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I dunno if it's 100% true or not but I have frequently heard that all wake up attacks get 8 frames of invulnerability, so you guys should keep that in mind if the opponent is hitting you out of her wakeup specials. The opponent's attacks may be hitting after the invuln frames wear off.

Any of you guys been using tick throw setups with her, and so after what attacks? b,f+3 on block is a great setup for a dash-in throw but it obviously can't be abused.


Loving the new video page, that Nj 1/2 adds a bit more damage to that combo. My opinion is that if you are doing that combo in the corner, you should always to the EX BF3 because then you can throw them back in the corner and resume Sheevas devastating corner game.

Also for the tick throws, I think that blocked BF3´s are her best bet actually. I haven´t looked into that very much actually though.
I haven't tested this against people yet, but I'm liking her d+3 low poke. Very fast (for Sheeva) and it seems like she can use it pretty rapidly, even on block. When I get to playing some people I will mess around with it more and see what's up. I'm hoping that constant d+3 annoyance will get someone to crouch block so that I can setup her crouch grab. You can also buffer her crouch grab even if the d+3 is blocked, so if the opponent remains crouching he/she will get grabbed.
Yeah it works with d+4 (and d+1) as well. Her d+4 has much better range than her d+3 but its a lot slower. I like her d+4 but I think d+3 will be much better for dash-cancel mixups and pressure since every time you are in range to land a d+3, you are also in range to land her crouch grab.


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What's Sheeva's fastest attack/jab/kick? Seems like when the opponent is down the only time you'll be able to hit them first when they don't use a wake up special is when they're not that good/ when the console is switched off.


I believe 2 is her fastest attack and it is very fast. F4 is also quite fast but you need to have some space in order to use it. 4 is also reasonably fast and you can get a BF3 afterwards to gain advantage, it also reaches very far. 1 is also reasonably fast but is easily crouched and doesen´t have very good range. The rest of her attacks are painfully slow. However, as said before, poking with D3 and D4 seem pretty useful since it goes under many high, fast attacks.

I also believe we should ask ourselves how well Sheeva will fare in the Armless Kombat metagame.


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OMG, I just faced Never Goin Pro, Gunmetal from Justin.TV, the dude who was like ranked 4 on xbl in MVC3. I beat him and someone else in king of the hill (but then I fled because I was too nervous and didn't want to be made fun of in front of hundreds of viewers for losing :D)

The point is, a lot of people were like "Wow, Sheeva user?" or "Finally a decent sheeva user" etc. cause a lot of people aren't used to Sheeva. Use that to your advantage guys! NGP used Noob, and beat me the first match. I took him out the second two matches, one with a flawless. I was also on the chat stream, looking at myself play (when I was Xray'd) and asking how I was doing; whether they felt I was being cheap etc. They said I had great timing (a must since sheeva is slow) and that I knew how to counter his moves (I didn't really know what they meant). I'm by NO means as good as you guys when it comes to combos and what not, so I was kinda proud of myself. A surprising number of people cheered me on NGP himself said that I was an okay player, AFTER he was done yelling obscenities. If he recorded the match you should be able to see it on JTV. FELLOW SHEEVA MAINERS, OUR DEDICATION TO SHEEVA IS PAYING OFF!


Hey Ricky, congrats on your victory! Wish I could play online, It´s proven to be absolutely unplayable for me. Might have to shelf this game unless they improve the netcode noticeably.


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I already have..lol.
Nodoubt, how could you?!;_;
For a week and a half I couldn't get into a single match and the ones I got into Dcd me and gave me losses. I've never quit or dc'd but I now have 17 disconnects. But I didn't give up. I persevered, trusted in Sheeva and all of a sudden online started to work again. I'm now 424-55 online. Using Sheeva for 94% of the matches.


The online play just doesnt do it for me, the delay is so heavy I can barely do a 3-hit string let alone block on reaction. Until I get a car again, I cant make it to any offline gatherings atm but im glad iv gotten to do all the combos in practice iv ever wanted so far n caught tom brady's attention in explaining how sheeva aint so bad thanks to seeing me on s1lents koth stream lol.

ill keep the combo thread updated tho n hopefully things might turn around


The online play just doesnt do it for me, the delay is so heavy I can barely do a 3-hit string let alone block on reaction. Until I get a car again, I cant make it to any offline gatherings atm but im glad iv gotten to do all the combos in practice iv ever wanted so far n caught tom brady's attention in explaining how sheeva aint so bad thanks to seeing me on s1lents koth stream lol.

ill keep the combo thread updated tho n hopefully things might turn around
Yeah I agree with this. Doesent even matter if I have a car or not because nobody wants to play anything requiring a thought process where I live. I am really enjoying exploring stuff and finding new combos and such so I will probably keep working with that Tag guide for a long while and hopefully more people will start contributing to it in time.

But man the online is completely unplayable to me. Even when I play people from my own country who doesent live very far away its really hard to pull off normal bnbs. Its really frustrating since when I play Blazblue I can play lag-free with people all over EU and even some from the US and Japan.

Edit: I might be REALLY late with this, but it does seem that the anti-air grab disables all forms of wake-up. The only response the opponent can do is block afterwards. I think this is vital for corner pressure, since now the opponent CANNOT get out if he blocks high since its so easy to hitconfirm with 2,1,2,F1. If string is blocked, then do BF3 for block advantage. If hit, do DF1 and eliminate all chance of escape. If performed properly, the opponents ONLY way to counter is with a sweep or a low. Which you counter with the low grab.
Edit: I might be REALLY late with this, but it does seem that the anti-air grab disables all forms of wake-up. The only response the opponent can do is block afterwards. I think this is vital for corner pressure, since now the opponent CANNOT get out if he blocks high since its so easy to hitconfirm with 2,1,2,F1. If string is blocked, then do BF3 for block advantage. If hit, do DF1 and eliminate all chance of escape. If performed properly, the opponents ONLY way to counter is with a sweep or a low. Which you counter with the low grab.
Hrrrmmm You sure about this? I tried this in practice mode and the CPU is still able to use wakeup attacks after her air throw. I don't think you can roll backwards though.


I finally completed a list of which characters can duck the final overhead hit in Sheeva's 2,1,2,f+1 string. These characters can crouch block the entire string and the overhead attack (f+1) will WHIFF right over them:

-all female characters (except for Sheeva), Reptile, Baraka, Kabal, Johnny Cage, Noob, Smoke, Sektor, Jax, Kano, Quan Chi, Kratos

Ughh that ended up being a very large amount of the cast, so using 2,1,2,f+1 xx b,f+3 as a safe block string on them is a no go.
sheeva is like all characters: doesnt matter where she lands on the tier list, its all on who is using her. i thought we learned this when gamerbee schooled justin wong in the art of respecting "low tier" characters? i always have loved low tier characters i.e zafina in tekken 6 adon in SSF4 rachel in BBCS and just cause she may not have the damage output as some other characters do, doesnt mean she isnt a good character. if anything it means we have to try a little harder :)


sheeva is like all characters: doesnt matter where she lands on the tier list, its all on who is using her. i thought we learned this when gamerbee schooled justin wong in the art of respecting "low tier" characters? i always have loved low tier characters i.e zafina in tekken 6 adon in SSF4 rachel in BBCS and just cause she may not have the damage output as some other characters do, doesnt mean she isnt a good character. if anything it means we have to try a little harder :)
I agree and iv been sayin this all along. Its not the character that effects how good player performs, its the player that dictates the character. Iv made it in the top 3 at a tourney using mid tiers and so can anyone else.

With that being said I just think players should ignore tier lists and always use someone they truely like. Then the character will always be as good as the player.
I never use 2, 1, 2 string unless it's to punish. B1, 2 is a very good spammable string that can also lead to a throw, low grab, sweep, or whatever else. Arion likes to use 3 when the opponent on wake up, which I have adopted myself. :)

Something I've also been wondering, would 2 be a viable AA? I find 4 has more of a horizontal/diagonal range rather than vertical for dealing with the meatier jump ins.
I never use 2, 1, 2 string unless it's to punish. B1, 2 is a very good spammable string that can also lead to a throw, low grab, sweep, or whatever else. Arion likes to use 3 when the opponent on wake up, which I have adopted myself. :)

Something I've also been wondering, would 2 be a viable AA? I find 4 has more of a horizontal/diagonal range rather than vertical for dealing with the meatier jump ins.
Hrmmm I like 2,1,2,f+1 xx b,f+3 alot. Gives decent meter and +frames on block, plus you get the overhead. The biggest problem though is that the overhead will whiff on so many crouching characters. :/ Otherwise 2,1,2 xx b,f+3 is a good alternative.

Arion uses her standing 3 on wakeup? What? Why? I'm confused.

For close vertical AA just use her AA grab or her uppercut. I think her 2 is too slow at that range.

Finally got to play another human. Holy fuck is she free on wakeup. =( I was hoping that her wakeup attacks would have some use, but fuck no. All of them are way too slow. I pretty much saved all my meter for combo breakers or X-Ray. Didn't use her EX moves stuff at all.

I loooooovveeee her f+4.


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Got my 500th win yesterday guys. Sheeva helped me get like 389 of those. I had to get it with my fav character though, not my main Sheeva. I used subzero. Now I'm 510-70. I couldn't have done it if it wasn't for Sheeva *sniff* *sniff* I love Sheeva....;_;
Arion uses her standing 3 on wakeup? What? Why? I'm confused.
It hits crouching opponents, catches whenever they try to jump and easily cancels into BF3.

Holy fuck is she free on wakeup.
Yeah... you basically need to just roll back if the opponent is unable to punish you, try to sneak a poke in, block, or cry.

Noob question. Is there fuzzy guard in this game..? It would make 2 1 2 so much better.

And anyone fight a decent Sektor or Reptile yet? Sektor.. can't teleport because of his own teleport. Can't jump because of his teleport and flame, hard to zone with his teleport, and hard to get in because of missles. Reptile.. his wake up options are far too good granted you get in between force balls in the first place.

One more tidbit, after a throw you have enough time to dash in and go for another throw. I actually learned last week that her throw does an extra 2% damage.. never realized. :)


Sheeva isn't Goro's wife. Goro is her husband.
Sektor destroys Sheeva. All up missiles beat stomp. She's pretty much gotta get in and just stay there. Give up damage for wake-up. B,F+3 should be used sparingly in combos, as it gives distance that you may not want to give him.
Sektor destroys Sheeva. All up missiles beat stomp. She's pretty much gotta get in and just stay there. Give up damage for wake-up. B,F+3 should be used sparingly in combos, as it gives distance that you may not want to give him.
That's what I was thinking. I also was toying around with using stomps in combos, and 2 1 2 F1 DU puts you right back in your opponents face, I might try that.
Hi, Sheeva players¡¡¡
I was playing king of the hill when i saw a mate doing the stomp and then he follows allways with a throw and every single times it connects...
I do it and it happens to me, i ALLWAYS continue the stomp with a throw...it happens because it´s online? or does stomp has advantage on hit? What do the opponent might to avoid it? jump?so ... DF1 then?