets up meaty pressure.


You can whip a medium wingless airplane after whip and set up meaty pressure. The only problem that I'm finding is that I can't do counterhit LP, CR.LP or CR.LK linked into ST.MP and then link it into F+MP. So you will have to confirm that into LP peach which again gives more pressure but by this time you're probably in the corner so it's season 1 party time.

A new piece of tech that I found was at the player select screen if you hover over Mika, you can actually press DOWN, UP, LEFT, UP, LK and it gives you a brazillian version of season 1 Mika. It's crazy! :p

Jokes aside, I hope everybody is having fun with season 2 so far. I'm having a blast with the new Guile, I have yet to give Cammy a proper good try but Guile's so fun that I can't pull myself away from him. Cammys new B+MP will be great in pressure I'm sure, I have ideas cooking that I'll need to lab.


It's all so very confusing.
Mika mains! Your character might not be dead.

After whip you can still dash (or not) forward then do EX peach. This sets up meaty pressure.


You can whip a medium wingless airplane after whip and set up meaty pressure. The only problem that I'm finding is that I can't do counterhit LP, CR.LP or CR.LK linked into ST.MP and then link it into F+MP. So you will have to confirm that into LP peach which again gives more pressure but by this time you're probably in the corner so it's season 1 party time.

A new piece of tech that I found was at the player select screen if you hover over Mika, you can actually press DOWN, UP, LEFT, UP, LK and it gives you a brazillian version of season 1 Mika. It's crazy! :p

Jokes aside, I hope everybody is having fun with season 2 so far. I'm having a blast with the new Guile, I have yet to give Cammy a proper good try but Guile's so fun that I can't pull myself away from him. Cammys new B+MP will be great in pressure I'm sure, I have ideas cooking that I'll need to lab.

Im enjoying Uhkoomer a ton. Havent had a chance to dig in to the new Guile outside 3-4 games where either my, or my opponents internet decided to take a shit. In one round, while going back and forth in neutral, I saw his health literally just randomly jump 20% or so, it was pretty hilarious.

FL Rushdown

For a player like Daigo you're likely right, in the grand scheme of things though, I dont know. Time will tell how strong Akuma is or isnt, but so far he seems to have the hallmarks of a strong character.. I just wonder how he will fair against characters like Urien and Guile and such that can keep him at arms length and really make him work to get in to his kill zone.. He has soooo little life. I've had multiple rounds now myself where I feel like I'm winning pretty strongly, controlling the spacing and pace and landing the more meaningful damage, blah blah.. then look up and its almost even because I've been counter-poked three times. I'm not saying his low life isn't warranted, just commenting on it.
He suffers from s1 ibuki syndrome(although not as bad). Hes incredibly strong in a small subset of situations but for 90% of the match he's usually outmatched. Early opinions can change though.

FL Rushdown

Mika mains! Your character might not be dead.

After whip you can still dash (or not) forward then do EX peach. This sets up meaty pressure.


You can whip a medium wingless airplane after whip and set up meaty pressure. The only problem that I'm finding is that I can't do counterhit LP, CR.LP or CR.LK linked into ST.MP and then link it into F+MP. So you will have to confirm that into LP peach which again gives more pressure but by this time you're probably in the corner so it's season 1 party time.

A new piece of tech that I found was at the player select screen if you hover over Mika, you can actually press DOWN, UP, LEFT, UP, LK and it gives you a brazillian version of season 1 Mika. It's crazy! :p

Jokes aside, I hope everybody is having fun with season 2 so far. I'm having a blast with the new Guile, I have yet to give Cammy a proper good try but Guile's so fun that I can't pull myself away from him. Cammys new B+MP will be great in pressure I'm sure, I have ideas cooking that I'll need to lab.
The no midscreen wallbounce has almost nothing to do with why Mika is worse now.

FL Rushdown

I will respectfully disagree. The midscreen wallbounce was pretty imporant. Clap nerfs were bad but I always tried to hitconfirm into that anyway so whatever lol.
Cr hp nerf plus the clap nerf effectively kills her neutral. You can't really fish with clap anymore and try to confirm, and roll is basically doo doo now. Those options being gone also negatively impacts how powerful of a tool her dropkick was since at that range it's either dropkick or jump now(used to be able to represent way more threats there) making her way easier to read. Her neutral was scary, not because it was good, just because it only had to work once. Now it's even worse.

The no wallbounce limits her corner carry(slightly) but honestly isn't THAT big of a deal since you can still get a slightly less effective blender midscreen.

I also think you're underestimating how big of a deal not getting to confirm into clap is after a ch light/frame trap situation. The potential damage lost on that one is fairly massive.

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
Cr hp nerf plus the clap nerf effectively kills her neutral. You can't really fish with clap anymore and try to confirm, and roll is basically doo doo now. Those options being gone also negatively impacts how powerful of a tool her dropkick was since at that range it's either dropkick or jump now(used to be able to represent way more threats there) making her way easier to read. Her neutral was scary, not because it was good, just because it only had to work once. Now it's even worse.
Wow, I must have missed the roll nerf when skimming over the notes for her. Had no idea they nerfed it. That sort of sucks, you had to space it right to be plus. Sucks that they couldn't just make it easier to whiff punish and call it a day.


Normalize grab immunity.
You can whip a medium wingless airplane after whip and set up meaty pressure. The only problem that I'm finding is that I can't do counterhit LP, CR.LP or CR.LK linked into ST.MP and then link it into F+MP. So you will have to confirm that into LP peach which again gives more pressure but by this time you're probably in the corner so it's season 1 party time.
CH cr.LP into st.MP clap still works. I see guile got your execution slacking. :DOGE

And thanks to @FL Rushdown for saying what I've been saying. Just wait until season 3 comes around ya bums. Maybe then capcom will see what to do with Mika.