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Strategy "Shazam!" -- Captain Marvel General Discussion Thread


Hi guys! A friend of mine who is a fellow Shazam main made a video regarding one of the most annoying heroes to fight against. Check it out when you have the time!

Omg, how did he forget about torpedos ?.. -_____-

Some stuffs are missing (torpedo and all you get with it like at 4:20 he should add 22 torpedo MB knockdown dash & vortex situation which is actually the true 50/50, d2&f12 tools in corner, how is his zoning, his weaknesses, ) too bad, almost all basics are here. I learned some stuffs (d2, b3 combo).

Still great for people who doen't play Shazam yet but have some interest to.

Mortal Komhat

Worst Well-Established Goro Player Ever
I think everyone, everywhere loves Shazam - They just would rather play someone that better return on investment.

I just hope the patch makes him more reliable - or grants him more damage on YOLO reads.


I'm new to these boards and I'm on mobile right now so I can't read the other pages but I found a midscreen 39% 1 bar And 58% 1 bar with trait .


Sorry if this has been found its just a force to read on mobile


Has anyone noticed how godlike his j1 is on neutral jumps?! Grundy has a very small crouching hitboxes, one of the smallest in the game. I think he is one out of 4 characters that can duck nightwings staffspin MB, I might be wrong so don't quote me on that :p

I was in practice and had Grundy crouching, and I was testing out his j1 hitbox and it hits grundy at the top of shazams JUMP ARC. SO it seems to have a lot of active frames, maybe as good as green lanterns j1...


Ruthlesss Mayhem
Some may be already doing, but let me point it out here for shazams who don't.
in the corner, you can opt HM as a combo ender if you have 1 extra meter and 50/50 the opponent... or somewhere 50/50. its either meaty-HM*mb - combo/Advancing mercury storm > b2 - 112 combo right after you land.

best bet would be to do advancing mercury first, cause you are in the corner and the opponent will most likely do a wakeup move. this is safe on most wake ups even if you mistime the Advancing mercury storm, but against LEX corps charge you can't mistime it. if they don't like doing wake-up specials or you have established he will not, you can opt for the meaty HM.

here is what it looks like.


Cool Beans
I've got some Shazam tech I'm not sure whether it's old or new
first off the corner game off a naked HM
traditional combo: HM 112 112 112 AC 32%
My online friendly version: HM b3 dash in 112 f12 AC 31%
*after b3 dash in, opponent flies over you to be facing corner again*
I've always found the traditional combo to be too hard with online
With trait:
Traditional: 4 HM 112 112 112 AC 55%
My online friendly: 4 Hm b3 dash in 112 f12 AC 42%
So there's the trade off you do way more damage with trait

Other tech (this is probably old) concerns b2
normal distance no block: b2 teleport forward, at this point he's lying right in front of you then you can dash OVER him and follow up immediately with 22 f22 whatever
normal distance blocking: b2 teleport follow with another b2 AT

after a HM blocking: HM b2 teleport and you're in perfect range for a naked HM
after a HM not blocking: HM teleport he will be directly in front, where you can do whatever (jumping will be a perfect cross up with no wake up or roll)

So of the b2 i find the only real important one to be the HM b2 teleport leading to another HM

Also guys pick apart my online friendly combo, maybe it's shit and you have a better one idk


Ruthlesss Mayhem
Other tech (this is probably old) concerns b2
normal distance no block: b2 teleport forward, at this point he's lying right in front of you then you can dash OVER him and follow up immediately with 22 f22 whatever
I use f22 on b2 teleport dash over body, its really good for opponents who I guess "spam" their wakeup everytime when knocked down. online most often. though they can tech roll still very useful.
same with AT*mb dash > dash over > f22 - combo.

you could try non mb AT as a corner combo ender (112 -112 -112-AT) then dash out to b2, if they tech roll you'd see it and can grab them back in the corner.


So I went to fall classic last weekend. I lost to Tom Brady's Aquaman in pools 1-2 with Shazam but the set was close. The shield move he has is just too strong in the matchup. The same happened vs MIT88. I beat his Batman then lost to his BlackAdam. Good thing is that next time I'm coming back with buffs. I hope the rest of you Shazam players come out and start taking names. I was pretty close so I know it can be done.
So I've been using Shazam for awhile now, lately be focusing more on him, trying to make him my main, but what's the deal with his teleport? It's terrible. It's so slow you can't do it on reaction to avoid anything you have to just do it, and hope it works. It is good on wake up, but for a defence it's no good. I can't seem to find any really use for it besides wake ups.


For the Shokan since Mk3
Can someone test this tech out for me i have been ending all my combos with f223 forward teleport then corpse hop into to DBF1
What i wana know is if it switchs inputs for wake ups i was able i beat a guy 2150/350 and i didnt get one wake up when doing this setup but he was doing wake ups after knockdowns any help is welcomed

Mortal Komhat

Worst Well-Established Goro Player Ever
So I've been using Shazam for awhile now, lately be focusing more on him, trying to make him my main, but what's the deal with his teleport? It's terrible. It's so slow you can't do it on reaction to avoid anything you have to just do it, and hope it works. It is good on wake up, but for a defence it's no good. I can't seem to find any really use for it besides wake ups.
Can also use it for Oki if you think they're going to wake up, you can force them to wake-up the other way.

I do not know if the corpse hop switches inputs though.

Mortal Komhat

Worst Well-Established Goro Player Ever
Yeah. I'd have said set the opponent to wake up then do the set-up and see if it works.

Speaking of set-ups, anyone got anything Oki related off of normal throw?

AK Gookus

Slant-eyed Nightwing
Just a side note, you should test it like Heroic Legacy said. Record yourself doing the set up and control the enemy and try to wake up with human reflexes. The auto wake up performed by the AI will sometimes be faster in training.


For the Shokan since Mk3
Just a side note, you should test it like Heroic Legacy said. Record yourself doing the set up and control the enemy and try to wake up with human reflexes. The auto wake up performed by the AI will sometimes be faster in training.
Yeah that what im going to do when i get home


For the Shokan since Mk3
Can someone test this tech out for me i have been ending all my combos with f223 forward teleport then corpse hop into to DBF1
What i wana know is if it switchs inputs for wake ups i was able i beat a guy 2150/350 and i didnt get one wake up when doing this setup but he was doing wake ups after knockdowns any help is welcomed
Ok this works very well they have to expect a corpse hop or it messes with there wake up inputs