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Really interesting stuff. I was thinking that after an uppercut that sends an opponent on the opposite side of you could be poked into a move.

I think my favorite combo was the fireball one.❤


Ive seen the leprechaun
tips for a beginner sheeva user?

does anyone have any tips for someone just starting to use sheeva? i just started to pick her up but im terrible lol any ideas on how to improve my game?
Don't throw out pokes that aren't 4, F4, 1 2, or 212 unless you're doing a jump in where speed doesn't matter. Up close you want to pressure with D3 and read their reaction. If they jump back, dash F4 or BF3 if you can reach. If they attempt to cross up, upper cut, if they jump straight up, air grab or upper cut. If they start to throw their own pokes, Ex DB3. Throw in spontaneous throws after a single D3.

Don't throw out random telestomps. Most good players know how to deal with them. Most XRays also beat it out clean, even if you go behind them they can time it right.

Don't ground stomp unless you're 3/4 - full screen. Fireball is unsafe 1/4 of the screen.

Punish with 212F1 BF3 or 12B1 dash 4 BF3. You can also do 12B1 dash 1B2 DF1 for about 4% less damage, but you land right beside your opponent for more mix up opportunities, or more D3 pressure.

When the opponent is knocked down, you can pressure with B12 or 3 but the opponent can just stay on the ground and do a wake up attack. It's better to just pressure with D3, throws, bait an unsafe wake up, cross up, or random telestomps. If the opponent stays on the ground, telestomp.
I'm not a Sheeva player but would apreciate some input on her dark arts after playing only my second long set vs one last night - I use Sub Zero.

My main issue with her was when Telestomp lands (which it does eventually), the Sheeva I played rinsed wake up grab. Not command grab or low command grab, just grab. So normals in this situation are just dumb (I tried anyway as I got rinsed by it for a few games so wanted to just check), you can block (but get grabbed), I could not seem to jump....maybe something to do with the start up frames on the jump? I also could not at the time get wake up slide (but have since worked out the timing is slightly different and slide wins but is risky). crouching without block I did not try, so maybe a solution? Anyway my only out during the set was to tech the throw, which then resulted in my opponent just doing another stomp the next time (head fucking me if I'm being frank), which got my tech/normal recovery lol. On the whole it was a fairly gruesome mix up and from reviewing the games in my mind it was the main thing that kept the Sheeva I was playing in rounds and got them some wins. What I'd lik to understand; is Throw after stomp guranteed vs most options especially jumps, as I have not heard of any hard knockdown moves that result in a nearly guaranteed normal throw setup, especially one you can't jump away from (jump punch and kick setups yes, but not from knockdown)?
Something that you guys probably already know but I've never seen mentioned, if you buffer a telestomp so that Sheeva lands in front of or behind her opponent, you can just hold down and she'll basically land ducking (or at least duck as soon as possible, which is very quickly.) I can't play online, cause it's trash, but it seems to me that this could be a decent option for people who like to do strings that start with highs, you could either uppercut them, or cancel a d+3 or 4 into more pressure.


I really wish the grab and punch was unblockable. It is a throw after all, so why not give it the same properties as a normal throw? I think Sheeva's game would improve a ton if they just made that one change.


That would be overpowered. Especially because of her 212 string... and how is it a throw?
Cyrax has 3 different types of unblockable throws. Why not give Sheeva, who's much more of a true "grappler" character, one unblockable throw?

For the record, I'd also like to see Kano's choke and Jax's gotcha' grab made unblockable, too.


Cyrax has 3 different types of unblockable throws. Why not give Sheeva, who's much more of a true "grappler" character, one unblockable throw?

For the record, I'd also like to see Kano's choke and Jax's gotcha' grab made unblockable, too.
Yea, just what Kano needs his choke -a- bitch to be unblockable because we know Kano isn't ridiculous enough and this is coming from someone who plays Kano.
I mean I can see where your coming from on Sheeva and maybe Jax but Kano needs that like I need a hole drilled in my head, then filled with honey and ants and cemented close.


Well I'm assuming they'll eventually fix Kano's upball so it's not so abusable.

Once the upball stops dominating everything, he'll need some help again.


So Sheeva's normal throw seems to be the best way to punish quick-recovering attacks.

I was able to land a throw after blocking Raiden's 3, 3, 4 string, Kano's upball, and Reptile's dash, which are some of the fastest-recovering moves in the game.

Definitely still worth using Sheeva's 2, 1, 2, F1, grab and punch combo against moves that have longer recovery time, though.
Yes. I disagree that bf3 is ever a viable punisher agianst anything that doesn't leave them far away. But if it works for you, sure.
Well, it's better for punishing blocked teleports than an uppercut at least.
And yeah, if a throw is her best punisher, she really doesn't have any good punishers.
The whole problem with Sheeva is that none of her moves are fast.
The 12% fireball is nice, the teleport stomp is nice if you use it correctly, and the hit armor on EX bf+3 is nice, but she has no good options on wakeup and EVERYTHING she has just comes out soooooooooooooo damn slow. At least she's playable now (after going through 2 incarnations of buffs), but you'll still have to outthink, outplay, and outwork an equally skilled opponent to win.


Well, it's better for punishing blocked teleports than an uppercut at least.
And yeah, if a throw is her best punisher, she really doesn't have any good punishers.
The whole problem with Sheeva is that none of her moves are fast.
2, 1, 2, F1, grab and punch (30% damage) is a good punisher, it just comes out too slow against some of the moves in the game that have real quick recovery (Raiden's strings, Kano's ball, Reptile's dash). Thankfully, the recovery on a lot of those moves is getting nerfed in the patch.

In the meantime, her normal throw seams to be the quickest punisher I've found so far, even though it is only 14% damage.

I was getting completely owned by Raiden (there are a lot of them online) until I figured out you could land her throw after a blocked Raiden string.
Is her uppercut any good? One of the great buffs they gave to Baraka is they made his uppercut (which was the slowest in the game) into one of the fastest, so now if I read a Raiden teleport, I can just uppercut and it knocks that crispy SOB on his ass.


Sheeva's uppercut is medium speed compared to the entire cast of characters.

But it's too slow to punish moves that have really quick recovery. I couldn't land it on a Raiden teleport.


Sheeva isn't Goro's wife. Goro is her husband.
Sheeva's uppercut is the slowest in the game in my opinion, along with Jade (people say Jade's is slower, but I disagree form experience). It however has the LONGEST horizontal/forward range of any uppercut in the game. The uppercut should be treated a tech crouch high kick, because it hits that far. However, it has the worst verticle coverage. Her uppectut is one of the worst anti airs in the game. Keep that in mind.


What move do you guys do to defend against jump-ins and cross-ups?

Uppercut is too slow and I just can't input the anti-air grab fast enough to react to a jump-in.

Are there any normal attacks I can use to counter jump-happy players?