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Don't know if anyone has posted this yet, or if everyone has it,
but Sheeva has this really fast dash crouching punch, I do it on accident sometimes when I df+1, but for me when I double tap diagonal-down-towards+1 I can do it and puts people in their place.


I asked Tom on S1LENT's stream... supposedly Sheeva's low command grab has invincible frames on wakeup. She'd probably still be screwed if that gets blocked, though...
I asked Tom on S1LENT's stream... supposedly Sheeva's low command grab has invincible frames on wakeup. She'd probably still be screwed if that gets blocked, though...
Ex Grab has invincible frames on it's own as well.

Her wake up game is fine though. At a distance she can DU or DB4. At sweep distance if someone jumps, BF3 for 18%. If someones up close, then learn to block, she's not the only character with bad wake up game.


Apparently NRS has said the netcode will be vastly improved in the coming month, Im really looking forward to that! Will be nice to finally face some good opposition.

Anyway, as people as stated before, yeah the damage buff really isnt enough and is not really what she needs, but still its something. Have to be positive, at least we got something. I´ve been thinking a bit about stuff that could improve her and Ive come up with some pretty funny ideas...I think a lot of people has said that EX BF3 should have super armor and I´m not really sure about that. How about if normal BF3 ground bounced? Maybe not much mid-screen, just enough so you could either close the distance with a dash before they land, or choose to go for some extra damage with a F4 or something like that. In the corner it could lead to stronger combos, but there should not be enough bounce for Sheeva to get in a quad toss afterwards, since that will probably lead to way too much damage, like 70-80% combos or something like that.

And just like the spear and similar moves, if its performed twice in a combo then the opponent just slides on the floor. Im not really offering this up as the thing that will save Sheeva, its just a thought really.

I think something needs to be done with her Anti-air grab, since it feels pretty lacklustre to me. EX version is pretty useless too since all it seems to do is add more damage. I think it needs a bit longer range. Also it seems to bug the AI out in training, since if you use it, the computer cant do wakeup or anything, but as bronzefist said, you can do normal wakeup after anti-air grab.

Also Page the low grab can be hitconfirmed. If the opponent blocks 212 low, the DB3 is inescapable as far as I know.
I'd like if her throw ground bounced like in UMK3. Make her a true grappler and make the opponent scared to be up close.

AA grab is how I end my combos. They can't roll back after it and either puts you in a very good position, around a quarter away in the screen from your opponent or in a position to dash and put on more pressure which is amazing if your opponent has a terrible wake up game (Shang Tsung Scorpion etc). 1 2 B1 dash 1 B2 DF1 is 27%, which is only 4 less percent then ending it with dash 4 BF3.

Really though I think she's alright. The damage buff helped tremendously I find. 16 % for Ex DB4 is really really nice.


The damage buff is a big help, but it doesn't address the areas she had real problems in. Still have to work around that, she's still basically free vs Raiden, for example. Not that she's the only character who gets demolished by Riaden, but it's still there.


Sheeva isn't Goro's wife. Goro is her husband.
The damage buff is a big help, but it doesn't address the areas she had real problems in. Still have to work around that, she's still basically free vs Raiden, for example. Not that she's the only character who gets demolished by Riaden, but it's still there.
And here I had higher hopes for the fix. She needs the enhanced bf3 to have armor. I keep screaming that over and over again. We'll see what NRS does with the patch. I don't see too many new buffs from it though. If they fixed her x-ray and gave her armor, she would be an instant tournament contender. She won't win, but she'll do well.


EX BF3 should totally have armor, im definitely with that idea. itd be a nice interrupt and thus a good grab. i still hate how some of her EXs are still pretty useless and the best use of Meter is either breaker or X-ray. but im sure we'll get something. the games not really "DONE" yet so theres still plenty they could change to make her viable for tourney play so im confident we'l get there with her in time. SHEEVA 4 EVO!!!!
Why does ex BF3 need armor?

i still hate how some of her EXs are still pretty useless and the best use of Meter is either breaker or X-ray.
Ex BF3 is not useless if you're sending them to the wall. Ex DB4 is not useless if you don't just randomly throw it out.
Sheeva needs armor because she's one of the most free characters in the game when it comes to wakeup. All of her wakeup attacks suck ass and are too slow to take advantage of the 8 frames of invincibility. She has nothing threatening on wakeup at all. Nothing to make the opponent second guess attacking her. Fast attacks like Sub Zero's slide, Raiden's torpedo, etc are all better options than what she gets even though they are punishable on block. They still at least make the opponent respect the character's wakeup.

She needs armor on either EX b,f+3, EX stomp, or EX d,b+4. I honestly think she'd be better suited to armor on EX stomp more than anything else. Kung Lao gets armor on his EX teleport and it can lead to a throw or a combo (which is fucking retarded), so give her some of that bullshit too.


Fresh Sheeva business incoming:

Only works against crouch block for some reason. I need to add it to my game just because it's funny.


Sheeva isn't Goro's wife. Goro is her husband.
Good find Page. Some good old fashioned research on crouch throw properties is in order.


So what should I be doing on wakeup? Im playing online losing to ass people which isn't exactly suprising but it just seems sometimes like I can be dominating then next second im pushed into corner and all my health is gone. She's so slow even when I know I'm at advantage I can't get anything in and get slapped by skrubpions.

btw why doesnt sheeva have a koth avatar? :(


Yeah that was a really impressive find Page. Did some research into it and it turns out, that if you hit crouchers with ANY overhead, he is low grabbable. Works with n/j 1, 2 if it hits overhead.

This seem to have an even bigger effect in tag mode however, since every character who you can tag in on after an overhead can set up the low grab from a hit. Best example is Scorpions launching overhead probably. Some can even do it mid-screen, like Jade´s staff overhead.


guys i need help leveling up my Sheeva. im gettign tired of having my best damage coming from stomps and fireballs and uppercuts anf not doing any bnb combos like 212BF3 and a few others. im so afraid to go in because i know just about everybody is faster on command than me and so i stomp and ZONE ZONE ZONE and sometimes win. i know i can take her farther than this and is there really anything i can do (besides learning air grab which i must be honest i have not been using enough of) to get in and bring the pain like i know she can?


Sheeva isn't Goro's wife. Goro is her husband.
Welcome to the world of all Sheeva players. It's not dealing damage. It's landing the first to hit to deal that big damage that's so hard. You're going to be confined to that playstyle of landing small one-shots until your opponent gets careless and you land something big. At this point, that's the only strategy for Sheeva that is consistently viable


when it comes to traditional "grapplers" their all about dishing the damage up close. Since she doesnt have single pokes that lead to huge mid-screen juggles, she relies on a very patient, but strategic rush-down to stay close...her golden area is the corner where whatever your opponent does can be potentially grabbed and then comboed big.

In my opinion, a high level enough sheeva player can read his/her opponent enough to predict where they will be and have the possibility to map out larger combo scenarios. However...online MK9 is not the place where thats going to happen. At least until they fix the netcode


when it comes to traditional "grapplers" their all about dishing the damage up close. Since she doesnt have single pokes that lead to huge mid-screen juggles, she relies on a very patient, but strategic rush-down to stay close...her golden area is the corner where whatever your opponent does can be potentially grabbed and then comboed big.

In my opinion, a high level enough sheeva player can read his/her opponent enough to predict where they will be and have the possibility to map out larger combo scenarios. However...online MK9 is not the place where thats going to happen. At least until they fix the netcode
yeah, and unfortunately for right now thats what i have to work with. T_T