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Kitana needs to spend 1 bar to achieve damage past 40%, which is fair because most characters can do that. Sonya can do 40+ with an ex leg grab ender in demolition with 3 grenades and close to 40 in CO off of a starting 50/50.

I think kitana's damage is fine. Once you get the matchup, the 45% combo is avoidable. It requires the ex fan toss. If the ex fan toss comes out raw you can block it. All other times, kitana is going to initiate the combo from a low or one of her bnb strings. Her overhead is reactable and doesn't combo.

If you're stuck in the corner with her then something went wrong midscreen that caused you to be in the corner. You should be pushing her towards the corner, not the other way around. You really have to play patiently against her. I feel like I'm playing street fighter instead against kitana. It's all about whiff punishing little things and avoiding her projectiles.
Close to 40 starting with b1 and b3 in CO? Inputs?
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Close to 40 starting with b1 and b3 in CO? Inputs?
Absolutely not, CO practical combos is a struggle to top 30% with one bar.

The only way to reach above 40 is

A) xray run cancel

B) hail Mary pass ex parry 1 dive kick bnb

Otherwise her punish combo in CO averages 29% full execution including dive kick.

Well see in the next patch if Kitana is left as she is, I would be very much suprised if there isn't any combo damage scaling because those numbers were insane and nobody deserves that much damage for so little execution, Scorpion sure as hell didn't.
Been looking at 2134 more as a good Covert Ops tick throw string. I feel like this can have an "Erron Black" element to to it, in that the string has 3 different opportunities to "tick" throw the opponent with MS~Grab, and one opportunity at the end where it can be an overhead, low, or grab. Of course, the trade off is it's not as damaging to use. But when your opponent's got 10% of their lifebar left in either round, I can definitely see this being a more effective way to close out the round than even her regular mixup of b3/b1 and variants.


Retirement my ass
Also another thing that catches people off guard just to close out matches is finishing the b33212 string and then go into MS cancel after one of the hits.... Either tick throw, low or anything. If people are surprised by the extra hits/moves coming out, they tend not to be ready for the mix-up.


Also another thing that catches people off guard just to close out matches is finishing the b33212 string and then go into MS cancel after one of the hits.... Either tick throw, low or anything. If people are surprised by the extra hits/moves coming out, they tend not to be ready for the mix-up.
I've found it odd that I cannot consistently make B3,3,2, 12 work properly, is there some frame timing to make the last " 1,2" work consistently.


Retirement my ass
@Dedlock I've seen the same thing... Never something I actually practice so on the rare occasion I try it in a match and it doesn't come out it's still weird to me... Think it's probably something close to Lao's 112124 string, just go really fast and roll your finger for the input.


@Dedlock I've seen the same thing... Never something I actually practice so on the rare occasion I try it in a match and it doesn't come out it's still weird to me... Think it's probably something close to Lao's 112124 string, just go really fast and roll your finger for the input.
yeah that's how it works I roll my finger on the 1,2 after the B3,3,2 but its very inconvenient turned me off from using it.
Anyone here play on XBL and from NA (preferably east coast, as that would have the least lag)?

I really want to do some mirrors against a good Sonya players.

Gamertag is:
Tony at home
Still pretty confused about Ermac. He literally kills us up close

1) He frame traps Sonya on his 0 on block string
2) On his -1 on block string, still a risky bet to check him, because Sonya's 7 frame low gets beat by his low combo starter
3) His d3 out-ranges Sonya's d1, so Sonya's forced to use her 7 frame to counter poke at all, which once again, get's uber counter crushed
4) Sonya's normally really solid d4 is a laughable joke in this matchup. Loses to absolutely everything.

You can't press buttons against him when he gets up close. Your best option is to backdash- that is, paying 1 meter to put yourself at the range Ermac THRIVES at.

It doesn't feel hopelessly terrible when you are in Covert Ops, but it still feels terribad. Demo seems like a lost cause against him though.


Retirement my ass
One of my training partners plays Ermac and I don't have too much trouble outside of his frame trap strings, you just have to respect them. I normally wait until he pokes or does something unsafe, which normally get thrown out to cover one of his strings.

He has a few options after his 11d2 (I don't know his full strings, but the string off 1 that is his fastest start up). It's 0 on block, so he can either do the string again, do the low option, go overhead, or poke.

If he does the string again, you can hopefully start abusing the gap that's between the second and third hit. You can either leg grab or parry this so you'll hopefully shy him off this after a few times.

If he does either the low or overhead you need to just armor after he does the string to check him. I do this maybe once every 10 or 15 times just to make him start poking (faster option) to check me after a string.

If he pokes you afterwards, he's insanely negative (think his d1 is -10?) so you almost never really need to poke against him. Once you get him to do an unsafe string or poke, just go into your mix-up. You should trade better from that point on and hopefully have a lot easier time opening him up than he does to you so you can trade full combos to his chip pressure (as above).

The next huge part of this game is bullying Ermac on wake up. He doesn't have great options on this, either EX soul blast you can normally get in on him again and his EX teleport is SUPER unsafe, so if you're wiling to block his wake up's you should be good. However you can NJP over all of his wake up options (unless you angles the soul blast upwards). You can jump backwards (not great because it slows pressure) over his tele for a full combo to put him in the corner or you can jump over him (to put yourself in the corner) to totally make the soul blast whiff as well.

Once Ermac is on his back he has a pretty hard time, but one thing my friend has been doing is after a combo ending in 21u4, I have to run up to him to continue offence so he will wake up and just do a faster string, which catches me.

I tend to just jump in on him a lot as his only semi-reliable anti-air is his uppercut (with a good forward hit box) or cross him up as much as you can.

Hope this helps @Tony at Home
Yeah, I really need to grind out and practice screwing Ermac in the gap...

I wonder... can we EX-Parry his 11d2? That would be godlike


Retirement my ass
Alright tested out a few things: I think the main string you can parry between is his launcher: the f21d2 string he has. The third hit you can ex parry, ex leg grab, and ofc X-ray.

There is also a gab between his f34 string (kick to double overhead kick) but those are the main holes. My friend normally does the f21d2 string to be his safer launcher, so after I parry or punish him for that a few times he has to take way more yolo chances of soul balling after other strings to catch for full combo.


sometimes when Ermac has me trapped, i find a random 1,2 helps break ermac's hold on me, but you;re going to eat tons of damage.


In Zoning We Trust
Figured I'd ask this here. In Demo, what is this I keep hearing about 112~EX Gernades? Is this supposed to be + on block? Combo on hit? Using a bar to toss during a string? You can't just get poked or armored?

From just hearing it I don't see the purpose to use a bar so I know I must be missing something. Why is that such a good thing for her?
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Figured I'd ask this here. In Demo, what is this I keep hearing about 112~EX Gernades? Is this supposed to be + on block? Combo on hit? Using a bar to toss during a string? You can't just get poked or armored?

From just hearing it I don't see the purpose to use a bar so I know I must be missing something. Why is that such a good thing for her?
I think you are talking about 112~ex drone


In Zoning We Trust
I think you are talking about 112~ex drone
In Demolition. The EX Flying Machine that shoots out Gernades if you're empty. I'm hearing it's good to use in strings on hit and on block but I can't understand why that makes any sense at all. I'm sure that has to be some sort of reasoning, but my casual Sonya exp is too ass to know what it is.

Ayase Chihaya

In Demolition. The EX Flying Machine that shoots out Gernades if you're empty. I'm hearing it's good to use in strings on hit and on block but I can't understand why that makes any sense at all. I'm sure that has to be some sort of reasoning, but my casual Sonya exp is too ass to know what it is.
Yes, there are many setups you can use when you're out of grenades. Check the videos and discussion in this thread:


In Demolition. The EX Flying Machine that shoots out Gernades if you're empty. I'm hearing it's good to use in strings on hit and on block but I can't understand why that makes any sense at all. I'm sure that has to be some sort of reasoning, but my casual Sonya exp is too ass to know what it is.
Yes, it's really good. I use it all the time.


Sonya's b14 and b332 openers are pretty slow and ineffective in counterattacking a successfully blocked string since your opponent can either attack again before you recover and wind up your attack or they can get their block up, what's the best opener to punish on block? I've tried 121 into military stance (7 frame startup) but the range on it is pitiful and can only be used to counterattack on a string that leaves you and your opponent pretty much standing right next to each other.


Kuff Bano
Sonya's b14 and b332 openers are pretty slow and ineffective in counterattacking a successfully blocked string since your opponent can either attack again before you recover and wind up your attack or they can get their block up, what's the best opener to punish on block? I've tried 121 into military stance (7 frame startup) but the range on it is pitiful and can only be used to counterattack on a string that leaves you and your opponent pretty much standing right next to each other.
121, b1, f2 or reversal leg grab.
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