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Rate the Above Person's Skill

sure.. im curious about what I need to get better. Even If I been slacking on playing for a long while now. Just rate the people I'd play with on Kaillera Kaillera > 360 any day.

I'm giving you all 9's cause you all are good, have the potential to beat the best and to become it, I don't watch other peoples matches with each other.. so its hard for me to relate whos better then who.

Scheiss - 9 . well known, strong player, prolly one of best anyways, first pro I ever played
Mudd - 9 , good robo smoke, some days hes just -really- good at correctly timed teleports.
winterwarz -9 , used to extremely annoy me with only playing cyrax, but got very good really fast, good contendor imo, also plays human smoke and stryker, hard for me to beat.
ultimatedominicano 9- dont get to play often, really good Jax if I remember correctly.
Marv (marvirista.. or something like that) 9- Kitana player mainly, best rushdown player in the game, after playing him I've always tried to mimic his rushdown.
Crazy Dominican - 10 , mostly psychic , plugging the controller into slot 2 does wonders. (j/p)
You can't give everyone the same ranking, that just sucks!


fuck that noise
I'd say Lizardpoker and I are fairly even, at least when I don't use lao. Come to think of it, I'm not sure if I ever win when I don't use him. Then again, I don't even win that much with him.

I'd rate you about a 7, from the few occasions I've played with you.


I'd say Lizardpoker and I are fairly even, at least when I don't use lao. Come to think of it, I'm not sure if I ever win when I don't use him. Then again, I don't even win that much with him.

I'd rate you about a 7, from the few occasions I've played with you.
you guys have distorted rankings jesus christ. note that this doesn't apply to stu's homoerotic ranking above me.
I got the perfect ranking :

Arcade mode umk 3
SHOCK > all (sinala is the best when playing in tournament).
If you don't understand, then he just rapes everybody with ermac, kabal, reptile, even sheeva with no HP allowed and no block?
frankenstein, please spell it correctly before engaging such ideas.
Photos Qualities doesn't prove anything whereas your spelling prove facts.
Owned k thanks.
I got the perfect ranking :

Arcade mode umk 3
SHOCK > all (sinala is the best when playing in tournament).
If you don't understand, then he just rapes everybody with ermac, kabal, reptile, even sheeva with no HP allowed and no block?
What a fucking fan boy...SHOCK > all?

Shock is good don't get me wrong, but definitely not the BEST

I'm not too concerned with a numerical system but heres my go at it of who I play with normally/occasionally and myself

Me = 6ish
Sugar = almost seven
MistaKM = low 8ish
Blk Albm = 6ish
DC = 9ish
Dreamcatcher = 6ish (and I am sure as hell he'll be higher as soon as he fully adapts to the 360 controller)
GokuRen = I can't beat him (He'll like reading that)

All my ratings are off of live with a 360 controller play so offline I'm sure everyone is a lot better with whatever medium of a controller they like the most whether it be 360 for some people, arcade stick, n64 pad or whatever

if anyone is offended by ratings I don't really care because I didn't inflate them to bullshit 8s and 9s for everyone like a lot of people
"if anyone is offended by ratings I don't really care because I didn't inflate them to bullshit 8s and 9s for everyone like a lot of people"

No shit it was getting ridiculous. Only thing, if DC is a 9, who's a 10? IMO you have to put him at 10.
"if anyone is offended by ratings I don't really care because I didn't inflate them to bullshit 8s and 9s for everyone like a lot of people"

No shit it was getting ridiculous. Only thing, if DC is a 9, who's a 10? IMO you have to put him at 10.
DC is definitely the best I have played no doubts about that and close to a 10 as possible, but I like to believe just if someone may be the best there is still that chance for someone to rise above them. Also, I don't think I have ever seen DC try...


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Personalized rating scales fail when you base others on your own approximate skill level which is why I try to avoid rating people if they happen to ask me what I think. You really need to base it on a lot of different players whom your see play. Most players rank themselves a little bit higher than they actually are, and in general, giving an online ranking is the same thing as creating an online tier list. Neither of them is necessary because they are largely based on skewed results.

For instance, I've seen random players generally rate me around a 9 when I know they've only played me when I've used the gamepad a while back. Personally, I'd put myself about a 6.5, maybe a 7 on pad. That leads me to believe they think they are a bit better than they really are based on their predeterminations of skill of the person they are against, and do not take into account handicaps. "Wow I'm doing pretty good against Shock and he's obviously about a 9, that must mean I'm better than I thought." Netplay not withstanding, they obviously don't know that I'm considerably better on a stick than a pad, and even better on the keyboard than on a stick, so would they rank me higher after playing me on a stick, or rank themselves lower?

I've seen people rank other players whom I would put at like, a 6, as high as an 8 and change and to me that is obvious evidence that the person ranking players too high hasn't played many people better than that person, or not even many, but ANYONE better than that.

I'm curious to see how some of the newer players I haven't met are doing, so anyone who wants to get in some games who hasn't played me yet, feel free to IM me on AIM and we can set something up, I'm generally on after 10PM but that doesn't always mean I'm available but I can try to get in a few games.
My question is, why fight over skills versus trying to make everyone else better? Sure, you can say, well some of these people don't wanna learn. Or, well this guy/girl is too stupid to understand how to do hk, d+lp, aaHP etc. Don't give me any damn excuses, you're just too afraid of making someone better than you. Now, before this starts getting flamed and whatnot, this is not an attempt to change anything. This is not an attempt to piss you off, however, this is just an opinion; of course just like anyone else's...

Just like I told some guy earlier : fight religion, not peace.