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Rate the Above Person's Skill

It's funny that nobody can admit that shock is the best offline, really, maybe from what i have seen "julian / moe / dreamernj / conqrr" and some others give him a tough match but they cannot win more than sinala does.

And i don't suck him, but you gotta admit he is the best umk3 player, that since a long time.
Shock is fucking good, really good. He's beatable however, Crazy Dominican i think is *better* only from what i've been told, also he's lost to Niggy in tourny play. I've played shock IRL and he can back up what he says, but I think some people glorify him a leeetle bit too much.


EFL Founder
It's funny that nobody can admit that shock is the best offline, really, maybe from what i have seen "julian / moe / dreamernj / conqrr" and some others give him a tough match but they cannot win more than sinala does.

And i don't suck him, but you gotta admit he is the best umk3 player, that since a long time.
People admit when they're wrong, but in this case very few are going to side with you. You're not even going to mention ded_, lex, thrower, frankie, hanzo, rzp, or crazy dominican? Not only are you listing players that you've probably only seen in ultimatemk's featured vids, but you have no idea what you're talking about in structure alone. No offense to those other players, I'm sorry although only moe and dreemer are at shock's level on any platform/offline of that list you have there. And since a long time? How old are you? Is there some relic or legend you'd like to share with us that we perhaps don't know about? I apologize if I seem condescending; nonetheless, welcome to the site.


MKKhanzo: Ded is from Bulgary jahha
It's funny that nobody can admit that shock is the best offline, really, maybe from what i have seen "julian / moe / dreamernj / conqrr" and some others give him a tough match but they cannot win more than sinala does.

And i don't suck him, but you gotta admit he is the best umk3 player, that since a long time.
thing about julian is that he learns and keeps playing no matter what. someone like you will get raped and qq all day then quit.
DC is definitely the best I have played no doubts about that and close to a 10 as possible, but I like to believe just if someone may be the best there is still that chance for someone to rise above them. Also, I don't think I have ever seen DC try...
What people don't understand is that if someone get rated a 10 doesn't mean that they are the best thats just skill wise.

There are a few people i would give ten's to.


All these players play that good, but at the same time someone is the best 10 player. I know someone understand what im trying to say.


Premium Supporter
I've always been about helping people, showing them new stuff, explaining to them where their weaknesses are, how to get better. I offer what I can if I can. That's why this site exists. The board is merely a huge bonus.

Out of the people I've played in person, and if I put myself at say a 9.5, and had to start with a 10 based on that, it'd go with Moe because I only beaten him once in person on an arcade machine and I played him a lot of matches. I'd give a 9.8 for RUSTY, I mean Lex, and a 9.6 for Crazy, maybe put Thrower somewhere in there just to keep him from DIE-ing. Otherwise, there's no one else I can think of off the top of my head I would consider to be SO good that they deserve a rating equal to or higher than a 9.5 with multiple characters and overall knowledge of the game. I can say however there are a number of players who reach that level or higher with 1 or 2 characters.

X-ecutionner, I really don't know what you are talking about. lol. Dreemer and Konqrr have never professed themselves as amazing players, Julian has been done with the game on a serious level for years, and Moe roughly translates to "Touched by God" in Arabic!

As XBL players, there are definitely some really good ones who deal with netplay well because they is 99% what they know, but I never will be able to, and neither will a number of the traditionally offline players. It's just something that has to be accepted.
What people don't understand is that if someone get rated a 10 doesn't mean that they are the best thats just skill wise.

I know someone understand what im trying to say.
I get what you're saying all those people are at the top and can compete with each other, but in my book all nines hell 9.9s lol cus i'm a firm believer in 10 as perfect

MKK hanzo

i like the small edits lex left on his posts...

chicago! haha

oh btw

venezuela > scheisse (joking)

and ded_ is the best player IMO still active


Elder God
100% correct, i am not the best and i never pretended to be, but i never play when there is lag, ever. and i've played with good connection vs the best europe players years ago before xbla sugar. i dont know what are you trying to say, but there are no lag matches of me that i published except 2 or 3 vids total.


100% correct, i am not the best and i never pretended to be, but i never play when there is lag, ever. and i've played with good connection vs the best europe players years ago before xbla sugar. i dont know what are you trying to say, but there are no lag matches of me that i published except 2 or 3 vids total.
I'm not saying anything bad about you. I'm just saying that we haven't seen you play anyone outside of Europe when you haven't had horrible lag and the vids that you did put out you had noticeable lag.


Elder God
i've played vs lots of usa players, and the delay is the excact reason why i never published or comment them
So ded_, which country are you from?

I give you a 10 just because your not in the usa ;)
I also give you a 10 for a great sig. :)
You can clearly see ded is a beast, if not then something must be wrong with your eyes. Ded has a few matches of him playing people offline.
Yes I've seen his matches, he's the main reason I picked up Reptile as a main.

His famous match against Squall where he does the LPHPHP inf was so sick.