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Sky above, Voice within
Safe throws from Military stance after basic attacks:

You can use MS -> 1 safely after:
1) jump in + 1 или 2;
2) 12;
3) b33.
d3 is her fastest poke. But the hitbox is ultra low. It will never catch a jump-back

After an F4b (leads into frame traps with her fast pokes), an opponent can jump-away from a d3 because it's hitbox is so low to the ground. However, a d1 follow up will catch them for a juggle, and you can covert with f2.


Can someone explain what the point of Sonya's air grab is? It has such a pathetic range and doesn't combo into anything, its only redeeming quality is that it is a hard knockdown but that's hardly decent at all when Sonya already has amazing anti-wakeup pressure.


Can someone explain what the point of Sonya's air grab is? It has such a pathetic range and doesn't combo into anything, its only redeeming quality is that it is a hard knockdown but that's hardly decent at all when Sonya already has amazing anti-wakeup pressure.
I never ever use it. I don't think any of us on here really do.
Hey guys who do you feel gives Sonya the most trouble as of right now?

For me I struggle a bit with Cyber Kano and Shinnok the most...


After four months of extensive play these are the character matcup brackets I lose to consistently.

Kung Lao
Quan Chi


Kitana (Royal Storm Mournful)
Predator ( hsh qu ten and hunter)

Kung Jin

As for air throw Its a waste of space but I did something weird the other day I used the sabertooth jump pad in the outworld market place and accidentally was pressing throw, I jumped directly at my opponent and air threw him. Weird
After four months of extensive play these are the character matcup brackets I lose to consistently.

Kung Lao
Quan Chi


Kitana (Royal Storm Mournful)
Predator ( hsh qu ten and hunter)

Kung Jin

As for air throw Its a waste of space but I did something weird the other day I used the sabertooth jump pad in the outworld market place and accidentally was pressing throw, I jumped directly at my opponent and air threw him. Weird
I completely forgot about Ermac! He kills me but I rarely see him. I use to play a lot of Quan Chi but not so much anymore (Thank you God lol). For Lao I just run Demo and hope for the best. I like having the option to create that space with the grenades. I have no idea what to do with Shinnok yet...


B2s and Birdarangs
Wassup guys. I've just picked up Demolition Sonya and am just learning some BnBs but I have a couple of questions

When I end a combo with 2134 DD1, am I doing it right in that the string doesn't actually cancel into the DD1? I've taken to using F4 midscreen because the reload seems a bit safer with the cancel but now that I'm learning the corner stuff and am finishing with 2134 I'm just worried about wake ups and such. Am I missing something here?

Also when doing B33212 DD1 1, if the stun grenade isn't detonated at the right point the counter resets so I'm assuming the combo is restarted at that point. Can the opponent do anything to get out of it if it's delayed? The scaling is obviously reset so I'd expect more damage from delaying but Im assuming detonating at the earliest point should just be the standard.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!


Official Sonya simp
Wassup guys. I've just picked up Demolition Sonya and am just learning some BnBs but I have a couple of questions

When I end a combo with 2134 DD1, am I doing it right in that the string doesn't actually cancel into the DD1? I've taken to using F4 midscreen because the reload seems a bit safer with the cancel but now that I'm learning the corner stuff and am finishing with 2134 I'm just worried about wake ups and such. Am I missing something here?

Also when doing B33212 DD1 1, if the stun grenade isn't detonated at the right point the counter resets so I'm assuming the combo is restarted at that point. Can the opponent do anything to get out of it if it's delayed? The scaling is obviously reset so I'd expect more damage from delaying but Im assuming detonating at the earliest point should just be the standard.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
Yes, 2134 is not special cancellable, you have to input the DD1 afterwards, but it's so easy to mess it up that I'd suggest you to stick to F4 xx DD1. And also, I'd suggest you to end your combos in the corner with B14 because it's a HKD in a juggle and that's the only way to reload safely there.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Do you mean that you're delaying the grenade detonation and it doesn't link? If you cancel that string into stun grenade and you don't detonate it, they can just block it.


B2s and Birdarangs
Yes, 2134 is not special cancellable, you have to input the DD1 afterwards, but it's so easy to mess it up that I'd suggest you to stick to F4 xx DD1. And also, I'd suggest you to end your combos in the corner with B14 because it's a HKD in a juggle and that's the only way to reload safely there.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Do you mean that you're delaying the grenade detonation and it doesn't link? If you cancel that string into stun grenade and you don't detonate it, they can just block it.
Ok cool I'll use that then.

Well for instance there is a combo in the combo thread which is B33212 DF1 1 NJP .... As per the comment below the notation you have to delay the detonation so you can connect the NJP. Now if you do it right everything connects and the hits and damage will increase as per the norm. If you delay it just slightly longer then when you connect the NJP the counter resets. I'm assuming then if you delay it for that extra millisecond the detonation will be blocked.

I don't know why I didn't realise that before lol. Sorry for the naivety there X.X

Thanks for the fast reply


Official Sonya simp
Ok cool I'll use that then.

Well for instance there is a combo in the combo thread which is B33212 DF1 1 NJP .... As per the comment below the notation you have to delay the detonation so you can connect the NJP. Now if you do it right everything connects and the hits and damage will increase as per the norm. If you delay it just slightly longer then when you connect the NJP the counter resets. I'm assuming then if you delay it for that extra millisecond the detonation will be blocked.

I don't know why I didn't realise that before lol. Sorry for the naivety there X.X

Thanks for the fast reply
Correct. You have to delay the grenade detonation slightly for the NJP to connect. Unfortunately I can't test it right now because the ps4 is not with me, but from what I could understand, you're saying that you're delaying the grenade longer, then the NJP hits but the counter resets while the opponent is mid-air?


B2s and Birdarangs
Correct. You have to delay the grenade detonation slightly for the NJP to connect. Unfortunately I can't test it right now because the ps4 is not with me, but from what I could understand, you're saying that you're delaying the grenade longer, then the NJP hits but the counter resets while the opponent is mid-air?
Yeah thats exactly it. ive only practiced on a dead training dummy so far so I don't know if they block it but I guess that's what happens since the counter resets and a new combo is started. That would also mean that the timing for the combo I've noted is fairly strict. Definitely possible but maybe not so much online.


Retirement my ass
If the counter resets, the character can do something. If your opponent is holding block, they can block the rest of your string and punish you. Set the computer to reversal block, and they should never be caught by this.

It's a good cheese if you think they don't hold block during combos or might be blocking low.... You can do the same stuff in CO by doing a string that doesn't link into MS Cartwheel (db2 4) and get a reset that way.

Not viable tech, outside of it being a gimmick/block check


This dream has a sad ending
So after playing around with sonya i realized how awkward this combo is in demolition

X-ray, f+2, shock grenade

Is there anyway that i can make it do more damage cause right now after that i'm using j.3, d+4 as an ender and I think i could be getting more


Sky above, Voice within
1) Drone tech in Special Forces variation:

Descriptions from video:

1) You can safely cancel basic attacks into dd-1 (when drone is called);
2) You can safely throw opponent opponent after b332 -> 1+R2 and f4 -> R2;
3) 1+R2 drone attack adds new mixup after b1 or b3;
4) With help of 1+R2 and 2+R2 you can do a pressure safely (only armored attacks can break it);
5) With help of drone you can catch your opponent on x-ray and after that safely call drone back;
6) 2+R2 drone attack lets you punish reversal (because it's safe on block after some basic attacks) and wakeup attacks;
7) You can use dd-1 (when drone is called) as combo extender in corner after 11 and b14.

2) Grenades in Demolition are actually safe!!!!

Here's video:

1) 112, any grenade;
2) b332, any grenade;
3) 11, any grenade.


7) You can use dd-1 (when drone is called) as combo extender in corner after 11 and b14.
Any tips on getting dd1 to come out after 11? I feel like I can't get that consistently enough for me to be using it, I've tried to practice and can still can't get it often enough to be comfortable. Also, I think you should be able to drone park after 213 and loop it (213 dd1 repeat) for a combo if you're frame perfect. Yet another thing I couldn't get to happen consistently.

I really WANT to become viable with SF, but I have much better success with Demo and then CO


So after playing around with sonya i realized how awkward this combo is in demolition

X-ray, f+2, shock grenade

Is there anyway that i can make it do more damage cause right now after that i'm using j.3, d+4 as an ender and I think i could be getting more
I do this midscreen:
x-ray, run, 21 sg, f4 sg, f4 sg, f4 cancel into safe reload. Really easy 60%

X-ray, run, 4 sg, 4 sg, 4 sg, 12,124.
Easy 73%


Publicly Educated
I did an interesting test with her parry today
If she parries something and lets it go, she's slightly plus. You can abuse this by using d4, f2, b1 after your parry
But if she parries Jax's major pain (the move he kicks and flies on the air), she will grab his leg instead of his hand and if she doesn't extend the parry she's sightly minus. I don't know exactly the number here because I only did jump test


Retirement my ass
Also, she can sometimes parry people's heads: Like Raiden's super man and I think KL's spin. probably even more plus, but cool find!
Patch predictions:

Probably nothing

Spec Ops:
Probably nothing

Very likely we will lose some damage I think.
Since they're looking at her, they might do something to improve EX Reload though.
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