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Rate the Above Person's Skill

I'm pretty sure that's Apocalypse Now.
wow im retarded no clue why i said full metal jacket, your right it is apocalypse now.

abc, i always try to play your when i see your name for a room but i can never get in. Add me and we will play
I need someone to rate me and tell me what fields I need to improve in.
I give you a 5. From the 25 matches we played the other day all I can think of is that you need to play with better characters. If you're playing someone that's already better than you, then you are using liu kang on top of it, you're just asking to lose.

I don't know how much experience you have with umk3 but it seems like not much, and from what I've seen it seems like the ceiling is very high, meaning I think you have the abilitly to get better.

Play more & pick better characters.
In the 2-6 beer range it's fine, anything after that no way.
My game is even sloppier than usual when I'm twisted. Least you get more unpredictable with every drink though. With me I tend to fall into a lot of patterns when I play for a long time. Add some booze to the mix and I throw those patterns out of the window right along with any thing even remotely resembling a strategy.
I rate you a 3. You don't seem to have much strategy and when I rush you are forced to turtle or give up a combo. You're also from the UK so you have a terribly laggy connection.

IM DC AND I DO WHAT I WANT!!)&#&)!&)&)#&%#

btw when did you unlock that achievement?
I rate you a 3. You don't seem to have much strategy and when I rush you are forced to turtle or give up a combo. You're also from the UK so you have a terribly laggy connection.
ok, thanks for the rating, its pretty apt.. I've got some strategy, but you are far too good for me, I get a bit scared/over whelmed. I'm more of a punisher, which is good fun against beginners, but you never make silly mistakes ( ;) ), so thats why I turtle so much. I think/hope you would give me a better rating if we played more games with less lag.

I am really sorry about the lag, I live with 5 other people and there is rarely a moment when all of them are not using the net. When I invite you, that means that I know that no-one is on my connection so it should be lag free, hopefully. :p

Oh btw, when you agree to a match and then decide not to play, at least have the courtesy to send me a message telling me so and not let me wait around for you only for you to never turn up. :(


EFL Founder

btw hustle i see you join my room today n' then left, i figured you dc'd before really getting in the room. hit me up for some games, jay and laloco say you suck real bad so i thought i'd play ya when i get the chance :p
Make sure you have the Preparation H handy.
hahahahha he's talking about LiLloco or whatever the fuck who sucks everyone's dick when they're in the room then apparently talks mad shit later.

There's like 20 of those jays and they're all fuckin gay.

"I think/hope you would give me a better rating if we played more games with less lag.
" - SkateBlind

My rating was honest. I haven't rated a bunch of people on here; that's about where you are. I woud have given you a better rating if you had earned it.